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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Many Horns fans accept media statements that "analyse" our Buck's defense as lacking, simple because we lost a group to nfl/graduation. The departing D is a fact. What doesn't get much notice is the collective playing time last season of our returning D. And, the old saw applies here: our D practices against one of the most potent offenses in college football.

I believe it is wishful thinking to discount our Buck defense for '06. This is one hungry, motivated group of football players, many of whom had respectable playing time last season.
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I think there is too much reading into the pre season publications going on around here. We know tOSU, yall know UT. This arguement will not be won for another couple of months...

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As an outsider, all I am going to say is I think Ohio State takes this one. Texas lost their best player on both sides of the ball, and their all everything in VY. While this will be the first road test for the inexpirenced Buckeye D, it will also be the first test for the inexpierenced Texas QB. A good defensive gameplan for Tressel, and a big play by Ginn gives the Buckeyes a 24-14 W.

Now back to the argument already in progress.


That picture can't be posted enough.
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Here's a question for G-Force, who rushes for more yards Wolfe or Charles? My guess is Wolfe gets more yards, but Texas rushes for more than NIU. And here is a possible vBet for both NIU and UT fans alike, Ohio State holds either team to 55% of their respective team rushing avgerage from the 05 season.
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Here's a question for G-Force, who rushes for more yards Wolfe or Charles? My guess is Wolfe gets more yards, but Texas rushes for more than NIU. And here is a possible vBet for both NIU and UT fans alike, Ohio State holds either team to 55% of their respective team rushing avgerage from the 05 season.
Wolfe, althought I think you guys will be geared to stop the run in both games and try to make both teams beat you in the air.

Charles is good, and he will probably rush for more yards then last year, but his YPC is going to go down this year without Young standing next to him.

As for the Vbet, don't you feel as if that would be flawed for Texas? Without Young, I don't see them rushing for nearly as many yards this year. I don't see Ohio State cutting NIU's running output almost in half either.
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what I see as an advantage for osu is we can be a powerful running team. With Texas having troubles with Lendel/USC last year, I'd would hope we'd get that big o-line of ours as well as Pittman/our big back in CHRIS WELLS and just pound on the smaller linebackers Texas has.

But tOSU does not have Lattui or Mattua, or guards of their caliber. They deserve much of the credit for Lendale White's yards. Without that Pittman and Wells won't find nearly as many holes up the middle.
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Marcus Freeman has played quite a bit

Are we talking about the same Marcus Freeman with 1 solo tackle in his college career? What does "quite a bit" mean, 50 plays, 100? Or, are you saying more than that and Freeman is a poor tackler?

Laurintius has played a lot as well.

Again, are we talking about the Laurintius with 3 solo tackles in his college career? Did that take 100 plays or 150?

Those two have not played "a lot", or if they have they are inneffective. At least Kerr was productive at Indiana, so there is some indication that he is better than his #96 ranked linebacker ranking coming out of highschool. How much better remains to be seen.

If I were in your shoes I would not be so confident about the linebacker situation.
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If I were in your shoes I would not be so confident about the linebacker situation.

Not everyone has a hardon for stats like you do randy, I feel perfectly fine with our linebacking situation despite the lack of statistics. When you play behind arguably one of the best linebacking trios in the history of college football you aren't going to get many stats.
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But tOSU does not have Lattui or Mattua, or guards of their caliber. They deserve much of the credit for Lendale White's yards. Without that Pittman and Wells won't find nearly as many holes up the middle.

according to whom? CFN rates Doug Datish as the 12th best center in the country in there preseason ratings. CFN also ranks Ohio States offensive line a 9 last year they rated the OSU line an 8.

USC's line last year was exceptional CFN rated them a 10. That said, the difference between a line rated 10 vs 9 isnt the same as giving up 209 rushing yards to anything close to what you seem to think. Everyone remembers the big run by Bush. White is the back that did the actual damage.

Mark it down here and now, the buckeyes get at least 150 rushing yards out of Pittman and Wells.
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Not everyone has a hardon for stats like you do randy, I feel perfectly fine with our linebacking situation despite the lack of statistics. When you play behind arguably one of the best linebacking trios in the history of college football you aren't going to get many stats.

Actually, he has a hard on only for the stats that work for his argument and finds any way to either completely ignore or spin doctor away those that dont work for his argument.
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The Texas Defense won last years game. With the field position tOSU enjoyed all game long, tOSU should have hung 45 on Texas, and would have against any ohter deafense. Bad news for tOSU, the 2006 Texas defense will be just as good, and probably better considering the added depth with the front 7. Our linebacker situation is a definite improvement. The UT secondary will be the best you face all year.

No way in hell tOSU enjoys that type of field position this year, and it will take all of about 2 offensive series for T. Smith to figure out he's not playing against the ND defense. Is the tOSU offense good? Yes. Is watching footage of the tOSU offense against very bad defenses the source for all this what IMO is over optimism, I say yes. tOSU may win this game, but it will be because your defense has somehow gelled very quickly, and in only game two of the season, plays it's best game of the year.

V. Young did not play his best game of the year in the Shoe, but the Texas defense may have. Can the young tOSU do the same in Austin? It will be fun.
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The Texas Defense won last years game. With the field position tOSU enjoyed all game long, tOSU should have hung 45 on Texas, and would have against any ohter deafense. Bad news for tOSU, the 2006 Texas defense will be just as good, and probably better considering the added depth with the front 7. Our linebacker situation is a definite improvement. The UT secondary will be the best you face all year.

If I may :horse: I agree that OSU had the opportunity to embarass Texas, and there needs to be a credit given to UT's D.... However, you have - yet again - completely overlooked the fact that OSU was playing with 2 QBs last year. In essence, considering, we had 2 2nd string QBs splitting time against a very good D. I don't know that the "end of the year" Smith would have made all the difference, but I must say, I'd lhave liked our chances a lot better. Still, UT's D did indeed step up when it had to.

UTMC said:
No way in hell tOSU enjoys that type of field position this year, and it will take all of about 2 offensive series for T. Smith to figure out he's not playing against the ND defense. Is the tOSU offense good? Yes. Is watching footage of the tOSU offense against very bad defenses the source for all this what IMO is over optimism, I say yes. tOSU may win this game, but it will be because your defense has somehow gelled very quickly, and in only game two of the season, plays it's best game of the year.

Hard to say whether OSU will enjoy great field position this year. I hear your kick coverage unit has improved, but then, you are also going to be playing with a green QB... Could go either way... however, I guess based on probabilities, I'd reluctantly agree that OSU shouldn't expect an average starting position somewhere near it's own 40.

2 series to "figure it out" eh? I bet he's got it figured out before the game, because the coaches and Smith on his own will have watched miles of game film. I mean, come on man, do you think that any competent coaching staff would say, "Well, Troy, we'd prefer if you get ready for Notre Dame again, since we're playing Texas."

Maybe I just haven't been keeping up with this thread as much, but anyone who's arguing that ND's D and Texas' D are a virtual one in the same shouldn't be given much credibility (unless there is some sort of support for such an assertion of which I am wholly unaware.)

Ironic that you of all people would question the depth of someone's "rose colored glasses" though....

UTMC said:
V. Young did not play his best game of the year in the Shoe, but the Texas defense may have. Can the young tOSU do the same in Austin? It will be fun.

VY didn't play his best game... maybe.. However, you think maybe you should give some credit to OSU's D, since you seem so quick to give all the credit to Texas' D when the shoe's are reversed.

I do agree that it'll be fun...
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