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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

No offense but, improving from 32y/kr isn't saying much. Like I said I don't see it being 32 again but I do see it North of 20.

None taken. and usually I would agree with you, except at that point poor KO coverage was becomming our M.O. Earlier that year in the rose bowl Steve Breston ripped us a new one and then tOSU did the same...Later in the year Texas went to using starters on special teams and it quickly became a strength instead of a weakness. So while it is not that hard to improve from 32 ypk it was one of the most important changes we made all year.
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Does Anyone know how many tickets tosu has been alloted for the game? Because last year I was not happy with all the orange in the stadium!! lol Talk about a hard time leaving our stadium having Texas' fans cheering! I'd sure like to return the favor this year! I'm hoping for atleast 5-10 k there of our fans. You think that's reasonable?!

Visitors are given 4000 seats. They are located in the Northwest endzone. No tickets will be available to the public as all the seats, including the bleachers will be purchased by season ticket holders. Some of them are trying to make back a little money, so there will be tickets available. Who knows how many, but I doubt you get to 10,000.
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None taken. and usually I would agree with you, except at that point poor KO coverage was becomming our M.O. Earlier that year in the rose bowl Steve Breston ripped us a new one and then tOSU did the same...Later in the year Texas went to using starters on special teams and it quickly became a strength instead of a weakness. So while it is not that hard to improve from 32 ypk it was one of the most important changes we made all year.
OK, it is true that going from 32 yds per KR (in the OSU game) to under 20 ypk is impressive. But, isn't some of attributable to the lesser opposition faced in the games which followed? I think that is a fair question.
Also, I do recall that Brown was emphatic before the game in the Shoe that the KR woes were fixed, which proved not to be the case on the day. He did in fact go so far as to state that starters would be used on KR coverage, in that game.
Finally, looking with a clear eye to the OSU game versus the game before and those after Texas faced the Buckeyes it seems this was a true high tidewater mark for ypk on the return. Immediately after that game the ypk went down dramatically.

Perhaps it is as much the case that the Buckeyes had a very good blocking scheme for their kick return game, plus two good returners. I consider the jury still out over kick coverage, and our special teams once again very well stocked.

PS - You are falling down on the GOTP duties :)
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booo...hisss...Ok, you're probably right...:biggrin:



and I belive we hear all that "the kick coverage will be much improved this year over what Breaston did in the RB" last year.

...not that it helped tOSU win the game :shake:
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The personell on the kick coverage team did not change. Huff and Michael Griffin were on the outside lanes , along with a lot of players form the two deep, mostly DBs.

The change I noticed is that at tOSU and prior the first men down would try make a play by avoiding blockers and running themselves out of the play, while others would make no attempt to avoid blockers and get locked up. After tOSU that changed. The first men down, especially Erick Jackson, did a much better job crashing the wedge and at least redirecting the returner. At the same time others did a better job avoiding blockers, yet staying in their lanes.

It was a night and day difference in approach, technique and most importantly attitude. It is highly unlikely that the revert to the old approach. Except for Huff and Cedric, the entire kick coverage unit is back from last year.

And yes, this is a coaching problem. Coach Akina has coached the kick coverage unit for a long time. After tOSU coach Chizik got involved and fixed it.
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And yes, this is a coaching problem. Coach Akina has coached the kick coverage unit for a long time. After tOSU coach Chizik got involved and fixed it.

Guess I was wrong about switching to starters but I knew that there had been one large change...guess it was the switch to Chizik....regardless, Randy is right, it was night and day<!-- / message -->
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Guess I was wrong about switching to starters but I knew that there had been one large change...guess it was the switch to Chizik....regardless, Randy is right, it was night and day

Sorry but I dont see it that way. As NCAAsports.com(where they moved all the NCAA sport stats.) will point out, Ted Ginn was 4th in the nation in Kick returns last year. USC wasnt all that good at Kick Returns. Bush for the season only averaged 17.6 yards per KR. In the Rose bowl game Texas failed 4 out of 7 times they kicked allowing RETURNS of 21, 25, 22 and 30. Ginn on the other hand AVERAGED almost 30 yards per return.

USC's average starting feild position was the 24 1/2 yard line. Given that Bush averaged MORE than what he did in the season, Ginn certainly would have obtained his seasonal average. In other words the starting feild position would have been the 37 instead of the 24.

IMO, OSU will STILL cause problems for Texas in the speical teams arena.
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