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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

Excuse me while I make an unsolicited remark about role players I hope don't see the field.... no, really, it's not bashing or an attack, I just see an opportunity here to voice my thoughts about how the role player I'm about to talk about .... and.... I have another reason... I read on some board somewhere that the starter in front of this role player is not going to play. Well, I didn't read it so much as just sorta made it up. That's why no one else has heard any comment from any one about this starter not playing. Truth is, I'm just saying it so I can justify my comments about the role player who I hope doesn't play.
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jwinslow;1359618; said:
If it was bashing, you would have been given an infraction (which you have not). Mo Wells gives everything he has, and is effective as a blocker and on screens. He is simply not built for the offense OSU runs.

You still haven't bothered to give any type of source for that outrageous claim that Beanie might not play. I'm guessing this was posted on some random message board, and that's why you're not addressing it.

Someone just told me, I don't know where they got it from.

Didn't think it was true.
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Nicknam4;1359614; said:
It is?

Sorry, I thought that would be considered criticism, because when I watch him play, he doesn't break tackles too well, but he has decent speed, so he only does good if there is a big hole. But a lot of times, there is a hole, but he doesn't see it in time.

That better? = D

Actually, if you've watched him play, there are very, very few times he has anything resembling a hole opened up for him. Mo has a fair amount of long runs in his career, but the main reason why they're few and far between is that he usually gets shitty blocking. I can't count how many times where Mo has taken the handoff to have one or more defenders in the backfield with him before he has taken two steps.

EDIT: I went and found Mo's career stats. Despite the lack of blocking, he still managed 868 yards on 248 carries, which is exactly 3.5 yards per carry. Not all-world, but not all that bad.
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One of the most interesting matchups in this game is the tailgate scene. Will the UT fans' collective choice of indirect heat (smokers) beat the direct heat (grills) of the Buckeye fans? Who will be the most drunk? What is the drink of choice? Will it be warm enough for the UT women to wear denim skirts and boots? Do jerseys look better than the polos/tees/button-downs look as far as fan gear goes? Washers or cornhole?

I wish I could be there. Bowl game tailgates are the best, with equal numbers from both sides. Like a clash of two subcultures.
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EngineerHorn;1361174; said:
One of the most interesting matchups in this game is the tailgate scene. Will the UT fans' collective choice of indirect heat (smokers) beat the direct heat (grills) of the Buckeye fans? Who will be the most drunk? What is the drink of choice? Will it be warm enough for the UT women to wear denim skirts and boots? Do jerseys look better than the polos/tees/button-downs look as far as fan gear goes? Washers or cornhole?

I wish I could be there. Bowl game tailgates are the best, with equal numbers from both sides. Like a clash of two subcultures.

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Tlangs;1361194; said:
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EngineerHorn;1361174; said:
One of the most interesting matchups in this game is the tailgate scene. Will the UT fans' collective choice of indirect heat (smokers) beat the direct heat (grills) of the Buckeye fans? Who will be the most drunk? What is the drink of choice? Will it be warm enough for the UT women to wear denim skirts and boots? Do jerseys look better than the polos/tees/button-downs look as far as fan gear goes? Washers or cornhole?

I wish I could be there. Bowl game tailgates are the best, with equal numbers from both sides. Like a clash of two subcultures.

I agree that this is one of the most important match-ups of the Fiesta Bowl :tongue2:

I was able to party at Hineygate (Columbus, Ohio) in 2005 with a lot of Texas fans before and after the OSU/UT game and I can honestly say that the Texas fans were some of the coolest fans I've ever met. They were there to have a good time, just like we were. Every one of them was polite, even when the local OSU fans were verbally abusing them. They took it all in stride and had a good time. I was very impressed. Despite a loss that night to the eventual national champions, hanging with the Texas fans made the night a little bit better. I couldn't help but root for them after that.

I wish I could be there also. I have to give the nod to cornhole easily over washers. I'm praying to whatever gods there are out there that the weather is warm enough for the beautiful female Texas fans to wear their denim skirts and boots, as well as the cowboy hat.....that's just plain awesome! As for the lovely OSU ladies, I'm always a fan of the scarlet OSU jersey cut-off a little bit short to expose the bellybutton!

Drink of choice?? C'mon this is Ohio State and Texas, beer is easily the drink of choice. No argument there!

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