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Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

What makes this even worse....My offensive coordinator of the house forgot to get more beer, which is conservative playing calling in my book. Now i have to run my crappy offense with 1 beer left in the cooler when I should have a fun and gun offense..Im so sober right now when i shoudl be this!!! :drunks:
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In case you weren't actually watching the game, Davy and company pointed out many times why it is a good idea to stick with one quarterback. He quoted a number of people, including Mangold, who said he believes in Troy and wants to follow him into battle. It's painfully clear shuffling quaterbacks in and out, regardless of differences in styles, rarely works! Just ask Tennessee.

Worked quite well when Tennesse were using Ainge and Schaeffer last year. Did you think Smith would suddenly start perfoming if we left him in?
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What makes this whole season piss me off the most is this:

Our defense plays their guts out every play, every game. They never quit, and they deserve a national championship, or at the very least a BCS game.

Heres to our defense! Lost in all the crying(by myself also) of our bad offense, is the way our defense plays...They keep us in every game, and instead of calling it quits, they keep hitting and hitting and hitting, no matter what our offense is trying to do... :cheers:

They are what The Ohio State University football is all about!
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Grad you can sugarcoat it anyway you want but we didn't utilize our atheletes. At the end we were ina 4 WR formation and had 2 big plays. You have to stretch a defense. Shit PSU sat on our routes because they knew what we were running. 4 long passes the whole game ...WTF!!

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In all honesty Smith holding on the ball too long is what drives me mad. Nothing wrong with tossing it out of bounds. Make a decision to run/throw a little quicker. Boon played and made a lot of Freshman mistakes, but we will be ok. How bad is next week going to suck... Rooting for Scum and Notre Dame.... oi double oi
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He had time to get rid of the ball before he got hit. You always here the great qb's talk about the clock in your head. You better have the ball gone in four seconds typically.
He had 4 seconds? I don't know about htat. He ran around Hamby and sprinted straight to Smith. He probably should have felt the pressure, but that was horrible blocking.
I can take getting dinged, it's ok. But come on. That reverse? Stevie Wonder saw that coming. This one isn't entirely on the offensive play calling either. Something has happened with Ginn. He isn't playing the way he played last year for whatever reason. He's east/west now instead of north/south. Something has gotten in his head. Have defenses and special teams coaches really been able to scheme him completely out of the game?
One thing very few realize is that Ginn faced horrible defenses last year. MSU. IU. Michigan. OkState. What happened against the good defenses, Iowa, PSU, Purdue? Nothing. He had a big PR against PSU, but that's a little different story. The kid has serious wheels, but got a lot overhyped. However, i think he does seem to be missing something, partially taking any hits on returns. last year he took them and popped back up, now he's dancing back 3 yards and being wrapped up.
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You are the biggest Tressel apologist ever. You sound like Antosu with Troy Smith. Can Tressel get some of the blame? He recruited all of these players. He prepares these players for games. Where are the fucking screens at? Why does it take until the 2nd half to even try to go deep.
we ran a great screen for a first down. We ran another one that got blown up. We ran a third (bubble screen to Ginn) that got blown up from both sides. Blocking was the problem on both of those. We went deep 3 times, and I think one time was in the first half. This isn't a pathetic set of DBs that can be burned all day, these are elite CBs that are being watched by NFL scouts.
But you have to blame the coaching staff, and JT in particular, for buying a ticket to the Troy Show.
Do I? thanks for letting me know. We never saw Zwick struggle, or make errant scrambles that turned the ball over. If they let Smith run bubble screens and quick throws like they force Zwick to do, you might feel differently.
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