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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

Fuck you Pat Forde. Here is an email I just fired off to that no talent ass clown.

From: -
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 4:25 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: No accuracy

Pat -

Beleaguered? Wow, that's a big word for your southern fan base...are you sure they know how to pronounce it?

Yes, we are beleaguered. Yes, we deserve some of it. 41-14, 38-24, and 35-3 will do that to you.

But to say we haven't put up a BCS Fight in years? I must say, the journalism dept at your alma mater would scold you and your lack of perspective on history. Please tell me you realize the dawn of college football wasn't 1/8/2007. This decade, Ohio State has BCS bowl wins over what many argue is one of the greatest Miami teams ever, a sound thumping of Notre Dame, and a beatdown of Kansas State, the same team who demolished an Oklahoma team who played for the National Championship.

Are you saying it is OK to lampoon Ohio State for two recent BCS losses and the USC game? I am fine with that, although I don't understand why Oklahoma isn't treated equitably.

Surely, you realize, you did NOT EVEN MENTION IN YOUR NATIONAL TITLE PREVIEW the Sooners' piss poor bowl performance since 2003. Let's recap and maybe you can put these stats in your dumb 4D yard dash:
- 21-14 loss to LSU (2003 Sugar)
- 55-14 loss to Southern Cal (2004 Orange)
- 2005...I believed OU finished outside of the BCS due to losses to Oregon (albeit disputed) and Texas.
- 42-36 OT loss to Boise State (2006 Fiesta)
- and finally, the thumping WVU laid on them in last year's Fiesta Bowl.

Where's the Accuracy? Where's the Balance? Where did you get your journalism degree? Louisville County Community College? Is that all it takes to work for Mickey Mouse and ESPN?

Ohio State vs. Texas
Jan. 5, 8 p.m. ET
Glendale, Ariz.

Why watch: To see whether the scorned Longhorns can win big and state a case for an AP No. 1 vote. And to see whether the beleaguered Buckeyes can put up their first BCS fight in years.
40-second analysis: The Dash can't wait to see how much The Vest has expanded the playbook for freshman QB Terrelle Pryor in the 43 weeks since Ohio State ended the regular season. (Handy Excuse No. 1 in case the Buckeyes bomb yet again.) But keep your head on a swivel, Terrelle: Brian Orakpo is coming after you from your blind side.
Dash pick: Texas 30, Ohio State 17.
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Welcome back Texas Longhorn fans.


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ScriptOhio;1358708; said:
I have never understood these types t-shirts, or the Bevo = Dinner stuff. I believe DBB mentioned it in one of the game threads a couple of years ago, "I don't want to even know what fifteen to twenty year old steer tastes like."

There's a reason they're usually slaughtered before they turn three. :wink2:
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Dryden;1358726; said:
I have never understood these types t-shirts, or the Bevo = Dinner stuff. I believe DBB mentioned it in one of the game threads a couple of years ago, "I don't want to even know what fifteen to twenty year old steer tastes like."

There's a reason they're usually slaughtered before they turn three. :wink2:

I bet it tastes very terrible and expired.


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3074326;1358652; said:
I disagree, compare OSU and Oklahoma's BCS performance since 2002.

1) OU has lower expectations than Ohio State.

2) OU has about 1/10th the fans that Ohio State has.

*aside: i think pretty much only 3 schools truly have a NATIONAL (which was the operative word) fan base. they are Ntre Ame, TSUN, and Ohio State. the abrupt plunge past mediocrity into absolute suckitude of TSUN and Ntre Ame hurt us plenty by proxy, and their decline to a degree also made them not worth talking about. there's a reason you don't hear the heads on SportCenter talking about the Memphis Grizzlies... finally, our 3 most recent performances against national powers only bolstered that bias... maybe the media is not actually blatantly biased against Ohio State, but rather against the Midwest in general. perhaps the perception of the coasts determines the perceived bias of the interior.*

3) OU gets something of a pass because they run up the score.
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1) OU has lower expectations than Ohio State.

don't tell them that

2) OU has about 1/10th the fans that Ohio State has.

I have no way of knowing for sure but i'm guess that this isn't all that off

3) OU gets something of a pass because they run up the score.

All too true....:(

*aside: i think pretty much only 3 schools truly have a NATIONAL (which was the operative word) fan base. they are Ntre Ame, TSUN, and Ohio State

While those three teams certainly have a national following, to say that they are "pretty much the only 3 schools" is crazy in my opinion. Texas, Georgia, and Florida certainly all have national followings and there are most likely others that I have left off.

in 2007 the top three earning teams were Notre Dame, Texas and Georgia. I am not dumb enough to think that revenue = national following but I would argue that there is a correlation.

Also, the number of students at Texas alone ensures that there is a huge built in fan base( much like at the Ohio State University)

The Most Valuable College Football Teams - Forbes.com
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High Lonesome;1358753; said:
Also, the number of students at Texas alone ensures that there is a huge built in fan base( much like at the Ohio State University)

I see a lot of parallels between Ohio State and Texas. Two of the largest research institutions in the country, excellent high school football talent in each state that fuels the schools recruiting and success, two of the largest alumni associations in the country with fans that are extremely loyal to their teams and school.

That's why I enjoy playing you guys. You don't have an inferiority complex that makes you act like assholes. Your teams are always good bordering on great, you have a great school, and that's the way it's always been. Very similar to Ohio State in my opinion.
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High Lonesome;1358773; said:
Well crap

Just questions the validity of the rest of their info. By the way, that link was from 2007 so there have been two seasons worth of football played...I would bet that values of some of the listed teams have changed markedly, especially Ntre ame...
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MililaniBuckeye;1358768; said:
Uh, I think the forward pass was first introduced in 1906, not in the 1920's...

Good catch on the first pass. BTW, if any Domers try to say that Rockne to Gus Dorais was the first forward pass, don't let them get away with it.

100 Years Ago: Football's First Forward Pass | LiveScience

They called it the "projectile pass" back then.

On Sept. 5, 1906, Saint Louis University's Bradbury Robinson tossed a pigskin to teammate Jack Schneider. It was a remarkably creative play for the era, one that ultimately became known as the forward pass.

The game was scoreless. According to SLU archives, head coach Eddie Cochems was frustrated with the team's inability to move the ball. For weeks, they had been secretly practicing this new art of tossing the ball forward from a starting position behind the ear.

And so football's first air attack began.

And it started as you might expect, with an incompletion. Under the rules then, the ball was turned over to the opponent, Carroll College.

On SLU's next possession, though, Robinson connected with Schneider 20-yards downfield. The defense was so surprised, Schneider waltzed in for the score.

Saint Louis University beat Carroll 22-0.

There's a deadly history to this gridiron breakthrough.

The 1905 season saw several on-field football deaths and serious injuries around the country. President Theodore Roosevelt met with universities officials to find ways to make the game safer. That's when rules were modified to allow passing.

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