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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Ginn will have Texas coverage teams full attention. I can accept a return that involves actual execution, what I hate is when Texas feels the need to do the freaking "Pouch" kick. About the only way to neutralize Ginn as a K/O returner, is to kick it out of the endzone. G. Johnson has the leg to do it, but...... If tOSU has a big day in the kicking game, it might not matter how good the Texas defense plays.
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I hope it dosen't require breaking the seal on a bottle of Dewars to get this thread in gear for the weekend. Updated prediction: Texas 27 - tOSU 17
Screw it break it open :)

Oh wait, 27-17 I see you already have a low threshold for overly high expectations without the Dewars :tongue2:

So, break it open, if only for medicinal purposes.
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If you couldn't score 27 with VY ya won't do it with out him... Especially against still a very talented defensive front. Texas can definatly win this game but if anyone scores more than 24 points it'll be OSU because of Troy Smith. I'll go with 21-13 tosu. I can easily see Texas winning by the same score though. Should be a great game.

Remember they lowered the kicking Tee's now and it's going to be MUCH harder to put the ball out of the endzone. I don't doubt your kicker can't put it into the endzone (because our kicker has proved he can do it). However you have to take that into account when they kick the ball to teddy... more opportunities might mean more scores for him... Just something to think bout..

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Very true... Our linebackers ARE suppose to make the tackles such is the case with any team, but what our d-line is suppose to do is get the running backs going east/west. So that in doing so our speed at linebackers can make the tackles on those backs going east/west. Remember defenses are MADE by what the defensive front is, and yes we might have an unexperienced back 7. However we have a very veteran front four (3 seniors) which will greatly help our cause. I'm not saying Texas isn't capable of breaking 27 points because they are, but rather against a school known for defense and for a team losing their star players (Vince/Romance/and The tight end) it might be unlikely.

Yeah sure AJ and Bobby Carpenter played great last year, but lets not forget that our defensive front did win the battle against your o-line (The same can be said for your d-line as well). If we dictated what your offense did last year with the d-line we had, I think it would be safe to say with a better d-line this year we PROBABLY COULD have the same success. So again I realize our linebackers were fantastic last year, but without our d-line they wouldn't of had the same success (Look at Iowa from last year with Hodge/Greenway after they lost that good d-front). On the flip side, a veteran defensive front can make young linebackers look like all-stars....

Also just because the d-line isn't recognized for making tackles it's not like Texas will be getting to the 2nd/3rd level every play. The hole's are suppose to be stuffed by the d-line and make the running backs look for more space to run and that's where the linebackers can react and make the tackle. However, the d-line will make thier plays count on that.
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I hope it dosen't require breaking the seal on a bottle of Dewars to get this thread in gear for the weekend. Updated prediction: Texas 27 - tOSU 17
No way Texas scores 27 with totally ineperienced QBs, regardless of surrounding talent. And no way does Troy Smith get held to 17 points, barring another Penn State-like rainstorm (which would hurt UT's offense even more).

I think a game in the 20's, UT has the edge. Without watching or listening to the game, if the Sunday morning sports page headlines had only the score posted, and it read 38 - 24, I would bet my soul that tOSU had won. The Texas Defense just keeps looking better and better.
How can the Texas defense "keep looking better and better"? Against whom? The same defense that gave up almost 600 yards to USC?
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Yeah so whe are back at the notion of "Texas lost talent but they are better" but "Ohio State can't replace such talented players"... Look I mean I understand the Linebackers are kind of young (notice I said kind of). We have Josh Kerr who's played a ton, Marcus Freeman has played quite a bit, D'Andrea if healthy has played, and Also Laurintius has played a lot as well. Unlike Texas who has a QB who's stepping on the field for the first time that won't be the case for most of our defensive starters. We do have to replace the whole back 7 but all of whom have atleast played or even started at one point or another. The linebackers won't be able to do what AJ and company did, but with the help of a strong defensive line I don't think they'll look like fools either. Bottom line is our d-front will get after the QB, and will clog up running lanes? what more could you want?

By the way I just saw how big our o-line is going to be and we're HUGE

The smallest person is 6'5 and the lightest person is 310... I didn't know we were that big!
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By the way I just saw how big our o-line is going to be and we're HUGE

The smallest person is 6'5 and the lightest person is 310... I didn't know we were that big!

Yep...that front 7 for texas will be their biggest test of the year...hopefully this line is as good as hyped...I personally expect it to be the best line we've had in a good long while.
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what I see as an advantage for osu is we can be a powerful running team. With Texas having troubles with Lendel/USC last year, I'd would hope we'd get that big o-line of ours as well as Pittman/our big back in CHRIS WELLS and just pound on the smaller linebackers Texas has. However Texas does have a very good sized d-line, but hopefully we can get some hats on the smaller linebackers and do some damage..
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