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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I've noticed a lot of people have been saying Troy Smith or Ted Ginn will have to come up huge for the Buckeyes to be able to win, but I think Antonio Pittman will have to have a great game for the Bucks to win. A big game for Pittman is definently possible, as scarletngrey pointed out we will be able to run the ball, which makes it possible for Pittman to come up huge. Also, watch out for Chris Wells who might also have a relatively large impact on the game.
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So losing Huff/Rodriguez/Harris and whoever esle (don't know who else) isn't going to be a problem? It doesn't matter right because Harris is being replaced by a bigger smarter faster player correct?

By the way x-ray your stats are incorrect for the linebackers. Kerr our middle linebacker had over 100 tackles his freshman year at Indiana almost as much as your ENTIRE corps... I'd say your stats for our linebackers are a bit off... I don't know if he's even Ohio State's best MLB but if you go by stats he would be for BOTH teams. Stats don't mean everything for instance just because some body has a shit load of tackles doesn't mean he's a bad ass on the field. Have you ever thought that maybe the other teams offense has decided to pick on that certain player there by actually just giving him stats?

Temperature WILL NOT be a problem in september... we don't even know the weather report yet for that day?! I mean for all we know it could be stormy and rainy with a cold front coming in and it could be in th 80's? So lets say it's 100 that day, tosu will be practicing in 90 degree weather come August time and if you don't think they wont' condition these boys hard then you're wrong. tosu is known for winning the 4th quarter which can be a great testement to our conditioning, and fwiw I do realize Texas did win the 4th quarter last year.

If you want to talk depth then this is definatly not the year to make it. On defense we have as many as 7 players that are leaving impressions on the coaches and who will be hard to keep off the field at linebacker. We generally rotate our d-lineman as always. The only depth concern we may have is at Cornerback right now..Because Jenkins #2 and whoever else starts at CB won't be coming off the field. The safties however can be rotated if possible with Anderson Russel really pushing for playing time. What's the advantage of being a talented/young/deep defense?? The answer is it doesn't really matter who you put out there because they'll be just as talented with just as much experience as the guy infront of them (holding Kerr). So maybe I should say I hope you don't expect the weather to play a big role in the game because it doesn't really matter.

Oh yeah I think our offense has more depth than yours so I suppose that spells bad news for your defense right? probably not....Unlike you who lost both your QB's and one of your running backs (probably your most talented running back in Romonce). We return all our QB's and all our Running backs as well as the majority of the 2 deep on the oline (Texas' oline is just as good and deep as ours though). Wide recievers are still very deep as well (so are yours), but where I think we seperate is QB/Running back. You only have 2 backs you can use and we have 3-4.
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The Texas Defense won last years game. With the field position tOSU enjoyed all game long, tOSU should have hung 45 on Texas, and would have against any ohter deafense. Bad news for tOSU, the 2006 Texas defense will be just as good, and probably better considering the added depth with the front 7. Our linebacker situation is a definite improvement. The UT secondary will be the best you face all year.

No, a non-catching TE and revolving QBs kept us from hanging 30+ on the mighty Texas defense. It's going to be a real joy watching us actually do that in Austin...
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Texas had the 10th ranked total defense last year, the 8th ranked pass defense, and the 33rd ranked rushing defense.

Ohio State will be able to run the ball.

Not true. You have failed to consider that Texas slipped in the rushing defense ratings only after Crowder, Robison and Harris were injured. Before that UT was giving up 93.3 yards per game, easily top ten. You probably don't sniff the 111 yards rushing you had last year.
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Not true. You have failed to consider that Texas slipped in the rushing defense ratings only after Crowder, Robison and Harris were injured. Before that UT was giving up 93.3 yards per game, easily top ten. You probably don't sniff the 111 yards rushing you had last year.

Our line will be better, Pittman will be better, and Chris Wells is a better second option than we had last year.

But we wont get the yards we had last year. :shake:
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Not true. You have failed to consider that Texas slipped in the rushing defense ratings only after Crowder, Robison and Harris were injured. Before that UT was giving up 93.3 yards per game, easily top ten. You probably don't sniff the 111 yards rushing you had last year.

Your D will be good, but you will not be as good up the middle. You've got two very talented ends in Crowder and Robison. Okam is pretty solid at tackle, but you will miss Wright.....the guy was a roadblock imho. In the secondary Griffin will be very solid, but again.......the loss of Huff will hurt the continuity in the secondary.

I honestly don't think Texas will be as solid on D this year......the same can be said for OSU. The exception is that our offense will be much better than it was in last years game......and yours will not be. A green QB making his second start will be the difference in this game.

OSU will be much more solid on the D line this year, we lose some irreplacable LB's, but our secondary will be solid (again, young talent stepping). Texas will try to run the ball early and often in this game, if OSU's defensive line holds to form.......I think we win this game. If not, there will be more points scored than most anticipate.
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Not true. You have failed to consider that Texas slipped in the rushing defense ratings only after Crowder, Robison and Harris were injured. Before that UT was giving up 93.3 yards per game, easily top ten. You probably don't sniff the 111 yards rushing you had last year.

Well, goddamn, might as well not even show up. Can't crack 100 yards rushing, can't crack 100 yards passing. Shit, would you be kind enough to allow us a token FG late in the 4th quarter? :roll1:
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Texas had the 10th ranked total defense last year, the 8th ranked pass defense, and the 33rd ranked rushing defense.

Ohio State will be able to run the ball.

To do so against the Texas defense will require some success in the passing game. Until T. Smith proves that against the best secondary in the Nation, saying you will be able to run the ball is nothing more than a personal opinion.
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To do so against the Texas defense will require some success in the passing game. Until T. Smith proves that against the best secondary in the Nation, saying you will be able to run the ball is nothing more than a personal opinion.

You lost 2 starters in your secondary, including the best DB in the nation.

Yet you already crown them the "best secondary in the Nation."
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Ugh... quit talking about the weather. You don't think the OSU players have ever done any physical activity when it's in the 90's? It hit 95 in Columbus yesterday, 94 today, and 95 tomorrow. That argument is about as played out as team speed.

Texas loses 3083 yards, 26 TD's
Texas returns 0 yards, 0 TD's

Ohio State loses 0 yards, 0 TD's
Ohio State returns 2708 yards, 18 TD's

That's a delta of 5791 yards and 44 TD's, in Ohio State's favor.
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