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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Holy Sheeat.... 216 pages on this thread and only about 3 pages worth reading.

Here is the breakdown in Craig's world :-)

The game is at Texas... They might have a smaller stadium but that place will be rocking by the time game comes around. Home field is a huge advantage. We had it last year but Texas still found a way to win and the Bucks will need a Vince like performance from Troy to overcome that.

I'm looking forward to my first trip to Austin. As for the atmosphere in the stadium, did anyone go to the first OSU home game after we won the National Championship? (v. Washington). The place was electric. What a welcome home the fans gave. Even though this is the second home game for them, I'm guessing that having just won the National Championship plus playing OSU at night will make the place crazy. I think OSU fans will find a way to come up with more tickets than their allotment. I know I did.

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I'm looking forward to my first trip to Austin. As for the atmosphere in the stadium, did anyone go to the first OSU home game after we won the National Championship? (v. Washington). The place was electric. What a welcome home the fans gave. Even though this is the second home game for them, I'm guessing that having just won the National Championship plus playing OSU at night will make the place crazy. I think OSU fans will find a way to come up with more tickets than their allotment. I know I did.

The first game back in Columbus in 2003 was a night game. I'm sure that helped add to the "electricity." I don't know if the intensity we felt as fans was because it was a night game or because it was the first game after the national championship. Either way, if Texas' stadium is only 1/10 that of Ohio Stadium, it'll take a few offensive drives for Ohio State and three-and-outs by Texas to quiet the fans down.
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The first game back in Columbus in 2003 was a night game. I'm sure that helped add to the "electricity." I don't know if the intensity we felt as fans was because it was a night game or because it was the first game after the national championship. Either way, if Texas' stadium is only 1/10 that of Ohio Stadium, it'll take a few offensive drives for Ohio State and three-and-outs by Texas to quiet the fans down.

Texas Stadium is in Irving Tx, home of the Dallas Cowboys. I think you meant DKR Memorial. No biggie.
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Your original version was correct: Texas'

UTMNC needs glasses, or he's been hitting the scotch a wee early. :)

This thread has sunk to a new low. Talking about proper punctuation.:(

EDIT: It appears we do not have consensus on the punctuation issue. The nastiest of debates is about to commence.
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Your original version was correct: Texas'

UTMNC needs glasses.

This thread has sunk to a new low. Talking about proper punctuation.:(

EDIT: It appears we do not have consensus on the punctuation issue. The nastiest of debates is about to commence.

Texas's should be correct, I think.

The apostrophe after the "s" is for plural possessive, such as:
"The Wolverines' stadium is a shithole."

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