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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Does Anyone know how many tickets tosu has been alloted for the game? Because last year I was not happy with all the orange in the stadium!! lol Talk about a hard time leaving our stadium having Texas' fans cheering! I'd sure like to return the favor this year! I'm hoping for atleast 5-10 k there of our fans. You think that's reasonable?!

Oh yeah isn't Texas' stadium going to have major renovation sometime in the near future?!
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It's all relative.

Lots of hot chicks on the previous several pages are an improvement over the previous topic, which was.......I have no idea. Whatever it was, pictures of hot chicks is better.

We can now progress from hot chicks to football. However, these things take time. But at least we are headed in the right direction.
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Does Anyone know how many tickets tosu has been alloted for the game? Because last year I was not happy with all the orange in the stadium!! lol Talk about a hard time leaving our stadium having Texas' fans cheering! I'd sure like to return the favor this year! I'm hoping for atleast 5-10 k there of our fans. You think that's reasonable?!

Oh yeah isn't Texas' stadium going to have major renovation sometime in the near future?!

Yeah, also is it true that bleacher seats are going to be put by the open endzone? If so, when? And how will tickets for these seats be sold. I'd be pissed if I shell out $300 for upper-deck seats, or $450 for endzone seats if the bleacher seats are gonna go for cheap(er).
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It's all relative.

Lots of hot chicks on the previous several pages are an improvement over the previous topic, which was.......I have no idea. Whatever it was, pictures of hot chicks is better.

We can now progress from hot chicks to football. However, these things take time. But at least we are headed in the right direction.

Speak for yourself, I was finished in seconds...ahh...I meant...nevermind...:p
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tOSU K/O Return yards 6 - 191. Every time I see that stat it drives me crazy. No way in hell that happens this year. This fact alone is why IMO this game is fairly low scoring. The 60 and 70 yard plays that ND allowed in the Fiesta Bowl, which in part is a contributing reason for all the hoopla over the 2006 tOSU offense, will not happen against the Texas defense. Damn, Im starting to get the feeling Texas may win this game.
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tOSU K/O Return yards 6 - 191. Every time I see that stat it drives me crazy. No way in hell that happens this year.

32 yards per return...not great KO coverage but not exactly atrocious either. What makes you think that Ginn won't be able to pop a long return or two, which right there will inflate the return average?
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Texas opponents average K/O return yardage for 2005 19.1 yards. If tOSU has another 191 kick return yards, it means Ginn has busted 2-3 long ones, and UT is in deep crap. I just dont see tOSU enjoying the type of field position they had last year. If Im right, this is a lower scoring game and I think Texas wins a game in the 20's.
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If I recall correctly, the Lower deck on the east and west sides goes up to about 50 rows. Same for the West side upper deck. The north endzone has about 30 rows. East side upper deck has about 20 rows.

None of the seats have an obstructed view......that's really the only good thing about having such a spread out stadium. None of the lower deck seats are obstructed by the overhanging upper deck (the view of the field, that is). But a bunch of them aren't great. You're not going to get a "good" seat and pay the lower end or even mid-range of EBAY prices. East side upper deck isn't bad, as long as you're not on the wrong side of the goal line. The top of the west upper deck seems like a mile above the field, but even if you're on the goal line up there, it's not as bad as the north endzone IMO. The 1st row of the north endzone is about 30-40 yards from the back of the endzone. So even though you'll have a great view of Smokey the Cannon and the Chaps chicks (Texas Pom, yummy), you'll be very far from the action. And as is typical with endzone seats, depth perception sucks- five yard out patterns look like bombs downfield. And drives at the other endzone are literally a tenth of a mile away.

There will be 2000 bleacher seats, I'd expect those to go for the same price as north endzone seats, maybe a little more for the novelty.

I should probably copy and paste this onto the tickets thread.
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Texas's/Texas' (apostrophe usage noted). Does any have the average starting field position for tOSU in game 1. It had to be something ridiculous.

Texas: Own 29
Ohio State: Own 42

<b>Drive Chart</b>

Drive Chart (Final)
2005 Ohio State Football
#2 Texas vs #4 Ohio State (Sep 10, 2005 at Columbus, Ohio)

<b> Drive Started Drive Ended Consumed</b>
<b>Team Qtr Spot Time Obtained Spot Time How Lost Pl-Yds TOP </b>
UT 1st T12 13:57 Punt O24 10:03 *FIELD GOAL 11-64 03:54
UT 1st T16 05:40 Punt O00 01:37 *TOUCHDOWN 10-84 04:03#
UT 2nd T31 14:11 Kickoff T44 11:36 Punt 5-13 02:35
UT 2nd T35 08:07 Kickoff T40 06:28 Interception 3-5 01:39
UT 2nd T20 04:33 Kickoff T30 03:49 Fumble 2-10 00:44
UT 2nd T46 00:31 Kickoff O20 00:02 *FIELD GOAL 4-34 00:29#
UT 3rd T20 15:00 Kickoff T23 14:19 Interception 2-3 00:41
UT 3rd T20 11:46 Kickoff O08 07:36 *FIELD GOAL 7-72 04:10#
UT 3rd T18 05:08 Kickoff T21 03:12 Punt 3-3 01:56
UT 3rd T08 02:02 Punt T11 00:15 Punt 3-3 01:47
UT 4th T12 13:24 Punt T37 10:07 Punt 7-25 03:17
UT 4th T33 05:00 Missed FG O00 02:37 *TOUCHDOWN 7-67 02:23
UT 4th O30 02:19 Fumble O01 00:25 Downs 5-29 01:54#
UT 4th O32 00:19 Kickoff O35 00:00 End of half 1--3 00:19

OSU 1st O41 15:00 Kickoff O46 13:57 Punt 3-5 01:03
OSU 1st O26 09:56 Kickoff O47 05:40 Punt 6-21 04:16
OSU 1st T36 01:30 Kickoff T28 14:17 *FIELD GOAL 5-8 02:13
OSU 2nd O20 11:36 Punt T00 08:11 *TOUCHDOWN 9-80 03:25
OSU 2nd T18 06:28 Interception T19 04:33 *FIELD GOAL 4--1 01:55#
OSU 2nd T30 03:49 Fumble T08 00:35 *FIELD GOAL 9-22 03:14#
OSU 2nd O25 00:00 Kickoff O25 00:00 End of half 0-0 00:00
OSU 3rd T37 14:19 Interception T26 11:46 *FIELD GOAL 6-11 02:33
OSU 3rd O47 07:28 Kickoff T08 05:12 *FIELD GOAL 7-45 02:16#
OSU 3rd O44 03:12 Punt T49 02:02 Punt 3-7 01:10
OSU 3rd O49 00:15 Punt T49 13:24 Punt 3-2 01:51
OSU 4th O30 10:07 Punt T33 05:00 Missed FG 11-37 05:07
OSU 4th O31 02:31 Kickoff O30 02:19 Fumble 1--1 00:12
OSU 4th O01 00:25 Downs O00 00:19 *SAFETY 1--1 00:06

<b>UT 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd </b>
<b> Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr Half Half Total</b>
Time of possession 07:57 05:41 08:38 07:53 13:38 16:31 30:09
3rd Down Conversions 2/3 0/2 0/3 2/4 2/5 2/7 4/12
Avg Field Position T14 T33 T16 T45 T26 T31 T29
4th Down Conversions 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/1 0/0 0/1 0/1

<b>OSU 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd </b>
<b> Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr Half Half Total</b>
Time of possession 07:03 09:19 06:22 07:07 16:22 13:29 29:51
3rd Down Conversions 1/3 3/6 0/3 1/3 4/9 1/6 5/15
Avg Field Position O43 O49 O50 O20 O46 O37 O42
4th Down Conversions 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0

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