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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)


I can't figure out how you are going to break 20. Looking at last years game 4 of your FGs came when you were given the ball within your kickers FG range. I don't expect a repeat of that kind of luck. Last year you had one good TD drive and on the other FG, you still got the ball on the tOSU 47.

My best estimate is tOSU scores 13-17, any more than that will require a kick return for TD or a defensive score.

The real question is how are you going to score? lets see

new qb's with no completions
receivers with no receptions
a new tight end
a new running back

how about Osu 3 texas 0 ( kidding )
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Best Buckeye said:
The real question is how are you going to score? lets see

new qb's with no completions
receivers with no receptions
a new tight end
a new running back

how about Osu 3 texas 0 ( kidding )
no, the REAL question for him is if he realizes what happened last year at OSU.....or if he even watched it.

Every NC team has luck go their way at least once in a season. Last year, aside from a pathetic conference schedule, luck occurred for Texas in the form of Troy Smith being suspended. I really wish somebody from Texas would acknowledge this. While the Texas D played a part in keeping OSU out of the endzone, it wasn't the only factor.......and the offense will be emphatically better than the one they saw last year.
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i agree

no, the REAL question for him is if he realizes what happened last year at OSU.....or if he even watched it.

Every NC team has luck go their way at least once in a season. Last year, aside from a pathetic conference schedule, luck occurred for Texas in the form of Troy Smith being suspended. I really wish somebody from Texas would acknowledge this. While the Texas D played a part in keeping OSU out of the endzone, it wasn't the only factor.......and the offense will be emphatically better than the one they saw last year.
I had those thoughts too. apparently they didnt notice that Troy ended up being the sixth(? )rated qb in the nation last year.
I noticed that he seems to think that the buckeye offense will only be as good as they were last year at the time of the game. I just didnt want to overload him or :horse:
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i will aknowledge that Troy turned out to be one of the best in the Nation, but I refuse to say that he would have been a difference maker in that game

Passing: Smith, Troy 5-11-0-78.
even less impressive when you realize that 36 of those were on one pass to Holmes

rushing: Smith,Troy 13-27~ two yards per carry.

The fact is that even if he had played the whole game, he was still rusty

...and Hambone's unfortunate drop and JH's missed FG.

I am much more willing to point to these spots as lucky than Troy Smith
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i will aknowledge that Troy turned out to be one of the best in the Nation, but I refuse to say that he would have been a difference maker in that game"

So you dont think that the Troy smith of the year end talents would be any better than the one who actually played the texas game? HMMMMM:oh: :io:
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High Lonesome said:
i will aknowledge that Troy turned out to be one of the best in the Nation, but I refuse to say that he would have been a difference maker in that game

Passing: Smith, Troy 5-11-0-78.
even less impressive when you realize that 36 of those were on one pass to Holmes

rushing: Smith,Troy 13-27~ two yards per carry.

The fact is that even if he had played the whole game, he was still rusty

I am much more willing to point to these spots as lucky than Troy Smith
Part of Troy being suspended was that he didn't get bowl game practice, bowl game PT, or 1st team reps during spring & summer ball or during the Miami(Oh) week.

Had he not been suspended, would he still be "rusty"?
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Part of Troy being suspended was that he didn't get bowl game practice, bowl game PT, or 1st team reps during spring & summer ball or during the Miami(Oh) week.

Had he not been suspended, would he still be "rusty"?

Well I am not sure...but I know this, when a player is suspended I don't file it under lucky. It is in my view unfortunate for the buckeyes but not lucky for Texas, we can only play who is put on the field.
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