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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Mack Brown's most noticeable "coaching" skill is not, and never will be X's and O's, but for some reason, young recruites are impressed by his apparent genuine concern for them and their families. It may be all B.S., but never has a current or former player spoken ill of Mack. Brown knows that's what his strength is, and he uses his sometimes bubblegummish over enthusiastic personality to his advantage. I for one would like to see a little more external roughness.
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I hope Jay Richardson is flinging Jevan Snead or Colt McCoy (BTW, any word on who has the edge right now?) like he does Zwick in that clip. That was my favorite play of the spring game. That, or Chris Wells' run where he breaks a tackle at the LOS, jukes one of our LBs out of his shoes and gets outside, turns on the jets and stiff arms a DB to the ground, lowers his shoulder as he is going out of bounds and picks up 10 yards. I believe this was the second time he touched the ball in an OSU uni. But, I digress....it was nice to see that kind of controlled agressiveness from Richardson. He seems to have become a leader of this defense. After every single play, it seemed like the entire Scarlet defense was smacking his helmet. In fact, after that sack of Zwick, I believe his helmet was put atop his head as if it were a crown.
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I hope Jay Richardson is flinging Jevan Snead or Colt McCoy (BTW, any word on who has the edge right now?) like he does Zwick in that clip. That was my favorite play of the spring game. That, or Chris Wells' run where he breaks a tackle at the LOS, jukes one of our LBs out of his shoes and gets outside, turns on the jets and stiff arms a DB to the ground, lowers his shoulder as he is going out of bounds and picks up 10 yards. I believe this was the second time he touched the ball in an OSU uni. But, I digress....it was nice to see that kind of controlled agressiveness from Richardson. He seems to have become a leader of this defense. After every single play, it seemed like the entire Scarlet defense was smacking his helmet. In fact, after that sack of Zwick, I believe his helmet was put atop his head as if it were a crown.

After the way Drew Kelson folded Zwick up like a piece of cheap aluminum lawn furniture last year, Im prtty sure Zwick was used to it.
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