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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

This just in from BSPN,

"The Waterboy has just enrolled at tOSU for summer classes. He says that JT invited him to walk on this year as he has two years of eligibilty left.

When asked why tOSU, he simply stated that he wanted another NC under his belt.

Texas fans...it's all over but the shoutin now!
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i know not all Texas fans are like that, and I apologize for lumping them in but I only do it out of anger and I shouldnt.

If you read my posts, I too tell them I am sorry for the way they were treated and I have made apologies but a majority of them just wont let it die. There were 2 or 3 Texas fans that defended me when i was attacked on their board and so I know there are some good fans and some bad fans just like every other team.

I guess im just pissed because I feel like I have been nothing but respectful to Texas fans on their board for a long time but yet Im still attacked and lumped in the with the bad Buckeye fans. I never defended the way Buckeye fans treated Texas fans, I only try to explain that it is like that in a majority of Big Ten Schools. When I go to Wisconsin, Penn St., or Purdue I am always verbaly attatcked. I think its more normal in the Big Ten.
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sorry for the general rant but man, I had lots of respect for Texas fans and their team even before the game last year. But I have to say, I now hate Texas fans. I rank them right up there with Michigan fans.

I have never seen such cry babies in my life... not even Michigan fans are that bad! They still incessantly whine about how Buckeye fans swore at them and flipped the bird at them. So much so that I wont even go to hornfans.com because I just get to worked up.

You just said that we were all crybabies, and then you told us that you can't go to hornfans because you get all worked up?:( Relax, its just anonymous typing. I will try to tell the posters over on hornfans to take it easy on you, tough guy.
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Look man most of the UT fans on this board have been fantastic. No problems. I for one am embarrassed by all the horror stories of UT fans' treatment in the Columbus. They have every right to be pissed, at least the ones that were there. Take that garbage somewhere else.

Appreciate the post. As a Austinite, I will personally make trouble with any Horn fan who shows the slightest disrespect for any visitor from Columbus.
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there is a vast difference between whining about the same thing for over a year and being angry.
you have been whining for the past three posts, get over it.

I do also appreciate your other post. But I also think you should realize that when you have a message board with a majority of Horns fans, then you are going to be given some crap. Happens here too.

No hard feelings on my end, I have previously posted all about my experiences good and bad in Columbus.
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Actually yes...at the point that I was listening to the show, I was on West 84 in between Abilene and Lubbock(i.e. Middle of F'N Nowhere!)....I had XM and fox sports was on commercial....it was all i had...any way-it turned out to be one of my favorite quotes of the year

Drive safe, HL. Yes, I've been to Abilene. :wink2:

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you have been whining for the past three posts, get over it.

I do also appreciate your other post. But I also think you should realize that when you have a message board with a majority of Horns fans, then you are going to be given some crap. Happens here too.

No hard feelings on my end, I have previously posted all about my experiences good and bad in Columbus.

No problem man, no hard feelings here either. As I said I really respect Texas and their fans, it just seems like over the past 6 months I have been getting hammered by this on HF.com. It was just a rant thats all.
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ScarletBlood said:
No problem man, no hard feelings here either. As I said I really respect Texas and their fans, it just seems like over the past 6 months I have been getting hammered by this on HF.com. It was just a rant thats all.
maybe you should have ranted on hornsfan.com then.
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<!-- / message --><!-- controls --> No problem man, no hard feelings here either. As I said I really respect Texas and their fans, it just seems like over the past 6 months I have been getting hammered by this on HF.com. It was just a rant thats all.
probably b/c you never seem to let anything go over there (from my perspective). It's a texas board, you're the guest there... even if they're being unfair it doesn't help to go toe-to-toe repeatedly on the same topic. (or bring the fight over here)

I think it's been blown out of proportion by some, but OSU fans are hardly perfect.
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I think that's an unfair observation jwinslow. I don't start these posts, I just jump in after 15 or so slams on Buckeye fans. I guess if defending our fanbase is such a bad thing then I shouldn't do it.

lets just drop it, I apologized and quite frankly im being chastised here for defending our fans which I still believe for the most part are good people. I know we are not perfect by any sense of the word, but we are not hells spawn either. So, I apologize for bringing it up.
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I think that's an unfair observation jwinslow. I don't start these posts, I just jump in after 15 or so slams on Buckeye fans. I guess if defending our fanbase is such a bad thing then I shouldn't do it.

lets just drop it, I apologized and quite frankly im being chastised here for defending our fans which I still believe for the most part are good people. I know we are not perfect by any sense of the word, but we are not hells spawn either. So, I apologize for bringing it up.
:horse: :horse: :horse: :horse: :horse:
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Look man most of the UT fans on this board have been fantastic. No problems. I for one am embarrassed by all the horror stories of UT fans' treatment in the Columbus. They have every right to be pissed, at least the ones that were there. Take that garbage somewhere else.

I appreciate your post. I can't stand morons who treat visiting fans rudely. As an Austinite, I can assure you that if I see any Texas jackass (and Lord knows, we have plenty of them) bother any visitor from Columbus, I will make every effort to get them kicked out of the stadium, or arrested.
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