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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

It bears no mentioning, but while I was locked out of BP, I read some of the BN threads. It's frustrating after watching such a great game. I finally could get on BP and read what I was looking for.

TOSU played great tonite. They plugged some consistent issues from this year, including lack of full game determination, but they couldn't overcome some of the glaring holes that have been there the whole season.

I have a hard time blaming JT's calls (with a few exceptions). The defense did what they needed to do to keep us in the game, so did the offense. You can blame the refs, but it is a game of inches - and it went their way.

UT players, coaches and fans = class. So do Tress and the offensive and defensive leaders on the team.

Would love to play it again.
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Usually after a loss like this. I'm angry/sad. This one i'm just sad. I feel so bad for the guys tonight, they played better then Texas no questions. They played the hardest I've seen since probably the Michigan game in 2006. Ugh.... It's a very difficult loss to swallow just for the simple fact how we lost. There was some questionable stuff and it hurts feeling like finally your team and seniors are going to get that win they deserve and literally have it stolen right across their faces. I would have liked someone to call a timeout on that TD but the blame game is worthless. That was an amazing effort and they deserved better. However I can't lie and say it's ok because we played our hearts out, in a way it almost makes it worse.

GO Buckeyes for life. We'll be back at the top soon enough.. :osu:
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billmac91;1374396; said:
I'll prefacethis by saying you cannot tell a player to lay down.....

Boom Heron would have become the smartest player in tOSU history had he gone down on the 5 yard line instead of scoring the touchdown. I'd take a game winning field with 30 seconds on the clock over a 5 point lead with 2:05.
I said the same thing to my wife. "Fuck. We just scored with too much time on the clock."

That's what Herbstreit calls the game not going according to JT's script, because you knew from the opening of the drive that he was playing to kick the winning FG with 0:00 left.

When we got to the UT 35 and start picking up huge chunks of yards, I started thinking it was going to end bad, where most fans would think, 'Yeah! We're going to win this game!!!'
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Dryden;1374419; said:
I said the same thing to my wife. "[censored]. We just scored with too much time on the clock."

That's what Herbstreit calls the game not going according to JT's script, because you knew from the opening of the drive that he was playing to kick the winning FG with 0:00 left.

When we got to the UT 35 and start picking up huge chunks of yards, I started thinking it was going to end bad, where most fans would think, 'Yeah! We're going to win this game!!!'
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powerlifter;1374406; said:
Who's to say you don't fumble,and never scored?

noone, but you control the game. given the choice, ill take MY team inside the opponents 20 with 30 seconds on the clock 1st and 10 needing a td anyday.

don't get me wrong. i couldn't be more proud of boom. does make you wonder if as a coaching staff you should take a timeout and talk to the kids about the situation at that point. with all that said, still so proud of all of them. what a great game.
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Excuses are for losers. You take the touchdown and show confidence in your defense. End of story I don't care if it is Colt Mccoy we had that game won numerous times that drive but couldn't close the deal. The dropped pick the questionable spot and the last play the missed tackle. It's over now... :(
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powerlifter;1374406; said:
Who's to say you don't fumble,and never scored?

I guess that is why you never tell a player to take points off of the board. But honestly, would you rather have a field goal to go up by 1 with 20 seconds on the clock, or up by 5 with 2:05 on the clock??

I'll take the glorofied extra point veery day of the week.

Ohio State could have kneed the ball 3 straight downs inside the 5 and lft Texas with virtually zero time to get themselves into field goal position had Boom gone down inside the 5 instead of scoring.

Again, I'll take the extra point.

To me it is the same as a team down by 1 point, with no timeouts, and a minute on the clock, on third down on the other side of the 50. Why the hell aren't you letting the other team score so you get abother chance to score??

I just don't get the strategy.

Ohio State could have essentially kicked an extra point for the win but they didn't do it. I'm not upset about it, because you don't tell a player to sit down, but it would have increased our chances of winning.
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NFBuck;1374430; said:
Now as we move forward, I hope the coaches look at the third quarter offensive playcalling and never, ever do that again.
I don't know that the coaches called allowing sacks on 2nd down. Not much you can do with 3rd and a mile plus Beanie out with a concussion.

All credit to the Bucks for clawing back in the fourth Q.
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More thoughts...

I wish we could go back and replay this season. Boy, can't believe it's over.

I mean, so much talk this off-season. All the hoopla around the seniors. Beanie. And just like that, in 13 weeks of football- It's over.

Life lessons. Cherish every moment. Make the most of it...yadda yadda...easier said than done- in my opinion. I don't want it to be over for that great group of young men.

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I'm going to take some heat for this I know but I would have liked to see Beanie show some more heart and at least get up on the bench or try to go back in the game. Heck he only had to go in a few plays but I think it would have sent an even stronger message that NO ONE was quitting. I'm just saying I think he is a heck of a player and I hope he comes back but I think he could have shown some more heart.
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GoBuckeyes81;1374445; said:
I'm going to take some heat for this I know but I would have liked to see Beanie show some more heart and at least get up on the bench or try to go back in the game. Heck he only had to go in a few plays but I think it would have sent an even stronger message that NO ONE was quitting. I'm just saying I think he is a heck of a player and I hope he comes back but I think he could have shown some more heart.
If he had a concussion, it's not up to him.
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billmac91;1374439; said:
I guess that is why you never tell a player to take points off of the board. But honestly, would you rather have a field goal to go up by 1 with 20 seconds on the clock, or up by 5 with 2:05 on the clock??

I'll take the glorofied extra point veery day of the week.

Ohio State could have kneed the ball 3 straight downs inside the 5 and lft Texas with virtually zero time to get themselves into field goal position had Boom gone down inside the 5 instead of scoring.

Again, I'll take the extra point.

couldn't agree more. but there is no way i can fault boom for running it in. great run and perfect execution. damn you texas safeties!!! :shakes fist:
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