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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

My brother- in-law, and one of his friends(UT grad) went to the game and other than what most consider good natured jabbing, had nothing but good things to say about their experience before,(which included drinks and conversation with tOSU fans at a bar), during, and after. No mention of fear for their lives and some of the other B.S. that have been mentioned on hfans.
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Unfortunately, I think that you'd get some pretty crappy treatment at a lot of college football stadiums. I don't think that Ohio Stadium is the worst, but whatever crappy treatment visiting fans get in Ohio Stadium is probably undeserved. (I say "probably" because there may be some visiting fans who instigate that reaction from the Ohio State fans.)

I'd like to give those crappy fans a big wedgie.
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I knew in advance the areas to avoid (thanks to the nice Buckeye fans I met), so I had a pretty good experience. A couple f-bombs and inverted hook'ems didn't bother me, in fact it reminded me of what goes on in Dallas every October. Of course I can't speak for other Horns up there.

When in doubt, avoid areas populated by people who look like they're 25 and under.

So yeah, let's bury this dead horse.
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i told a group of UT fans at Miani's the thursday night before last year's game that I would be in Austin to see first hand how they treat visiting fans (according to them they are treated really well). I recently bought my plane ticket and can't wait to make good on my promise. I have been to most big ten schools, so i know what to expect. quite frankly i will be disappointed if my friends and I don't get ribbed on pretty bad. that's the best part of taking a road trip. as long as nothing gets physical, I'm all for it.
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