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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)


Will Pryor be the real McCoy? Texas' star provides a good role model for Buckeyes' QB

by Doug Lesmerises/Plain Dealer Reporter Thursday December 18, 2008, 10:10 PM

Marvin Fong/The Plain DealerIn Colt McCoy's introduction to big-time college football in 2006, he actually survived this hit to complete a pass to the Longhorns' Linus Sweed. But Texas' offense struggled in a 24-7 loss to Ohio State.

Julie Jacobsen/APHeisman finalist Colt McCoy remembers his last game against the Buckeyes: "I was pretty nervous. ... It was kind of the first big game after Vince left," he said. "You learn a lot from a loss and I was able to bounce back and play pretty well the rest of the year."

COLUMBUS -- Texas is living the payoff. Quarterback Colt McCoy started as a freshman, hit his bumps, including a big one against Ohio State. Now two seasons later, the Heisman runner-up is in any argument as the best player in the country and the Longhorns are in any argument as the best team.
That's what Ohio State and its freshman quarterback, Terrelle Pryor, hope for in two years. Texas coach Mack Brown has lived the freshman quarterback ride more than once, and he likes the future for Ohio State and coach Jim Tressel.
"We recruited Terrelle and thought he was the best quarterback in the country last year and he's shown that already on the field," Brown said Wednesday on a teleconference. "And I don't think there's any doubt Jim will win a national championship with Terrelle, when you look at his ability and his confidence and Jim's ability to put things together. I just hope it's not on the 5th."
When Texas and Ohio State meet in the Fiesta Bowl on Jan. 5, the Buckeyes will be looking at their past as well as what could be their future. In 2006, McCoy made his second career start against Ohio State and completed 19 of 32 passes for 154 yards, one touchdown and one interception in a 24-7 loss.

"I think he's not even the same player," OSU linebacker Marcus Freeman said. "I don't even know if he's the same person. He's made strides from going from a guy that was just beginning to be a starter to now a Heisman finalist."

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OSU not about to bury head in sand
Buckeyes on special desert mission
COLUMBUS ? Some folks go to the desert to clear their mind, and scour their soul. John the Baptist was not a snowbird seeking refuge from the winters of Galilee when he ventured into the wilderness.

Others retreat to an arid part of the country to benefit their physical health. They breathe the warm, dry air, and might even venture to a desert spa where old hippies arrange warm stones along your backbone, or smear your face with cucumber mud.

No such plans for the Ohio State Buckeyes. They will travel to the American Southwest in about 10 days on a mission of a different kind. The Buckeyes are going into rehab ? hoping to repair and restore their image, which has been tarnished and mottled by a chain of recent losses in games of significant consequence.

Defensive back Malcolm Jenkins knows this trip to Phoenix to play No. 3 Texas in the Fiesta Bowl on Jan. 5 is the last shot at redemption for him and the rest of the Buckeyes? seniors.

?I know the national perception is that Ohio State doesn?t play well in big games, and I can?t blame them, because we haven?t,? Jenkins said. ?If you look at the last couple of big games, we haven?t played well at all.?

Then top-ranked Ohio State got blasted by Florida in the 2006 national title game in Arizona. Last season the Buckeyes got back to the No. 1 ranking and the championship game, and lost to LSU. This year there was the hyper-hyped showdown with No. 1 Southern California in September which ended up a rout, and then a loss at home to No. 3 Penn State. ?That?s something we?re not focusing on,? Jenkins said about the high-profile defeats, and the blemishes they?ve left on the 10th-ranked Buckeyes.

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At the very least provide a link. We don't do the unsubstantiated sky is falling crap here. Why exactly is he not supposed to be playing?

At least we have our "better than Tebow" qb :roll1:
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Nicknam4;1359465; said:
I just hope Jim doesn't put in Maurice Wells at all. He can't gain yardage unless there is a big giant hole, even then he doesn't do well.

I heard that Beanie wasn't playing in the bowl game. Is that true?

Pryor isn't either. And neither is JL or Free... In other bad news, I don't think JT is making the trip out to Arizona either. Not looking good.
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matcar;1359480; said:
Pryor isn't either. And neither is JL or Free... In other bad news, I don't think JT is making the trip out to Arizona either. Not looking good.

I heard something about the players, as well as the fans, are not hyped up for the game so they are not making the trip...... Heck they mind as well just cancel the whole thing. :biggrin:
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Considering that Todd McShay didn't have Chris Wells in his initial 2009 mock NFL Draft and I believe he had the worst pick percentage (right player going to right team in correct slot) of any national analyst for the 2008 NFL Draft, I'm not really concerned that he said Ohio State would get "pasted" by Texas.

His draft projections in the past have been a joke so his bowl projections probably follow suit.
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MililaniBuckeye;1359502; said:
Sounds like Buckeye bashing to me...

It is?

Sorry, I thought that would be considered criticism, because when I watch him play, he doesn't break tackles too well, but he has decent speed, so he only does good if there is a big hole. But a lot of times, there is a hole, but he doesn't see it in time.

That better? = D
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If it was bashing, you would have been given an infraction (which you have not). Mo Wells gives everything he has, and is effective as a blocker and on screens. He is simply not built for the offense OSU runs.

You still haven't bothered to give any type of source for that outrageous claim that Beanie might not play. I'm guessing this was posted on some random message board, and that's why you're not addressing it.
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Yeah seriously IMO I don't mean to be a dick but why would you say that our best player will be out for the game without even posting a source? Ya kinda have to know we're gonna ask for the source anyways... Trust me there's no fucking way Beanie misses this game. That toe/foot only kept him out three weeks and then he played through pain all year. Now he's had 4-5 weeks of rest so I think he should be near 100 percent (per Tressels Conference)
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