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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

HL, I don't know how you feel about latina's, but I personally would like to try this one on for size!



Oh, and tOSU wins, 31 - 20

Paint the endzones!!

I would crawl 10 miles on my belly over shattered glass, just to smell the exhaust fumes of the automobile that took her panties to the cleaners.
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Can we get away from the racism thing and back to the task at hand?!?!


the Tejas D shuts down a potent tOSU O until midway through the 3rd quarter when a persistent tOSU run game finally starts to pay dividends. The oft questioned UT QB manages the game fairly well sans 2 picks, one returned for a score. Mid third, tOSU 17 - UT 13, the t OSU run game finally wears down the D, and scores on two successive long drives, UT scores with less than a minute left on a brilliant drive by the frosh QB whom the coaches finally stopped holding back and just "let play".
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Stop messing up my fantasy!! this racist BS is too far off topic!!


like I said a few posts ago, and scenario'd in the last one

tOSU 31 - UT 20

Tejas fans worst nightmare come true, another winnable game, lost by conservative play calling and not just letting the kids "let fly" so to speak.

edit, crappy typing

edit take 2, DAMN THAT WOMAN IS FINE!!!
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Guys, let's try real hard to stay on topic.

The race and height issue is an interesting issue/debate when it comes to QBs. I just don't see it as one of the keys to the Texas-Ohio State game.

Perhaps, we should beat that mare in an other thread.
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is the goal here to distract them from the content of your posts? :) (UTMNC might have had a better run of things had he used this approach)

Dude please...

Eva Mendez could distract Billy Graham from the collections plate!


in case you haven't noticed there really is actual content to my posts.

O Deer Lowered booty booty booty bootyfull!!!!

Did I mention tOSU over Tejas 31 - 20 ???
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If anyone wishes to continue to discuss the race question, unless it's a Jamaal Charles vs. Ted Ginn match-race, that topic has been moved into the reference locker.
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If anyone wishes to continue to discuss the race question, unless it's a Jamaal Charles vs. Ted Ginn match-race, that topic has been moved into the reference locker.

In your "splitation" you busted out my quote of Mili...


Did I mention that Troy ends the game 17 of 21 for 243, and 82 yards rushing (one rush td,1 passing).

BTW, thanks for getting all that stuff outta here! :biggrin:
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