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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

I'm so sad that we lost...yet...this is probably one of the most acceptable losses I've had to deal with regarding the Buckeyes.

I feel like I can wake up tomorrow and not worry too much about it. They FOUGHT. Hard. Usually I feel shitty for about a week.

This is just a different kind of feeling. So proud yet so sad. That's life. Whatever. As long as I don't have to wait 34 years between Championships. And I don't think I will.
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Somebody said this hurt worse than any other loss. Hogwash. Getting our doors blown off by Florida hurt infinately more for me. There's no reason to be hurt by this...those guys played their asses off. Disappointed, yeah. hurt, uh-uh. Pain is watching your team kicked up and down the field because they didn't think they had to show up.
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scarletngray;1374372; said:
This loss really hurts...feel pretty numb right now.

A lot of IF ONLY's in this game.

Our boys played their hearts out though. Very proud of their performance. Especially the way they came back. We could have, and perhaps, should have, won this game...

Reminds me of a certain Phil Collins song... :p
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aurorabuckeye13;1374356; said:
1. Will our tackles ever get used to speed rush? We seem to struggle with it alot even though we see it often in these bowl games.

against the best de in the country? hmmm... how many sacks did we give up again? while boone and browning got beat more often than i would like, both played a heck of a game and really limited the texas dlines impact on the game.

3. Sometimes the game just comes down to the fundamentals. We missed alot of tackles tonight, with the most costly one coming at the end of the game on the game winning TD pass.

its actually shocking how much we missed tonight. if you believe d linemen can catch 3-5 picks, a fumble, a fg, and 2 2pt conversions. thats not even counting the piss poor officiating.

kinch;1374367; said:
I know we should be proud, given the hype, but it is harder when we were so close to feel that way.

Also, and I typically hate the sour grapes crowd, but their first TD drive, apart from the two 4th down plays, was possible because of: 1) a phantom call of roughing and hit to the head (that even the announcers said was such), without even an arm to the head (hit the shoulder pad it appeared, and was regardless silly); and 2) a PI of knocking down the arm of the passer, which the announcers cheered, or at least mentioned, happened to Robo earlier in the game killing a possible TD drive of our own. Bull[censored].

Oh well.

I hate to be that guy, but right now, my beer and I are that guy. . .

we outplayed texas. period. even when it goes in my favor i hate seeing the team that played the best game loose. unfortunately it was us tonight. cheers man, drink up. but don't forget to take heart in the fact that the seniors appear to have righted the ship.
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I'll preface this by saying you cannot tell a player to lay down.....

Boom Herron would have become the smartest player in tOSU history had he gone down on the 5 yard line instead of scoring the touchdown. I'd take a game winning field with 30 seconds on the clock over a 5 point lead with 2:05.

Boom could have crashed at the 5 with 2:05 leaving Texas with 2 timeouts. Assuming Texas uses their first timeout after that run, they have one timeout with us on the 5 yard line. That takes us to 2:00 with Texas having 1 timeout and us on the 5 or 6.

Assuming we take another knee, Texas has us at 1:58 and zero timeouts.

Assuming we run the football(2nd down), maybe we score with them having zero timeouts. If we get tackled, we still have 3rd and fourth downs.

We honestly could have kicked a field goal leaving almost no time for a comeback.

You can't fault Boom for running the ball in, but better clock manegement could have been utilized.

I'll take a glorofied extra point over leaving Colt McCoy and Texas 2 minutes to score a touchdown any day of the week.
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Amen, NF.
NFBuck;1374392; said:
Somebody said this hurt worse than any other loss. Hogwash. Getting our doors blown off by Florida hurt infinately more for me. There's no reason to be hurt by this...those guys played their asses off. Disappointed, yeah. hurt, uh-uh. Pain is watching your team kicked up and down the field because they didn't think they had to show up.
or because part of them starts believing they can't show up (or rally).

Nothing to hang your head about tonight...
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Willy Wonka once said, "So much time, so little to do. Switch That."

That's where I am right now. SO much time. Right now , I wanna Fight, I wanna F.ck, I wanna punch somebody in the face, yet I feel like hugging someone I've never met before. I wanna get to bed soon, and wake up in good enough shape to go to work in the morning. I wanna send out my fondest thanks to Todd Boeckman for being one of the greatest QB's, and People, that we've ever had here. I wanna wish Beanie HEALTH, for God's sake, the kid already has EVERYTHING else. I wanna grab TP by the facemask and say, "Young Brother, YOU are what we are all about." I wanna simply say "thanks" to JL. I wanna say to Tress, I Don't agree with "All" you do, but "What" you do makes Saturdays in the fall in OH-IO one HELLUVA place to be. I wanna pat Malcolm on the back, and tell him that his name was seldomly called tonight for a reason.

What is it that drives me so crazy? No real answer for that. We had a great team on the ropes tonight, and, to me anyway, we DIDN"t let them off, they FOUGHT their way off.

"Pissed" to lose, but "PROUD" to be, is my motto for the night. The experts that set the "spread" for this game obviously didn't bother to gauge the heart and soul of this team. A loss is a loss, and nothing good comes from that. BUT, Being a BUCKEYE is always a good thing.

Peace, and THANKS to the graduating seniors of 2009!!
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NFBuck;1374392; said:
Somebody said this hurt worse than any other loss. Hogwash. Getting our doors blown off by Florida hurt infinately more for me. There's no reason to be hurt by this...those guys played their asses off. Disappointed, yeah. hurt, uh-uh. Pain is watching your team kicked up and down the field because they didn't think they had to show up.
agreed... i wont be worried about getting sh*t from people at work tomorrow...

if they do, then either a) they didnt watch the game or b) don't understand college football.
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billmac91;1374396; said:
I'll prefacethis by saying you cannot tell a player to lay down.....

Boom Heron would have become the smartest player in tOSU history had he gone down on the 5 yard line instead of scoring the touchdown. I'd take a game winning field with 30 seconds on the clock over a 5 point lead with 2:05.

Boom could have crashed at the 5 with 2:05 with Texas having 2 timeouts. Assuming Texas uses there first timeout after that run, they one timeout with us on the 6 or 7 yard line. That takes us to 2:03 with Texas having 1 timeout and us on the 7.

Assuming we take another knee, Texas has us at 2:00 and zero timeouts.

lAssuming we run the footbal, maybe we score with them having zero timeouts. If we get tackled, we still have 3rd and fourth downs.

We honestly could have kicked a field goal leaving almsot no time for a comeback.

You can't fault Boom for running the ball in, but better clock manegement could have been utilized.

I'll take a glofofied extra point over leaving Colt McCoy and Texas 2 minutes to score a touchdown any day of the week.

Who's to say you don't fumble,and never scored?
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Damn this one hurts. I thought to blow outs were bad, but this win was so damn close. I've spent the last half hour staring at my monitor reading all the updates and trying to think of something meaningful to say, but I keep coming up with nothing. I'm still damn proud of my Buckeyes.

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Somebody said this hurt worse than any other loss. Hogwash. Getting our doors blown off by Florida hurt infinately more for me. There's no reason to be hurt by this...those guys played their asses off. Disappointed, yeah. hurt, uh-uh. Pain is watching your team kicked up and down the field because they didn't think they had to show up.
Agreed. I mean, this hurt BAD initially. As that guy broke for the endzone...I wanted to cry. Just heartbreaking for all those kids to come THAT far. Underdogs. Fought. Came back. Played like champs...yet they fell just about 20 seconds and a missed tackle short. I mean, those Buckeyes played fucking hard. It was sad to know that it's over for a lot of them.

As for me...

I'm pretty much already at peace with the result. Yes, there's still questions, but I'm not entirely upset.
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