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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

i can't even begin to put into words how proud i am of the game this team played. while a few didn't play to their full potential, we certainly didn't choke tonight against the team THAT SHOULD BE playing for the nc. the o and d lines played out of their minds. pryor just couldn't get any type of rythm throwing. id give texas more credit in that regard but he is a true freshman and had a whale of a game otherwise. i really expected the texas d line to have more of an impact. big props to the o line and the d line really impressed me.

i didin't like all the blitzing at the end but i understand why. the d line looked exhausted on the last 2 texas drives.

absolutely NOTHING to hang their heads about. absolutely great game and i for one and damn proud of every one of our guys.

oh and no, the challenge had no chance. it was a first down :(. i didn't like the linesman giving us the spot then the line judge overrulling. don't know how the hell that works but he did make the right call. our biggest mistake was scoring so early. we just left too much time on the clock with a really tired d. boy that missed fg and the 2 missed 2pt conversions hurt.

great game and season for texas. congrats guys.

missed a fg
dropped 2 picks
missed a fuble recovery
missed 2 2pt conversions
some really poor calls went against us
true freshman qb
best player on the sidelines for half the game

lost to arguably the best team in the nation by 3 on the final drive with 16 seconds left... as much as i hate loosing

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Darn proud of our boys tonight.

Sure there were some opportunities lost, but they faced down a huge wave of momentum in the 3rd, dug deep, and rallied for the lead.

Hell of a rubber match to close out an epic series. No one outside of Austin or Columbus seems to know the other two even existed, but this was a finale that trumped two other great matchups.

Proud for Todd and Brian to go out so well. This game was a great finish for both, but still reinforcement of the issues beyond himself that demand a QB change (protection).
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I am bummed out, but people recognize: THE BUCKEYES ARE BACK!!!

We are not that inferior team that melts down and gets blown out in big games against powers from other conferences.

Texas was one of the top teams in the country this year, and we made them sweat to the last minute.

This narrow loss is better for Ohio State football than us beating up some Big East team 45 - 7 in some bowl that will reinforce the public's perception of us as second-rate.

We can hang with the best. We proved it tonight. Texas bested us by only a little bit.

Now the year of PRYOR has begun. I'm excited.
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For all the little future Buckeye LBs out there- get to your drops in the final 30seconds w'the lead. No matter what your coaches tell you. Take the hash away and see what happens. Of course if your from a good program you probably already know this.
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martinss01;1374335; said:
i didin't like all the blitzing at the end but i understand why. the d line looked exhausted on the last 2 texas drives.

The thing that kept going through my mind at the time was that the challenge had no chance, but it would at least give the D a breather....
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Buckeyefrankmp;1374306; said:
I would rather play Texas more and USC less. At least the Texas games have been close.

It depends how you look at it, but JMHO we've messed enough with UT. It's not even that they beat us, it's that they keep beating us in the most agonizing fashion imaginable.

Anyway, great effort by the seniors. I loved how Todd, Robo and the defense kept fighting and fighting to get back into the game.

hats off to McCoy. He's a good QB. But I'll still say this. It's a one man show. B12 is overrated because they are all one man shows. UT would have been creamed by Florida tonight, but no worries, OU is there to take their place.
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proud of the team... didn't run and hide when down... showed that boekman should've been a bigger part of the offense, class act as well...

can't fault anyone for lack of heart, missed that the last bcs game and at usc...

pryor has a lot to work on in the passing game, but the dude is a freak, and i am so excited to see him next year.

just depressing that we were so damn close.

gonna miss the itis and jenkins (and definitely beanie too), these seniors were some of the greatest buckeyes.

both losses to texas were so close, and such good games, hats off to the longhorns... congrats

(my neighbors are probably wondering what the hell went on in my apt with all the screaming at the tv for the ups and downs)

the future is bright... go bucks
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I love the seniors to death, especially the ones who bypassed the big money for one more year of college.

The TEAM played their hearts out and despite what the talking heads will come up with, they have nothing to be ashamed of.

Tress was brought in to win the Big Ten and beat scUM; something he has done an amazing job of.

BUT, in my opinion this style will not win big games. I realize if we make the MISSED FG, we are looking at OT and who knows. Just one try at a 4th down instead of settling for 3 (how many times did Texas convert on 4th down) and maybe we win in regulation and there is no need to even go to OT.
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oh well, this sucks... but can you believe the irony;

Texas loses shot at title to TTU because of a dropped INT and a miracle TD pass...

Texas wins the fiesta bowl because of a dropped INT and miracle TD pass...

we have a saying for something like this up in Cleveland; "There's always next year":oh:
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First of all congratulations to both teams, both played hard and put on a show worthy of a BCS game. Just a few thoughts on the game...

1. Will our tackles ever get used to speed rush? We seem to struggle with it alot even though we see it often in these bowl games.

2. I thought the bogus penalty on Gibson was a killer and took the air out of our defense even more after those 4th down conversions. Bad call there and could have held Texas to a FG.

3. Sometimes the game just comes down to the fundamentals. We missed alot of tackles tonight, with the most costly one coming at the end of the game on the game winning TD pass.

4. I was very surprised we did not see any type of trick play out of the formation with TP and Todd in. I was expecting some type of double pass but it never came which disappoints me. Or maybe a jet sweep pass. I did like to see some creativity for our offense though and it was encouraging.

5. About the 4th down play, it could have gone either way... it was a tough call and sometimes you get breaks. We didn't get one tonight and it hurt.

Hopefully all of the young guys on the team will learn from this and come back even better next year. There are alot of places that need filled and alot of guys are going to have to step up next year. Congratulations to the outgoing senior class, one of the best in Buckeye history.

Go Bucks and God Bless
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Great Game! No way did their defensive player deserve "player of the game"...Can't wait til "09, heck I can't wait for the Spring Game...I belive Gibson was the "defensive player of the game", too bad we had the phantom "roughing" call (heck of a shoulder hit:biggrin:" Thanks for great memories, Seniors!

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Every loss is tough to take, but our guys really gave it their all in this game. As fans, we can't ask for more than that. The players' intensity and energy was a big lift for me.

Thank you to the seniors. Special props to TB.

Congrats to the Horns. It took a great team to mount a comeback like that. Like MJ is saying in the post-game, they earned everything they got.

And thanks to the classy UT fans. Hope ya'll stick around...
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