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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

I understand what Herbie is saying. UT is a 10 point favorite and is a darn good team. We have not proven we can provide offense on a consistent basis and if it sputters Monday night, it will be a tough game. Our defense is very good, but did give up 35 points to USC, which is not as good as UT's. So I can live with Herbie's statement and think he is just being honest.

Having said that, I believe we can/will win this game because Beanie runs the ball well, TP throws for 200 or so yards and we are able to sustain drives and not turn the ball over. Our DB's are better than anything UT has seen yet and it is hard to beat us with a largely one dimensional offense. As good as Colt is (and I think he should have been the Heisman winner), our defense comes out and plays to their potential and gives us a game to talk about for a while.
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I put this in the James Cotton alumni thread but it may by better served in here if not feel free to move it. James forwarded this to me and im going with some people from work it looks like fun for those of us not in Tempe...

YOUR INVITED to come and Meet and Hear Bowl Game Memories from some of your favorite former Buckeyes. Come support a great cause and pad your Buckeye Room with great OSU memorabilia such as autographed footballs and photos. Please come and hang out at 7:00 pm January 5th, 2009 with former OSU Icon James Cotton and other former OSU Icons (Dee Miller, Pepe Peason, Joe Cooper, Dave Patterson, Antonio Smith, Stanley Jackson, Andy Groom, Gary Berry,) and many more at:

Sequoia Lanes
5501 Sandlewood Blvd.
Columbus, Ohio 43220
Events include:
-Bowl Against A Buckeye
-Corn hole Tournament
-Autographed OSU Football Raffle
-50/50 Cash Raffle

Prizes include:
-Goodie Bags
-8X10 Autographed Photos
-Autographed OSU Football

There's no better place in town to NETWORK & Watch the Buckeyes with Former Buckeyes as we cheer on the BUCKS to win another Fiesta Bowl Championship. Come and Show your BUCKEYE SPIRIT . Go Bucks!!!!!

If you can not attend, please forward this invite to your Buckeye Fans that want to be involved in a special event.
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bassbuckeye07;1368943; said:
I put this in the James Cotton alumni thread but it may by better served in here if not feel free to move it. James forwarded this to me and im going with some people from work it looks like fun for those of us not in Tempe...

Is there a link? Do we have to purchase tickets? If so, where? I bet that place is gonna be fuckin' PACKED. Sounds awesome though.

EDIT: Never mind. :lol: Just saw where it said EVENT IS FREE. They should've written it in all caps. :p
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MililaniBuckeye;1369341; said:
The defense didn't give up 35...
Well seing as how the B12 south has given up 89 points in two games, I'm really starting to doubt there being any Defense in that conference... especially since TTU and OS were the #2 and #5 Ds texas played respectively.
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I am leaving Saturday for the Fiesta Bowl (Tucson, Vegas and then Glendale) I would have never thought that Vegas was on the way to Glendale but it's the new math. If anybody wants to meet up at the game PM me and I'll give you my cell number.
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GoodLifeSean;1369477; said:
Well seing as how the B12 south has given up 89 points in two games, I'm really starting to doubt there being any Defense in that conference... especially since TTU and OS were the #2 and #5 Ds texas played respectively.

Well I admit the defense in the Big 12 South is not very strong at all. However, don't discount UT's defense. Unlike other Big 12 teams, UT has a proven and credible defensive mind with Will Muschamp. His Auburn teams held Florida to 17 points in 2006 and 2007 and in 2003 with LSU he had 20 scored on him once.

But what is more important than anything is that our players seem to buy into what he is saying and seem to be having fun playing for him. Something we were sorely missing last year when we looked like we did not want to be out there. I also think we have gotten better as the year went on as we gave up 21, 7, and 9 in our final three games and if Gideon makes that int we only give up 23 to Tech (Remember tech got 9 points off a pick six and a saftey). I think Muschamp is the one thing Texas has going for it that other Big 12 schools don't...hopefully i'm not proven wrong on monday :biggrin:
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GoodLifeSean;1369477; said:
Well seing as how the B12 south has given up 89 points in two games, I'm really starting to doubt there being any Defense in that conference... especially since TTU and OS were the #2 and #5 Ds texas played respectively.

I will say this, I am starting to feel some confidence towards this match up. OSU's defense should be able to keep this game close.
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UTSINCE96;1369523; said:
Well I admit the defense in the Big 12 South is not very strong at all. However, don't discount UT's defense. Unlike other Big 12 teams, UT has a proven and credible defensive mind with Will Muschamp. His Auburn teams held Florida to 17 points in 2006 and 2007 and in 2003 with LSU he had 20 scored on him once.

But what is more important than anything is that our players seem to buy into what he is saying and seem to be having fun playing for him. Something we were sorely missing last year when we looked like we did not want to be out there. I also think we have gotten better as the year went on as we gave up 21, 7, and 9 in our final three games and if Gideon makes that int we only give up 23 to Tech (Remember tech got 9 points off a pick six and a saftey). I think Muschamp is the one thing Texas has going for it that other Big 12 schools don't...hopefully i'm not proven wrong on monday :biggrin:

All that being true, Texas is still no better than 50th in the nation in total D. Now, they've no doubt been facing better O's than they'll see on the 5th, but Muschamp's better days at Texas are ahead, I would think. What he did at Auburn is useless, though a nice anecdote.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think Texas' D is a push over.
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