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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

So you're saying you wouldn't go to the Silver Dome to watch the 6th place Big 10 team play the MAC Champions? Or are you saying that if the Big 10 Champion were playing University of Miami for a top 10 five ranking or NC in the 'shoe you wouldn't go?

I wasn't saying either one. I'd go to Detroit if Ohio State was playing and I had a ticket. I'd go to Columbus if I had a ticket. I'd go to a game in Cleveland if I had a ticket. I was saying that if there was a game in Cleveland, in the cold, and I had a ticket, I'd probably be willing to go to the game, regardless of who the teams were.
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I wasn't saying either one. I'd go to Detroit if Ohio State was playing and I had a ticket. I'd go to Columbus if I had a ticket. I'd go to a game in Cleveland if I had a ticket. I was saying that if there was a game in Cleveland, in the cold, and I had a ticket, I'd probably be willing to go to the game, regardless of who the teams were.
I must have misread your post... but it seems that we are on the same sheet of music and I think most fans at any Big 10 School would feel the same way if we're talking about their team in a BCS level game, but a six win season to play Bowling Green on a Tuesday in Detroit... probably not. But then I haven't seen the seats full for games at the Music Bowl or the Liberty or a half dozen other non-BCS fillers... so why not a major Bowl Game at Ann Arbor or Columbus... and if they get to a playoff system, then half the games have to be outside the sunbelt and the final game has to be in the north every fourth or fifth year.

Oh and Michigan #2? Reminds me of the year Playboy picked Iowa to be number 1. By the time they got to Columbus they had already lost four or five games and then the bucks hammered them again. Chuck Long was the poster boy for that ship wreck.
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This thread has become much more enjoyable now...It does stink a little like the ganja though...Or maybe that's just shit I smell after reading scUM at #2 from SI...Now that's funny. What, did they fire L etc...oyd when I wasn't looking? :lol:
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What the hell are you listening to Colin Cowherd for? Were you driving around and finally got sick of the boring shit on the other radio stations? That's the only reason I've ever turned his show on.

Actually yes...at the point that I was listening to the show, I was on West 84 in between Abilene and Lubbock(i.e. Middle of F'N Nowhere!)....I had XM and fox sports was on commercial....it was all i had...any way-it turned out to be one of my favorite quotes of the year
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sorry for the general rant but man, I had lots of respect for Texas fans and their team even before the game last year. But I have to say, I now hate Texas fans. I rank them right up there with Michigan fans.

I have never seen such cry babies in my life... not even Michigan fans are that bad! They still incessantly whine about how Buckeye fans swore at them and flipped the bird at them. So much so that I wont even go to hornfans.com because I just get to worked up.

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sorry for the general rant but man, I had lots of respect for Texas fans and their team even before the game last year. But I have to say, I now hate Texas fans. I rank them right up there with Michigan fans.

I have never seen such cry babies in my life... not even Michigan fans are that bad! They still incessantly whine about how Buckeye fans swore at them and flipped the bird at them. So much so that I wont even go to hornfans.com because I just get to worked up.

Eh... just go over to BN to find the same ramblings from OSU fans. Every fanbase has their whiners and complainers... we just call them out on this site. You are doing the same thing the fans you are complaining about... painting a large group with the same actions. Makes you no better than the ones you complain about. Ranking Texas fans up there with Michigan fans... no comparison. Only one other fanbase garners that distinction.
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ScarletBlood said:
sorry for the general rant but man, I had lots of respect for Texas fans and their team even before the game last year. But I have to say, I now hate Texas fans. I rank them right up there with Michigan fans.

I have never seen such cry babies in my life... not even Michigan fans are that bad! They still incessantly whine about how Buckeye fans swore at them and flipped the bird at them. So much so that I wont even go to hornfans.com because I just get to worked up.

Look man most of the UT fans on this board have been fantastic. No problems. I for one am embarrassed by all the horror stories of UT fans' treatment in the Columbus. They have every right to be pissed, at least the ones that were there. Take that garbage somewhere else.
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not really. I have been a frequent poster on hornfans.com for over a year and i have never complained about it once to any other fans, but after a year of hearing it over and over im just fed up. every day for the past year a new post pops up about buckeye fans and how they are scum and how Texas fans are vastly superior and its a complete joke.
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not really. I have been a frequent poster on hornfans.com for over a year and i have never complained about it once to any other fans, but after a year of hearing it over and over im just fed up. every day for the past year a new post pops up about buckeye fans and how they are scum and how Texas fans are vastly superior and its a complete joke.
And that was last year. This is this years' game thread.

Let it fucking go already.
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