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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

In regards to the Big 12's bowl performance so far.

Missouri- They struggled over the last few regular season games, and Daniel played poorly by his standards in each. I'm not sure what happened, but I think he got frustrated with the season and reverted back to his sophomore year when he tried to do too much. Still, I expected a comfortable 38-20 type of win for them. It was slightly disturbing seeing Northwestern slow them down as much as they did. Still, I didn't put too much stock in results.

Okie State- The whole year I thought Okie Lite was a damn good team. I kind of blew off their blowout loss to Tech as part of Tech's two weeks of home night game wad-blowing (more on that below). Other than that, they hung with UT and kept it close with OU until the last few minutes. I really thought they'd go in and put up 45 points on Oregon, and that Kendall Hunter would easily get 150 on the ground. I figured the Ducks would score some points, but seeing them run through the oSu defense like that was troubling, as was seeing oSu struggle to run the ball. But maybe the Ducks were just playing really well on both sides of the ball to close out the season, as they did average 60ppg over the last two games against Oreg St and Arizona. But I'm not gonna lie, this one hurt. I was pulling for the Pokes. They have a really good shot to win the South next year FWIW.

Kansas- The only game that went about as I expected, especially when you consider Minny's struggles over the last few games. KU gave up some yards and points as expected since their defense is pretty awful, but the offense more than made up for it. I really like Todd Reesing. Fun to watch. I didn't really care if KU won but I always want Reesing to do well since he's from Austin, has his head on straight, and he reminds me so much of Colt. Nothing really revealing about this game, at least as it pertains to the Fiesta Bowl, and especially since Minny was so awful to close out the year.

Nebraska- The only Big 12 bowl team that UT didn't play this year, so again, there's not a whole lot to take from it. It's also the only other team besides oSu that I was actively pulling for. I figured Clemson would slow down their offense a little, and they did it completely for a half. But their offense got on a bit of a roll (even though it kept stalling inside the 20) and Ganz showed why he's a good quarterback. The Nebraska D did a really good job in containing the Clemson offense to 200 yards of total offense. I realize underachieving with really good talent on offense is Clemson's M.O., but Clemson's O did perform a little better after Sweeney took over, including a nice 400 yard day against South Carolina to close the season. Also the only game that the offense did comparitively well against a decent defense.

Texas Tech- I talked about this in the Cotton Bowl thread, but I kind of expected that performance and I think it was hilarious. I really wanted Ole Miss to score another touchdown after the onside kick from the 7.5 yard line. To restate, Tech blows their wad every year against UT or OU in a big night home game, and can't really get it up against anyone else. It's like clockwork. The only difference this year is that Tech was able to keep it up for TWO night home games, the second one against oSu the week after they beat Texas. After the oSu game, they were done. A blowout loss to OU and a last minute win at home over Baylor tells you all you need to know about how TT closed out the season. Yes, it is embarrassing having lost to them, especially after seeing Ole Miss run all over them. It sucks, but that's the nature of playing teams with a moderate amount of talent and severe inferiority complexes. It also didn't help matters for TT that the officials actually called them on their systemic holding, which for some reason was not called much during Big 12 play, and NONE against UT despite doing shit like this all game:





And if you want some video evidence, check out the left tackle after he got beat grabbing Kindle's facemask to keep him away from Harrell.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxeP6aUjw_k"]YouTube - no call2[/ame]

If I'm coming across as a sore loser, it's because I am one with this one game. It's one of those losses that just sticks with you and eats at you. And I'm not trying to take EVERYTHING away from Tech in their win. Harrell played a really good game and didn't miss, and the Tech receivers had some great catches. But you want to know how to beat Tech? Make the first tackle, limit YAC, punish the receivers after they catch short passes, but most of all, GET TO HARRELL. Kinda hard to do though when they're getting away with this shit. They didn't get away with it against Ole Miss as I counted 3 holding penalties.

So after that rant/dissertation, what does this mean for the Fiesta Bowl?
1. I still think there are some very good offenses in the Big 12. In each bowl game except for Daniel, the QB's have played well. Even Robinson and to a lesser extent Harrell in their losses. But they're not putting up the type of offense I expected. especially oSu and Mizzou.

2. These defenses are pretty bad. Mizzou's is a joke and Tech's is still pretty pathetic. Again, I thought Okie State's was better than that. During the Big 12 season I thought it was mediocre defenses against really good offenses. Now I've changed my tune. It was good offenses against bad defenses. Texas' D is better than its rank of 50th in ypg, but not as much as I thought (same with the scoring offense rank of 20th). Going qualitatively (I'm not going to consider numbers at this point because they're obviously skewed), I think there may be 15-20 defenses as good or better than UT's this year. Same for offense- I don't think UT has the 9th best offense in the country (5th in scoring offense). There are probably 15 teams in the country with offenses as good or better than UT's.

3. Conference Superiority. Big 12 is NOT the best conference in the land. Neither is the Pac-10 with their perfect bowl record (I like to look at how a team did over their last few games to gauge how good they are AT THE MOMENT, but it's still hard to ignore all those OOC losses early in the season). Neither is the SEC. So I guess it may be a 3-way tie. At this point people who argue for one conference over another are splitting hairs.

4. All things considered, I would be totally happy with a 7 point win over tOSU in a what may be a back-and-forth game. I have no delusions of a blowout at this point.

Again, sorry for the dissertation.
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Had a dream last night where we beat Texas. Good sign maybe? Donno.

Results seem to relevant to each other. Remember the Oklahoma Boise State upset? That was the year we lost to Florida. Same stadium, even the same colors. (Florida & Boise State both orange and blue, Okahoma & tOSU both red)

I guess it's just a stupid coincidence but it just popped up into my mind once I saw Texas Tech lose to Ole Miss. (Which is red btw)

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EngineerHorn. I'm not sure if I agree with your take on our offense. I'm not quite sure where to find 10 offenses better than our's. I think you can certainly say Florida, Oklahoma, and USC...but after that I really am having trouble. Mizzou never seems to score on the big boys. I guess you can say Tech and Okie State have a shot at it. But other than those teams I have named i'm not sure who is in the discussion for being better than us. Our offense is an interesting one...nobody really just jumps out at you, but somehow some way they just get it done.

I do agree with you on the defensive side. However, I will say that i'm really not sure about a lot of defenses anymore. After watching teams with statistically top 5 defenses in Bama and Penn State get absolutely shredded it's making me wonder what these stats actually mean.
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UTSINCE96;1370972; said:
EngineerHorn. I'm not sure if I agree with your take on our offense. I'm not quite sure where to find 10 offenses better than our's. I think you can certainly say Florida, Oklahoma, and USC...but after that I really am having trouble. Mizzou never seems to score on the big boys. I guess you can say Tech and Okie State have a shot at it. But other than those teams I have named i'm not sure who is in the discussion for being better than us. Our offense is an interesting one...nobody really just jumps out at you, but somehow some way they just get it done.

I do agree with you on the defensive side. However, I will say that i'm really not sure about a lot of defenses anymore. After watching teams with statistically top 5 defenses in Bama and Penn State get absolutely shredded it's making me wonder what these stats actually mean.

Yeah, I didn't explain that well. The only offense I can think of that you can definitively say is better than ours is OU's. What I meant was who is on par with UT. Basically, who would put up similar numbers (450 ypg and 40ppg) if they played against a Big 12 schedule.

Here's who I have
Okie State
Penn State

and possibly Illinois and Nebraska.

But as far as who will show up and score 30+ against a good defense, I have no idea, but I do know that list is a lot shorter.
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Texas having 2 freshman at safety(is one a redshirt?) should be a big negative in most cases. But, can we, will we take advantage?
Tressel seems confident, which is a good sign. Whoever can avoid the big mistake will win this one.
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Taosman;1371051; said:
Texas having 2 freshman at safety(is one a redshirt?) should be a big negative in most cases. But, can we, will we take advantage?
Tressel seems confident, which is a good sign. Whoever can avoid the big mistake will win this one.

Earl Thomas is a redshirt and Blake Gideon is a true freshman. Games like this might be where playing quarterbacks like Sam Bradford and others like him might benefit us. Going up against a true fresman like Pryor will help as well. Pryor's youth is likely to bail our young secondary out of a few mistakes that a more experienced quarterback would identify and make them pay for.

It's going to be fun seeing Pryor vs Our young secondary.
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UTSINCE96;1371060; said:
Earl Thomas is a redshirt and Blake Gideon is a true freshman. Games like this might be where playing quarterbacks like Sam Bradford and others like him might benefit us. Going up against a true fresman like Pryor will help as well. Pryor's youth is likely to bail our young secondary out of a few mistakes that a more experienced quarterback would identify and make them pay for.

It's going to be fun seeing Pryor vs Our young secondary.

If this one is anything like the 2005 and 2006 versions it should be a helluva time. Can't wait to get through the workday on Monday. :cheers:
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Funny story from outside the stadium yesterday...a dialogue between a father and his approx. 3 year old daughter:

Daughter: Daddy, it's better than Ohio Stadium.
Father: No its not honey.
Daughter: Yes Daddy, I like it better than Ohio Stadium.
Father: It's not better and it's called the Horseshoe.
Daughter: They call this the Horseshoe too? This one is nicer.
Father: It just looks nicer because it's newer, but the Horseshoe it better.
Daughter: I don't know Daddy.

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Scout.com: 2009 Fiesta Bowl Preview - Ohio St vs. Texas

This is one of the more odd previews for this game I have seen. What shocked me the most is I think he has our WR's way too low and our lb's a bit too high. I don't agree with many of these at all. I had thought that Texas certainly had the advantage at WR. While I think our lb's have the potential to be where he has them at and beyond, i'm not sure if they are quite there yet. Also it's interesting to note that he gives tosu the advantage in every category except quarterback and the Lines. This should be interesting.
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EngineerHorn;1370374; said:
2. These defenses are pretty bad. Mizzou's is a joke and Tech's is still pretty pathetic. Again, I thought Okie State's was better than that. During the Big 12 season I thought it was mediocre defenses against really good offenses. Now I've changed my tune. It was good offenses against bad defenses.

I'm not sure why everyone changed their opinion of the B12 this season. Keep in mind that this is a conference that from top to bottom has had extraordinary continuity among its top programs. Leach, Stoops and Brown have all been running on the same style at their respective programs for a decade now. Because the coaches have all been there so long, you can get a sense of the identity or stereotype for the teams. For example, Okie State is the team that normally has athletes that can stretch the field on playaction passes and always gives OU plenty of trouble on defense. Missouri is the team that does well in conference play but fails to impress in bowl games. OU is the team that looks great in regular season but persistently lacks defensive discipline and overpursues, thus is susceptible to big plays. These are things that I've been saying about the conference since early this decade.

I have pointed out numerous times that OU's offensive output this year is less staggering than what they had in '04, and yet everyone turned a blind eye on history and ignored how OU's contest vs. SC turned out that year. IMO, Texas is the best team in the B12 because it has the best combination of defense and offense, and because it defeated the 2nd best team on a neutral field. Even though I hold little regard for the rest of your conference, I do realize that your team will make a formidable opponent. I'm guessing the final score will be 27-24.
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Tresselbeliever;1371211; said:
I'm not sure why everyone changed their opinion of the B12 this season. Keep in mind that this is a conference that from top to bottom has had extraordinary continuity among its top programs. Leach, Stoops and Brown have all been running on the same style at their respective programs for a decade now. Because the coaches have all been there so long, you can get a sense of the identity or stereotype for the teams. For example, Okie State is the team that normally has athletes that can stretch the field on playaction passes and always gives OU plenty of trouble on defense. Missouri is the team that does well in conference play but fails to impress in bowl games. OU is the team that looks great in regular season but persistently lacks defensive discipline and overpursues, thus is susceptible to big plays. These are things that I've been saying about the conference since early this decade.

I have pointed out numerous times that OU's offensive output this year is less staggering than what they had in '04, and yet everyone turned a blind eye on history and ignored how OU's contest vs. SC turned out that year. IMO, Texas is the best team in the B12 because it has the best combination of defense and offense, and because it defeated the 2nd best team on a neutral field. Even though I hold little regard for the rest of your conference, I do realize that your team will make a formidable opponent. I'm guessing the final score will be 27-24.

Missouri whipped a pretty good Arkansas team in the Cotton Bowl last year
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