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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

GoBuckeyes81;1374445; said:
I'm going to take some heat for this I know but I would have liked to see Beanie show some more heart and at least get up on the bench or try to go back in the game. Heck he only had to go in a few plays but I think it would have sent an even stronger message that NO ONE was quitting. I'm just saying I think he is a heck of a player and I hope he comes back but I think he could have shown some more heart.
I think that he had a concussion, and was being kept out by the medical staff....
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GoBuckeyes81;1374445; said:
I'm going to take some heat for this I know but I would have liked to see Beanie show some more heart and at least get up on the bench or try to go back in the game. Heck he only had to go in a few plays but I think it would have sent an even stronger message that NO ONE was quitting. I'm just saying I think he is a heck of a player and I hope he comes back but I think he could have shown some more heart.

Concussions take the PT decision away from the player...every time. No doubt.
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OHSportsFan9;1374444; said:
More thoughts...

I wish we could go back and replay this season. Boy, can't believe it's over.

I mean, so much talk this off-season. All the hoopla around the seniors. Beanie. And just like that, in 13 weeks of football- It's over.

Life lessons. Cherish every moment. Make the most of it...yadda yadda...easier said than done- in my opinion. I don't want it to be over for that great group of young men.


I completly agree with that. I really can't grasp that we will never see James Laurinaitis, Malcolm Jenkins, Perhaps Beanie, and many other great players line up again. We fought so hard and I know I've said it like 5 times but it's true. Out of all the losses i've seen this year including my beloved Cowboys. I have to say this is the worst loss i've had to deal with. I mean it's not much that i'm upset with anyone it's the fact I feel like we won by the way we played yet we lost? I can't even grasp it yet.
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sullie;1374387; said:
our boys played their guts out
Congratulations to your team tonight, they played very hard and really had a solid chance to win the game. I was very impressed with the improvements your team made over the past few months. This game really could have ended with either team on top, a few plays, calls, mistakes, etc. one way or the other and the result could have been flipped. The injuries that you guys suffered this game didn't help you either. But the heart that your team showed, and the desire in the game was all that you could ask for as a fan.

It was a great game, and I really like Tressel, and appreciate the respect that he gives the Texas program, and generally the way that he holds himself as opposed to a couple of other coaches yet to coach their bowl games this season. There have been 3 great games between these two huge universities and football programs in the last five years, and I have the a lot of respect for the Ohio State football team, and I think a lot of that stems from Tressel.

On the bright side for you guys is that Pryor just played in a HUGE game and showed so much brilliance for a true freshman, and the way you guys reload, I am sure that you will have some stout teams in the next couple of years.

Texas was lucky to leave the Fiesta Bowl with a victory tonight. Quan played out of his mind, and Colt battled through the best rush he has seen all year, to squeak out a victory where many pundits and Texas fans expected an easy cover and victory. I am sure it's not easy to take solace in a loss, or to claim a so-called moral victory, but if any team has that right this season, it is your Buckeyes tonight. Congrats on a solid, albeit disappointing season to some of you, and congrats for all of the great seniors that accomplished so much in their 4 years, yet have to leave with a record that is tarnished in the mind of some, and good luck for the 2009 season.
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He wasn't perfect, but Anderson Russell had some enormous plays today. That opening play forced fumble was fierce, and nearly set up OSU from the 10 (a game of inches). Big time INT to hold of Texas at halftime, exorcising his demons (dropsies) on that play and keeping UT from building more momentum. If he doesn't make that play, OSU might never catch up.
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Dryden;1374467; said:
Beanie had a concussion. If you saw the post game interviews on ABC/FOX, you'd have seen it. He *wasn't* Beanie when they were interviewing him. Very vacant.

I couldn't even watch seeing Texas get the trophy... Well in that case I retract my statements made because it's apperant that the medical staff wasn't letting him back in the game.
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GoBuckeyes81;1374445; said:
I'm going to take some heat for this I know but I would have liked to see Beanie show some more heart and at least get up on the bench or try to go back in the game. Heck he only had to go in a few plays but I think it would have sent an even stronger message that NO ONE was quitting. I'm just saying I think he is a heck of a player and I hope he comes back but I think he could have shown some more heart.

Apparently you have never had a child who came home with his heart broken. A child who is respectful to the public. You have never had a kid who gets made fun of for getting a concussion, or gets called fat. If you want to attack an athelet, attack one who has done something wrong, not a kid who does everything right. Don't criticize Beanie, he is just a kid. Come after me, I am a man, I am a 40.....er 30 year old man. :biggrin:

Just kidding, but seriously Beanie probably didn't have a say in the matter.
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texasfight06;1374465; said:
Congratulations to your team tonight, they played very hard and really had a solid chance to win the game. I was very impressed with the improvements your team made over the past few months. This game really could have ended with either team on top, a few plays, calls, mistakes, etc. one way or the other and the result could have been flipped. The injuries that you guys suffered this game didn't help you either. But the heart that your team showed, and the desire in the game was all that you could ask for as a fan.

It was a great game, and I really like Tressel, and appreciate the respect that he gives the Texas program, and generally the way that he holds himself as opposed to a couple of other coaches yet to coach their bowl games this season. There have been 3 great games between these two huge universities and football programs in the last five years, and I have the a lot of respect for the Ohio State football team, and I think a lot of that stems from Tressel.

On the bright side for you guys is that Pryor just played in a HUGE game and showed so much brilliance for a true freshman, and the way you guys reload, I am sure that you will have some stout teams in the next couple of years.

Texas was lucky to leave the Fiesta Bowl with a victory tonight. Quan played out of his mind, and Colt battled through the best rush he has seen all year, to squeak out a victory where many pundits and Texas fans expected an easy cover and victory. I am sure it's not easy to take solace in a loss, or to claim a so-called moral victory, but if any team has that right this season, it is your Buckeyes tonight. Congrats on a solid, albeit disappointing season to some of you, and congrats for all of the great seniors that accomplished so much in their 4 years, yet have to leave with a record that is tarnished in the mind of some, and good luck for the 2009 season.

great post. in my opinion we should play 2 more games so we can be up in the series and then never play again! :biggrin: ive been a longhorns fan since 05 and hate rooting against them. great game and great season. colt should have won the heisman and you should've played on the 8th, not the 5th.
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texasfight06;1374465; said:
Congratulations to your team tonight, they played very hard and really had a solid chance to win the game. I was very impressed with the improvements your team made over the past few months. {snip}.

Thank you. It has been a good series between these 2 teams, and I'm sure will continue somewhere along the line. Always nice to have some class thrown in to the mix. Sometimes the smack precludes- good luck.
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OSU seems to already be getting props nationally for how they played. It doesn't matter, but just saying...it doesn't take much to get respect, just don't get blown out and quit on a big stage.

Buckeyes did that tonight.

A win would have given the team a lot of momentum for next year, but either way...Buckeyes will be getting a lot of attention.

Someone else sad this earlier- we lost the Outback in 2001 before the '02 season. :wink:
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