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Game Thread Game Five: Penn State 17, Ohio State 10 (Final)

I know what you are saying bro, but did he see the entire field? Neither of us can answer that...but I would bet based on his performance tonight that he was fooled many times by PSU's coverage schemes. Missed receivers, dump offs, premature throws, etc

I think you are very correct here. They really confused him in this game. You could see after some of the plays he was still trying to figure out where the open recievers were. They were there, he just was not finding them. That INT he threw was horrible. Not sure what he saw, good luck explaining that one in the film review...
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We absolutely have the talent to be a dominating offensive team. We could all go down the list of top flight players that we have on this side of the ball. There is no excuse for the continuing lack of offensive production.

The Iowa game was an anomoly in my opinion. Watching that game from C-Deck, you could see how many times Smith missed the reads and the open receivers.

I'm not wanting to blame this game on Smith, but he was responsible for the two turnovers that contributed to the loss and was lucky that he wasn't responsible for four.

Our defense once again shines through and we leave them hanging. You don't see teams like USC leaving their defense holding the bag game in and game out.
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That INT he threw was horrible. Not sure what he saw, good luck explaining that one in the film review...<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

not much to explain to JT, because JT knows he misses reads but yet sticks with the quarterback who gives us that extra dimension of being able to run......give me a break.....give me a true quarterback every day of the week!
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Kinda shoots the season in the ass.

I've been watching the Ok State scores through the season and realizing that the Fiesta Bowl set us up with unrealistic expectations for this offense. What is worse is that the entire league is down. It will be at least two seasons before the Big 10 Champ will have the poll strength it needs to put a team in the NC game.
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Why didn't Zwick even get a look in today when Smith was playing so poor, this is ridiculous, he could have put in Zwick for a few plays and mixed it up. Outcoached by a country mile.

In case you weren't actually watching the game, Davy and company pointed out many times why it is a good idea to stick with one quarterback. He quoted a number of people, including Mangold, who said he believes in Troy and wants to follow him into battle. It's painfully clear shuffling quaterbacks in and out, regardless of differences in styles, rarely works! Just ask Tennessee.
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I held back dinging you after the first two bashes on our team, but no longer.

They ran a bubble screen to Ginn, a sweep to Ginn, a reverse handoff to ginn, and a ton of passes to ginn. Go call 1460 and complain how they never try to get ginn the ball. in the meantime

I think we have serious offensive issues, the biggest one being the line. But to say that they didn't try to get Ginn the ball is just stupid. If anything, GONZO needed the ball more.
For the lunacy that claims he was outcoached, that's something else. They got an INT and started at the 1, that had nothing to do with Tressel or JoePa. Take away that drive and its 10-10. The players from PSU outplayed OSU, that's what you meant to say.

I can take getting dinged, it's ok. But come on. That reverse? Stevie Wonder saw that coming. This one isn't entirely on the offensive play calling either. Something has happened with Ginn. He isn't playing the way he played last year for whatever reason. He's east/west now instead of north/south. Something has gotten in his head. Have defenses and special teams coaches really been able to scheme him completely out of the game?
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