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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

And thanks for leaving the inspirational pictures.:biggrin:

Hey man, High Lonesome hasn't exactly been keeping up his end of the bargain with the GOTP type stuff, we have a lot of ground to make up.


for exh...


Pittman/ Wells for 145 combined, somewhere in the Pitt - 90, C Wells 55 area.
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Stop messing up my fantasy!! this racist BS is too far off topic!!


like I said a few posts ago, and scenario'd in the last one

tOSU 31 - UT 20

Tejas fans worst nightmare come true, another winnable game, lost by conservative play calling and not just letting the kids "let fly" so to speak.

edit, crappy typing

edit take 2, DAMN THAT WOMAN IS FINE!!!

I say tOSU 28 Texas 24 and, I would eat 12 miles of her shit, just to see a crumpled polaroid picture of the hole it came out of.
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I don't see UT's return "D" getting much better this year, field position plays a big part in this game.


See, if you post pics of hot chicks, no one notices that you can't spell!


anyone else leaning low in thier chair trying to look up?
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I don't see UT's return "D" getting much better this year, field position plays a big part in this game.


See, if you post pics of hot chicks, no one notices that you can't spell!


anyone else leaning low in thier chair trying to look up?

It seems like every kick return is an adventure for UT. I know we better do a much better job than last year or we are in for a long night. P.S. No I haven't leaned down for a better view yet, thats next, but I have sniffed the screen a few times.
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