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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I wouldn't mind going to Cleveland Browns Stadium on December 30 in 25-degree cold to watch the Cornhole University Jugdishes play against the Maine Institute of Art Rainbow Firecrackers in the Southwest Airlines "I Want to Go Home" Bowl. Of course, ever since the Jugdishes hired coach Len Dykstra, they've been a pretty fun team to watch. And you just know that the Rainbow Firecrackers are going to light up the scoreboard.

So you're saying you wouldn't go to the Silver Dome to watch the 6th place Big 10 team play the MAC Champions? Or are you saying that if the Big 10 Champion were playing University of Miami for a top 10 five ranking or NC in the 'shoe you wouldn't go?
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The game last year was won by Vince Young, Tressel's indecision on qbs, and our secondary's fear of Vince (in my opinion). We could debate this forever and people can bring up great points for either side. You beat us last year in a great game at one of the toughest stadiums to play in. You went on to have a National Championship season and we went on to have a pretty good season as well.

None of what we say here changes last year and none of it will change this year. Everyone knows the strengths and weaknesses of both teams and that you have home field advantage. The thing is that without Vince Young we are not worried. I am not saying you do not have a great athletic team, but you have no proven big game experience in your qb (let alone much experience at that). We did lose a big part of our defense, but we do have a very good group of guys filling in those roles. I don't think anyone will be at the level of Hawk on our LB squad (even though we have some great talent back there), but you definitely have no one close to Vince Young on your squad filling in at QB.

We all (Bucks Fans) underestimated Vince Young last year and his ability to win, but you do not have him running the team this year and your offense is not as good as ours. We have one of the best o-lines in college ball this year and have one of the best qbs (who wins us games when he plays the entire game) with a great set of wrs (ginn has done a lot to improve his wr skills) and we have a great pair of rbs in the back field.

On paper I like our odds against you this year even though it is at your place. I have a feeling you are gonna go through another Chris Sims-like era. Great team with potential, but cannot win the big game. Regardless of the arguing and debating that goes on here... come game day we all know that both teams will play at an amazing level and give all of us a great game.

I like this post. Very honest. It will be a hard game for us, no doubt. I'm not sure the game being home is such an advantage for us--our crowd will make some noise, but if we fall behind early, they may sit on their hands. Still, we can win this game, but we'll probabaly need some help from your offense with turnovers. I missed your game against Michigan. Tell me what the keys were to winning that game against a highly-motivated team in their stadium.
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I like this post. Very honest. It will be a hard game for us, no doubt. I'm not sure the game being home is such an advantage for us--our crowd will make some noise, but if we fall behind early, they may sit on their hands. Still, we can win this game, but we'll probabaly need some help from your offense with turnovers. I missed your game against Michigan. Tell me what the keys were to winning that game against a highly-motivated team in their stadium.

Being much faster than them. Keeping our cool through several disasters. Having a better kicking game. Tressel vs IVLLoyd.
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Sports Illustrated just published their rankings for the 2006 season:

1. Florida "Best all around team"
2. Michigan "NC hopes depend on how much its defense improves"
3, Oklahoma "If Peterson stays healthy, OU competes for title"
4. Texas "Talent keeps them in top 10. Don't expect title run from green QB's"
5. West Virginia "Will they face enough quality to get a shot at title?"
6. Fighting Irish "...Shootouts will only take them so far. Defense must improve."
7. Ohio State "They'll need lots of points with such inexperienced defense."
8. LSU "Defense will carry them, but Russell must get off to fast start."
9. Auburn "Challenge LSU for 1st place in SEC's Western Division."
10. USC "Another 10 win season will not be a shock."
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Sports Illustrated just published their rankings for the 2006 season:

1. Florida "Best all around team"
2. Michigan "NC hopes depend on how much its defense improves"
3, Oklahoma "If Peterson stays healthy, OU competes for title"
4. Texas "Talent keeps them in top 10. Don't expect title run from green QB's"
5. West Virginia "Will they face enough quality to get a shot at title?"
6. Fighting Irish "...Shootouts will only take them so far. Defense must improve."
7. Ohio State "They'll need lots of points with such inexperienced defense."
8. LSU "Defense will carry them, but Russell must get off to fast start."
9. Auburn "Challenge LSU for 1st place in SEC's Western Division."
10. USC "Another 10 win season will not be a shock."

thats the first time in any rankings ive seen michigan in the top 10 let alone top 2
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This is why voluntary summer workout reports lack one freaking "ounce" of credibility. The following quote was taking from hornfans. I remind you these are closed workouts, gaurded fairly strictly.

I have been at every practice so I will update you. Everyone is really looking good. Each has become faster, stronger, and bigger than last year. Our replacements for last years seniors will be young but look to be much more talented. Also our guys seem to have a really good, tough, new attitude. They guys are working out harder this year than ever before. Any questions?

This sounds like a report I would give after a pint 1/2 of scotch.
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In monetary terms: 4oz is worth anywhere from $400 to $1600 street value (depending on quality, potency, and distribution size). Not an insignificant amount in any case.

Lets also not minimize what 4 Zs are.. that's 1 QP folks.. a quarter pound of weed. Back in my day, that was considered to be more than pleanty. An ounce can last 2 every day smokers a month... A QP aint personal smoke.. it's to be sold, plain and simple.

5 pounds of weed... Well... Lets just say, I'd like to see that much once in my life.
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I have been at every practice so I will update you. Everyone is really looking good. Each has become faster, stronger, and bigger than last year. Our replacements for last years seniors will be young but look to be much more talented. Also our guys seem to have a really good, tough, new attitude. They guys are working out harder this year than ever before. Any questions?

This sounds like a report I would give after a pint 1/2 of scotch.
You must have been a half pint in if you took anything on that thread seriously.

Although, Ketch actually did say the JMike has become the most dominating player on the offense.
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1. Florida "Best all around team" :slappy: Chris Leak suddenly become the QB for Meyer's system while I wasn't looking?
2. Michigan "NC hopes depend on how much its defense improves" :slappy: Never let reality get in the way of the Michigan hype wagon. It will make the fall (from such a lofty rank) so much more fun to watch, though.
3, Oklahoma "If Peterson stays healthy, OU competes for title" Obligatory Peterson Health remark.. hey, fellas, what if he doesnt? Will a healthy Adrian Peterson have any room to run with an all but completley new line (and line coach)? You think the Soph. dominated WR corps will take the pressure off of Peterson this year? Or, do you think Defenses will say, "Peterson's the man. We're shutting him down, and lets see if Bomar has improved"
4. Texas "Talent keeps them in top 10. Don't expect title run from green QB's" - Reasonable, I think)
5. West Virginia "Will they face enough quality to get a shot at title?" NO
6. Fighting Irish "...Shootouts will only take them so far. Defense must improve." True
7. Ohio State "They'll need lots of points with such inexperienced defense." Also true, but as an OSU fan, I have to say 1 - pts shouldnt be a problem and 2 - the D isn't going to be as "off" as people think
8. LSU "Defense will carry them, but Russell must get off to fast start." Russell won't get off to a fast start, unless he's been hitting the ginseng hard this summer - but 8 seems generally reasonable
9. Auburn "Challenge LSU for 1st place in SEC's Western Division." Reasonable, I guess
10. USC "Another 10 win season will not be a shock." Surprising, but not outlandish
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You must have been a half pint in if you took anything on that thread seriously.

Although, Ketch actually did say the JMike has become the most dominating player on the offense.

That's why I posted it because it's such a joke. Anyone caught standing around trying to catch a peek is run off very quickly, including this wanna be espn reporter.
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Lets also not minimize what 4 Zs are.. that's 1 QP folks.. a quarter pound of weed. Back in my day, that was considered to be more than pleanty. An ounce can last 2 every day smokers a month... A QP aint personal smoke.. it's to be sold, plain and simple.

5 pounds of weed... Well... Lets just say, I'd like to see that much once in my life.
Sounds like all you'd have to do is go down to the Sports Illustrated offices, they've clearly got a good supply judging from their rankings.
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Sports Illustrated just published their rankings for the 2006 season:
2. Michigan "NC hopes depend on how much its defense improves"
7. Ohio State "They'll need lots of points with such inexperienced defense."

Michigan's defense clearly has to improve quite a bit to end their stretch of 3+ loss seasons, let alone get a shot at the title game.

Yeah, Ohio State always gives up a shit load of points when they get a "new" defense. :roll1: You would figure that someone at SI would have a clue about our depth chart...guess not.
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