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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1369541; said:
All that being true, Texas is still no better than 50th in the nation in total D. Now, they've no doubt been facing better O's than they'll see on the 5th, but Muschamp's better days at Texas are ahead, I would think. What he did at Auburn is useless, though a nice anecdote.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think Texas' D is a push over.

Very true. Our secondary in particular has had their growing pains (the Gideon drop and the following crabtree touchdown being prime examples). Overall though not bad for a defense with two Freshman safties. It will be interesting to see what they do as time goes on.

As far as this game I think our young secondaries fate depends on how fast Pryor is able to go through his progressions. If he isn't very quick I think our d line can cause quite a bit of pressure on him but if he is then our young secondary could possible be exploited.
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UTSINCE96;1369555; said:
Very true. Our secondary in particular has had their growing pains (the Gideon drop and the following crabtree touchdown being prime examples). Overall though not bad for a defense with two Freshman safties. It will be interesting to see what they do as time goes on.

As far as this game I think our young secondaries fate depends on how fast Pryor is able to go through his progressions. If he isn't very quick I think our d line can cause quite a bit of pressure on him but if he is then our young secondary could possible be exploited.

Do you guys play a lot of man?
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As far as this game I think our young secondaries fate depends on how fast Pryor is able to go through his progressions. If he isn't very quick I think our d line can cause quite a bit of pressure on him but if he is then our young secondary could possible be exploited.
We've heard that Texas likes to play a lot of man coverage. Is this true, and how often do they feature zone looks? Some feel this may create running lanes for Terrelle.
3074326;1369561; said:
Do you guys play a lot of man?
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UTSINCE96;1369555; said:
Very true. Our secondary in particular has had their growing pains (the Gideon drop and the following crabtree touchdown being prime examples). Overall though not bad for a defense with two Freshman safties. It will be interesting to see what they do as time goes on.

As far as this game I think our young secondaries fate depends on how fast Pryor is able to go through his progressions. If he isn't very quick I think our d line can cause quite a bit of pressure on him but if he is then our young secondary could possible be exploited.
You've obviously seen more Texas football than me this year, but that's what's stood out in my review as well. It's tough to be young in the middle like that - especially in a league with such high caliber QBs. I'm sure the secondary is a little better than it looks.

But, as you say, it will all come down to line play. On paper, Texas' line looks very very good. They have great stats in terms of sacks and rush D. I wonder, however, how those numbers might be skewed by less rushing attacks faced than you used to see in the big xii, as well as more opportunity for sacks with the pass happy league. I guess we'll see on Monday. :biggrin:
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jwinslow;1369562; said:
We've heard that Texas likes to play a lot of man coverage. Is this true, and how often do they feature zone looks? Some feel this may create running lanes for Terrelle.:shake:

Wins, I would thing that they will be mixing man and zone quite evenly this game just because of that. There is no way in hell that they are going to not going to be concerned with/ trying to shut down TP's running.
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GoodLifeSean;1369477; said:
Well seing as how the B12 south has given up 89 points in two games, I'm really starting to doubt there being any Defense in that conference... especially since TTU and OS were the #2 and #5 Ds texas played respectively.

I was talking about how our defense didn't give up all 35 points USC scored...our defense gave up "only" 28 of those points.
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MililaniBuckeye;1369767; said:
Fiesta Bowl big wigs all have their panties in a knot because Pryor was a no-show at media day:

cnnsi link

Edit: :tibor:

Well...tough shit. Fuck 'em. There are 28(?) seniors on this team. If JT thinks it appropriate to protect his true freshman starters, while also giving the seniors a little spotlight, then I've got his back.

They don't like it, I guess they'll just have to fuckin' deal with it. :lol:
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