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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

MililaniBuckeye;1362973; said:
Who said that Bud Light is the official beer of Ohio State? No [censored]ing way.

Yeah, unfortunately its Natty Light. At least amongst the student population.

Columbus does have, however, many fine and tasty microbrews and brew pubs. But in my four years there it didn't seem like the capital has anything like a Great Lakes in Cleveland or a Christian Moerlein in Cincinnati, though you could easily find both in campus grocery stores.
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Best Buckeye;1362980; said:
Bud is the official beer of Ohio, Bud lite is the official beer of all the "lightweights" in Ohio.
Even in your prime, I'd have drank you under the table on your best night. I drink Natty and Bud Light.

rocketman;1362983; said:
Yeah, unfortunately its Natty Light. At least amongst the student population.
rocketman...what can I say? I'm disappointed at your lack of respect for Natty. :shake:

reagdog;1362987; said:

Although I'm sure we appreciate the effort, if you're going to post doctored photos, at least have doctored tOSU chicks. :shake:

Best Buckeye;1362988; said:
Oh Yeah ? well iv'e been drinking in bars since I was 12 and lite beers are pisswater, Oh yeah ! I said pisswater. :biggrin:

You remind me of Taosman more and more each day.

Go Bucks! Beat Texas!
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BUCKYLE;1362996; said:
Even in your prime, I'd have drank you under the table on your best night. I drink Natty and Bud Light.

rocketman...what can I say? I'm disappointed at your lack of respect for Natty. :shake:

Although I'm sure we appreciate the effort, if you're going to post doctored photos, at least have doctored tOSU chicks. :shake:

You remind me of Taosman more and more each day.

Go Bucks! Beat Texas!
:slappy::rofl::slappy: :rofl:
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Best Buckeye;1362980; said:
Bud is the official beer of Ohio, Bud lite is the official beer of all the "lightweights" in Ohio.

We still lose the battle, but I think "Silver bullets" are the official beer of OSU. I think MY official beer of Stella gives Shiner a run for its money though.
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BUCKYLE;1362996; said:
rocketman...what can I say? I'm disappointed at your lack of respect for Natty. :shake:

Hey, I've consumed my fair share of Natty during my time at OSU. In fact, I can tell you it's the only beer you can get in central Ohio that's cheaper per ounce to purchase in cans rather than in kegs. Also, cases are a lot easier to steal than kegs and... well I won't get into that.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is, the money saved buying that stuff when I was at school is now being spent on more expensive beers cause I can actually afford it now. Natty is terrible but I still look fondly on it nowadays because... well, damnit poor college kids gotta get drunk somehow, right?
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rocketman;1363026; said:
Hey, I've consumed my fair share of Natty during my time at OSU. In fact, I can tell you it's the only beer you can get in central Ohio that's cheaper per ounce to purchase in cans rather than in kegs. Also, cases are a lot easier to steal than kegs and... well I won't get into that.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is, the money saved buying that stuff when I was at school is now being spent on more expensive beers cause I can actually afford it now. Natty is terrible but I still look fondly on it nowadays because... well, damnit poor college kids gotta get drunk somehow, right?

Damn right.
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