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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Damn :!

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This thread has turned into one of the best threads in the history of mankind. Thank you, all of you. Your hard work, creativity, and dilligence is greatly appreciated.

And yes, it is all High Lonesome's fault for not posting GOTP's.

Not a problem, as gregorylee showed by example, the importance of a quality 2-deep depth chart, no noticeable drop off in talent.
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Read this on CNNSI.com

"Clarett signs with the Eastern Indoor Football league."

Anyone else hear this?
Man there have been a lot of off topic discussions in this thread, and this is a perfect example. What does this have to do with TX-tOSU game this September?

I feel that any "achievements" this thread makes in terms of length or no. of posts, is a tainted accomplishment. Just as my own post is more of a rant/vent. Its impossible to read every post on this thread and keep with the relevant topics because there is so much crap mixed in. Let's hope that the quality of this thread makes a marked improvement over the next few weeks, as we approach one of the most anticipated regular season CFB games of my lifetime.

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