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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Back to football, Am I correct when I say that ABC will televise the N.I. vs tOSU game? Has NI ever been on National T.V. before?
Doubtful it'd be national. Looking at the schedule (http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/schedules), with a 3:30 kick it should be a regional broadcast. I'm guessing only the great lakes states will get OSU/NIU, the east coast would probably get the PSU/Akron game, the west coast will certainly get Oregon/Stanford, and Big-XII country will get either the Colorado or Nebraska games.
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Back to football, Am I correct when I say that ABC will televise the N.I. vs tOSU game? Has NI ever been on National T.V. before?

I don't know that ABC will televise the game. You might be right. But it also may be just regional coverage.

If Northern Illinois was in a bowl game in any of the past 5 years or so, they've been on national TV. And last year or the year before, they played Michigan. Ohio State must have been playing later in the day, because I watched part of it. Probably wasn't national TV, but it was at least regional, and that region included Cleveland.
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I don't know that ABC will televise the game. You might be right. But it also may be just regional coverage.

If Northern Illinois was in a bowl game in any of the past 5 years or so, they've been on national TV. And last year or the year before, they played Michigan. Ohio State must have been playing later in the day, because I watched part of it. Probably wasn't national TV, but it was at least regional, and that region included Cleveland.
I believe that the UM/NIU game started at 1:00, and ABC affiliates for Ohio switched to the OSU/Miami game at 3:30. I remember the UM/NIU game being close when we were switched over to our game.
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Question for our Horn football friends here:

Where does your Texas team stay the night before our Sept. game in Austin?

And, more important to Buck fans, where do our Bucks stay the night or two before the game in Austin? (Maybe JT and staff handle this one exclusively, and location is ytbd.)
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Holy Sheeat.... 216 pages on this thread and only about 3 pages worth reading.

Here is the breakdown in Craig's world :-)

Texas - Always has and always will have great talent. Numbers wise we may have lost more but they lost the heart of that team when Vince went pro. On D Huff was a leader as well. Vince truly was a special special talent that I am not sure can be replaced that easily.

Ohio State - Offesne we are stacked and it will be odd to see an OSU team depend on the O to win ballgames instead of the other way around. The LB core will not be replace.. hell we may never have another unit as good at one time. In the end OSU still has its heart with Troy.

The game is at Texas... They might have a smaller stadium but that place will be rocking by the time game comes around. Home field is a huge advantage. We had it last year but Texas still found a way to win and the Bucks will need a Vince like performance from Troy to overcome that.

Bottom Line - I think Texas's D will be a little better then what most are giving credit for but OSU will have good field position and Troy will make plays with his feet and arm. I think OSU will score 27. Everyone talks about the new QB etc etc, but I am thinking Texas will say F the passing game and lets jam this ball down their throat. I like Texas's RB's... as good of a group in the country IMO. That Charles guy was something else and he will be better this season and the load Shelton. If Texas can run the ball and keep the ball from Troy I can see Texas pulling out the W. I think someone will make a big play on special teams (much like last year when we could have got a Saftey... ughh) for OSU and our D will find a way to minimize the run in the 2nd half and force the new QB into a mistake. We win 27-20.

As far as the bad experience Texas fans got last year at OSU that is a shame but I assure you many, many Texas fans where shown great hospitality by Buckeye fans. I am sure when we are down there we will get the F OSU, etc etc but that is to be expected. Anyway I am excited for the trip and the game. I hope for a better outcome.

Edit - I do not think it is vital but if we can get up early and force them to pass a little more then planned that would be a very good thing and I can see us winning by a larger margin.
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Holy Sheeat.... 216 pages on this thread and only about 3 pages worth reading.

Here is the breakdown in Craig's world :-)

Texas - Always has and always will have great talent. Numbers wise we may have lost more but they lost the heart of that team when Vince went pro. On D Huff was a leader as well. Vince truly was a special special talent that I am not sure can be replaced that easily.

Ohio State - Offesne we are stacked and it will be odd to see an OSU team depend on the O to win ballgames instead of the other way around. The LB core will not be replace.. hell we may never have another unit as good at one time. In the end OSU still has its heart with Troy.

The game is at Texas... They might have a smaller stadium but that place will be rocking by the time game comes around. Home field is a huge advantage. We had it last year but Texas still found a way to win and the Bucks will need a Vince like performance from Troy to overcome that.

Bottom Line - I think Texas's D will be a little better then what most are giving credit for but OSU will have good field position and Troy will make plays with his feet and arm. I think OSU will score 27. Everyone talks about the new QB etc etc, but I am thinking Texas will say F the passing game and lets jam this ball down their throat. I like Texas's RB's... as good of a group in the country IMO. That Charles guy was something else and he will be better this season and the load Shelton. If Texas can run the ball and keep the ball from Troy I can see Texas pulling out the W. I think someone will make a big play on special teams (much like last year when we could have got a Saftey... ughh) for OSU and our D will find a way to minimize the run in the 2nd half and force the new QB into a mistake. We win 27-20.

As far as the bad experience Texas fans got last year at OSU that is a shame but I assure you many, many Texas fans where shown great hospitality by Buckeye fans. I am sure when we are down there we will get the F OSU, etc etc but that is to be expected. Anyway I am excited for the trip and the game. I hope for a better outcome.

Great post. Good luck to your team, and I hope you have a great visit. Austin is a great city. I will be detailing my fav places to go later this summer.
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