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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

Very,very, nice, jwin. I especially like the clouds in the background, and the shading of the colors is excellent. A few pieces of food for thought: Would the players in the background balance better if the 3 Horns guys were all in home jerseys? (or a mix of road and home that matched the Bucks side) Also, I think you could go a little brighter on the orange jersey(s). I would also consider bringing out the color of the jersey numbers on Colt and TP (as well as the respective helmet logo/stripe, though not as saturated as the background guy's jerseys). It might also be interesting to try slightly darkening the shade of the background below Colt's throwing arm to approximate the size of the rotunda on the OSU side. That could bring out the sun rays coming thru the tower, which might look cool (perhaps too cool for the opponent). Lastly, to my untrained eye, it looks like either the center line of the different colors is a little to the right, or the Fiesta Bowl logo is a little to the left. If you moved the logo right, it would be getting too close to TP's elbow, but I think if you moved the 50/50 point of the scarlet/orange mix to split the difference between Jenkins' and #8's elbows, it would appear to be centered, even if it's not dead center. But, overall, I love the design. The muted colors of the players in the foreground, and the saturation of those in the background creates a nice "team" dynamic, and the inclusion of campus landmarks is a really nice touch.
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OSU steering clear of calories

Buckeyes to get steady diet of Longhorns before bowl game

By JON SPENCER ? For The Advocate ? December 23, 2008
COLUMBUS -- If Ohio State linebacker Marcus Freeman ends up in the NFL with the Arizona Cardinals, he can forget about signing an endorsement contract with In-N-Out Burger.

The popular fast-food joint apparently became a favorite destination of the Buckeyes before their 41-14 loss to Florida in the 2006 BCS title game. The bloated Bucks left the impression they were feasting on more than just their No. 1 ranking and a feeling of invincibility that night in Glendale, Ariz.
No. 10 Ohio State (10-2) is headed back to the scene of that debacle to play No. 3 Texas (11-1) in the Jan. 5 Fiesta Bowl in University of Phoenix Stadium. It will be the Buckeyes' fifth bowl trip to Arizona in the past seven years.
If Freeman has it his way, as the old burger jingle goes, the folks at In-N-Out Burger can hold the pickle and the lettuce -- and the meat while they're at it.
"We've got to stay away from them," Freeman said. "They put extra calories on you that might slow you down against this (Texas) offense."
Not to mention a Longhorn defense that ranks second in the nation against the run (73.6 ypg) and first in sacks with 44.
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Buckeyes take 'working vacation' before Fiesta Bowl

Tuesday, December 23, 2008 Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter

Columbus- Ohio State gets in the last of its 10 bowl practices on campus today before the players are free to go home to enter the next phase of their Fiesta Bowl preparation - lying on the couch.
"Our strength guys send them home with a suggested running routine and suggested lifts and if I had to bet, we'd probably get a 12 percent completion of that," head coach Jim Tressel said. "Just like I take a whole bunch of film home with me and I end up watching about 15 minutes of it."
The players dispute that low figure, but the point is not whether director of football performance Eric Lichter's plan - which includes three days of weight lifting and three days of cardiovascular work - is followed perfectly.

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Tressel not exactly Scrooge to his players
Stresses good behavior, conditioning on Christmas break
COLUMBUS ? After practice yesterday morning, Jim Tressel sent his football team home, scattering the Buckeyes across the U.S. map for five days of what he hopes will be just rest and relaxation.

As they departed for Florida, New Jersey, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Georgia and every corner and cranny of Ohio, the Ohio State players got their marching orders as far as the conditioning work they will need to do over the break, and the never-so-subtle reminders about limiting the Christmas cheer to time spent with family.

?We?re in pretty good shape, and the week off will help them,? Tressel said as he laid out the itinerary for the Buckeyes? preparation for their Jan. 5 Fiesta Bowl date with No. 3 Texas in Arizona. ?So, until the phone rings ? which in my world things are based upon when the phone rings ? we?re doing okay.?

Tressel wants his troops to utilize the running and weight-lifting routines the Ohio State strength coaches have sent home with each player, but he is also realistic about just how much work they will get done at home for the holiday.

?Their time off needs to be their family time, and it needs to be getting a little bit away from football,? Tressel said. ?We?d like them [to follow the workout routines], and if I had to bet, we?d probably get a 12 percent completion of that. But we want them to get away, yet let them know that we can?t do anything to go backwards and we want to hit the bowl site rested.?

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