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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

matt_thatsme;1374479; said:
Apparently you have never had a child who came home with his heart broken. A child who is respectful to the public. You have never had a kid who gets made fun of for getting a concussion, or gets called fat. If you want to attack an athelet, attack one who has done something wrong, not a kid who does everything right. Don't criticize Beanie, he is just a kid. Come after me, I am a man, I am a 40.....er 30 year old man. :biggrin:

Just kidding, but seriously Beanie probably didn't have a say in the matter.

Yeah I just made a post regarding this. I didn't even watch any post game I couldn't bear to see it. Obviously I'm in the wrong here, the medical staff was holding him out and apperantly it was a moderate concussion. He played one hell of a game and if he doesn't suffer that concussion he'd have had a better one.
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One other positive I took away from this game:

While OSU can't replace Beanie, not even close, his departure to the NFL should benefit pryor by getting away from the I. Pryor is limited when in Beanie's formation, and vice versa (gun).

In the 3rd quarter, they stuck with some power football and were stonewalled. When Pryor backed off the line, Texas still was disruptive up front but Pryor was able to make plays more often than not.
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GoBuckeyes81;1374484; said:
Yeah I just made a post regarding this. I didn't even watch any post game I couldn't bear to see it. Obviously I'm in the wrong here, the medical staff was holding him out and apperantly it was a moderate concussion. He played one hell of a game and if he doesn't suffer that concussion he'd have had a better one.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist posting some Mike Gundy. That video never gets old to me.
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jwinslow;1374490; said:
One other positive I took away from this game:

While OSU can't replace Beanie, not even close, his departure to the NFL should benefit pryor by getting away from the I. Pryor is limited when in Beanie's formation, and vice versa (gun).

In the 3rd quarter, they stuck with some power football and were stonewalled. When Pryor backed off the line, Texas still was disruptive up front but Pryor was able to make plays more often than not.

Another related bright spot was the play of BOOM. He looked good, real good. Also, don't get me wrong, I like Mo Wells, but I hate seeing him get handoffs. I think he is much more productive catching the ball out of the backfield on screens and dumpoffs.
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matt_thatsme;1374493; said:
Sorry, I just couldn't resist posting some Mike Gundy. That video never gets old to me.

hahahah don't worry about it. I just wanted to clear it up so I don't look like some ignorant ass that's questioning probably our best players heart. I was misinformed that it was a concussion. Maybe I didn't hear it because I was screaming at the T.V or in a intense stare where I couldn't even focus :biggrin:

Hey it's cliche but there's always next year. The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph the Buckeyes day will come again. :oh:
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GoBuckeyes81;1374513; said:
hahahah don't worry about it. I just wanted to clear it up so I don't look like some ignorant ass that's questioning probably our best players heart. I was misinformed that it was a concussion. Maybe I didn't hear it because I was screaming at the T.V or in a intense stare where I couldn't even focus :biggrin:

Hey it's cliche but there's always next year. The harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph the Buckeyes day will come again. :oh:

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jwinslow;1374490; said:
One other positive I took away from this game:

While OSU can't replace Beanie, not even close, his departure to the NFL should benefit pryor by getting away from the I. Pryor is limited when in Beanie's formation, and vice versa (gun).

In the 3rd quarter, they stuck with some power football and were stonewalled. When Pryor backed off the line, Texas still was disruptive up front but Pryor was able to make plays more often than not.

unforunately I can't rep you or 307 tonight....I'll get you back later.

It sounds unbelievably abusurd, but Beanie leaving probably helps our program more than hurts. tOSU is going to a spread, read option attack. It is what it is.

Beanie sticking around forces tOSU to focus on a power run game they aren't really built to use come next year. Not to say Beanie would struggle, or that he'd hurt the team. Beanie is a beast. I hope he stays.

But Beanie staying does push back some of the offense I'm sure they're hoping to install next year. You can't really install a spread option attack with Beanie on the roster. It'd make zero sense.
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i can't even begin to put into words how proud i am of the game this team played. while a few didn't play to their full potential, we certainly didn't choke tonight against the team THAT SHOULD BE playing for the nc. the o and d lines played out of their minds. pryor just couldn't get any type of rythm throwing. id give texas more credit in that regard but he is a true freshman and had a whale of a game otherwise. i really expected the texas d line to have more of an impact. big props to the o line and the d line really impressed me.

i didin't like all the blitzing at the end but i understand why. the d line looked exhausted on the last 2 texas drives.

absolutely NOTHING to hang their heads about. absolutely great game and i for one and damn proud of every one of our guys.

oh and no, the challenge had no chance. it was a first down :(. i didn't like the linesman giving us the spot then the line judge overrulling. don't know how the hell that works but he did make the right call. our biggest mistake was scoring so early. we just left too much time on the clock with a really tired d. boy that missed fg and the 2 missed 2pt conversions hurt.

great game and season for texas. congrats guys.

missed a fg
dropped 2 picks
missed a fuble recovery
missed 2 2pt conversions
some really poor calls went against us
true freshman qb
best player on the sidelines for half the game

lost to arguably the best team in the nation by 3 on the final drive with 16 seconds left... as much as i hate loosing

I agree I agree. Man, missed opportunities can eat you up from the inside.
(quick note, there were two potential fumble recoveries, one on the first kickoff return after our first fieldgoal)

I love me some Buckeyes...I will take close losses like this over BCS champ blowouts ALL DAY LONG. Our 10th ranked team lost by THREE points to the number 3 (and I still say NUMBER 1) team in the country. These guys were a bunch of BCS BS away from playing in the nationa championship game. They have a HEISMAN caliber QB (say he should have won this over bradford too). We're playing a TRUE FRESHMAN. This dude was in highschool less than a year ago!!!

The oline had some bumpy moments but they gave the QB's a chance...they gave Beanie some holes...they played way better than they have in a while.

The dline...shoot man...great game...the whole defense GREAT GAME. They gave up 24 points...TWENTY FOUR...that's a season low for Texas...SEASON LOW. The only team close was Oklahoma St with 28. They averaged 40+ points and we held them to 24. Congrats Defense...nice job D...brilliant job!

I'm so proud of my Buckeyes...I'll take a million of these hard fought losses against higher ranked opponents over the horrible showings the past two years.

Announcers on Big10 TV are talking about "most yards since purdue in XX"...F That. It's bend don't break. 24 points is an AMAZING showing. Even the "behind the numbers" said we would give up 30 and score 10...I see 24-21...good job bucks!

Now...confession time...It's all my fault, no really. My faith...it wained...I just didn't want to get blown out. I didn't talk smack, and down here in Dallas, when guys at work wanted to bet, they asked if I wanted straight up or bet the line...I said you know what, I don't need that line, let's go modified, you guys beat my bucks by more than 3 points and I'll pay up...f me...we lose by 3 :shake:

Beanie...man, if only you could stay healthy, you (and your beard) kick ass
Jenkins...fing brilliant...we will miss the hell out of you and your beard
Boekman...you helped out this struggling offense...thank you...wish it had ended in a win, but thank you
Robo...dude, I started off shaking my head, but good lord you caught some crazy balls...nicely done man...beautiful!
Pryor...you got wheels like nobodies business...learn that passing game and you will be unstoppable (if you can't, coaches, play to his strengths!)
Herron...I like our future!
Gibson...you got hated on...refs jobbed you good man...way to bring the pressure
Abdallah...you cemented this improving d-line...nice batted down pass
punter dude...(yeah, it's late and I'm drunk) you rocked the field position battle, way to keep us in this
field goal dude...nice long field goal...shame the snap was crap on that second 51 yarder, I know you would have made it
Russell...:shake: You had a pick before the half. That's good...tackling drills...they are important, not your fault you weren't the one who didn't get there on the all out blitz, you didn't call the blitz and you weren't the guy who decided to have no one on the field behind you
Lane...you are the greatest special teams tackler EVER...I hope everything is ok...you bring the wood and I just wish you could be a buckeye for another year or 5
J.L (33)...not gonna attempt that last name on this many beers...you are a beast of a Linebacker...you played your heart out. Your big10 locker room interview was classic...especially the part about never losing to tsun...[censored] michigan!
The Rest - all of you rock...I just have shitty memory or I would have mentioned you...promise!

Tressel...you are a good coach, f the haters...tressel ball till the day we die. Just keep beating Michigan. How quickly people forget the hell that was Cooper

Fox - you blow. Your commercials are out of control, your camera angles are terrible, your showing of the mccoy family was pathetic, you don't deserve the right to telecast Ohio State's greatness

Seniors, here is to you. May you all succeed in everything you do in life, be it NFL or otherwise.

Rest of the team, congrats on a fast start (minus the red zone issues), congrats on weathering the 3rd quarter storm, and congrats on coming THIS CLOSE to beating the arguably best team in the country...you did the state of Ohio proud today. You exceeded expectations.

Go Bucks, Go Ohio State...kick some ass in '09!
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OK I am now officially over this loss. Yeah it sucks to lose a game, but we played great, and proved we can hang with the top teams.

Like I said before, this narrow loss should make us feel a lot better than beating up some Big East or ACC team in a smaller bowl.
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Excellent game. I'm very happy with what this team brought tonight, especially the defense. Offense on the other hand...not sure what to say. TP really has to learn to throw. I've seen him do much better than tonight so maybe he was just off (not like there was any pressure :biggrin:). I can't express how impressed I was with the defense for being on the field most of the night and still kicking arse. Can't wait until next year!
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Personally, I didn't care for taking the ball away from Pryor when he was rolling, and going up the gut (where it had been clogged since half) with Mo and deep with Todd. That left OSU in a hole and thankfully the ref called PI (as he had rarely done that night). However, there were a number of offensive wrinkles tonight that were well out of the ordinary. They certainly put forth a good effort.

While there is room for improvement, I'd say a lot more depends on the execution up front and from Pryor to truly accomplish what us armchair QBs would like to see. That was a much larger hindrance to OSU tonight. I thought Todd played some great football, but it was clear that they could not keep him upright very long. To his credit, he stood in there and took the beating bravely.
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I'm going to take some heat for this I know but I would have liked to see Beanie show some more heart and at least get up on the bench or try to go back in the game. Heck he only had to go in a few plays but I think it would have sent an even stronger message that NO ONE was quitting. I'm just saying I think he is a heck of a player and I hope he comes back but I think he could have shown some more heart.
He had a concussion...coaches and medical staff won't let you back in the game after that, PERIOD

Edit: sorry, 800 people beat me to this and you retracted...I'm drunk and slow...Go Bucks! :)
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texasfight06;1374465; said:
Congratulations to your team tonight, they played very hard and really had a solid chance to win the game. I was very impressed with the improvements your team made over the past few months. This game really could have ended with either team on top, a few plays, calls, mistakes, etc. one way or the other and the result could have been flipped. The injuries that you guys suffered this game didn't help you either. But the heart that your team showed, and the desire in the game was all that you could ask for as a fan.

It was a great game, and I really like Tressel, and appreciate the respect that he gives the Texas program, and generally the way that he holds himself as opposed to a couple of other coaches yet to coach their bowl games this season. There have been 3 great games between these two huge universities and football programs in the last five years, and I have the a lot of respect for the Ohio State football team, and I think a lot of that stems from Tressel.

On the bright side for you guys is that Pryor just played in a HUGE game and showed so much brilliance for a true freshman, and the way you guys reload, I am sure that you will have some stout teams in the next couple of years.

Texas was lucky to leave the Fiesta Bowl with a victory tonight. Quan played out of his mind, and Colt battled through the best rush he has seen all year, to squeak out a victory where many pundits and Texas fans expected an easy cover and victory. I am sure it's not easy to take solace in a loss, or to claim a so-called moral victory, but if any team has that right this season, it is your Buckeyes tonight. Congrats on a solid, albeit disappointing season to some of you, and congrats for all of the great seniors that accomplished so much in their 4 years, yet have to leave with a record that is tarnished in the mind of some, and good luck for the 2009 season.

Hey man, this loss hurts but it was a loss to a class program with a great group of pure class fans. I can take that, both teams played hard, both teams showed they deserve to be in a BCS bowl game and what more can you ask.
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