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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

osugrad21;1357452; said:

?We had a little issue with them going on the news, so they ran quite a bit yesterday. And Beanie looked a little sore this morning in practice,? Tressel said. ?They missed a class, and you?re not allowed to do that, so they had a reminder. It was a teachable moment for the whole team because those guys got worked.?

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Objectively, Texas SHOULD be favored in this game. Maybe even by 8-10 points. I don't know, I suck at gambling so I'm probably even worse at setting lines.

What worries me is there is a consensus that Texas will win handily. No one is picking an upset. That's never good for anything. UT's been on the other side of that before in the 2006 Rose Bowl. tOSU has been in UT's place the last two years (to some extent). It never really ends well, but then again maybe I can't remember any other examples.
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College football: Buckeyes primed for information overload

Thursday, December 18, 2008 3:30 AM
By Tim May

If preparations go as planned, every time Texas lines up in a different offensive formation in the Fiesta Bowl, it should be a deja vu moment for the Ohio State defense. Then the next thought for every defender, safety Kurt Coleman said, will be to fight the impulse. Maybe, after a month to prepare, they think they know the Longhorns, their high-powered offense and all-star quarterback Colt McCoy's tendencies backward and forward. But Texas will have had a month to prepare, too.
"Really, you've got to play within the defense," Coleman said. "And if the defense tells you you've got to stay back in the deep half (zone coverage) then stay in the deep half."
But the mind will be trying to feed the Buckeyes information every nanosecond about what it thinks is coming. Players during the season only have about four days to gain a handle on the next opponent. The buildup to a bowl game gives both teams plenty of time to watch hours of video and become experts.
"You first try to figure out what is their favorite formation," OSU linebacker Marcus Freeman said. "You'll code-name it something like 'Gray' or 'Red'. Let's say they like three wide receivers, one tight end and one back, along with the quarterback.
"Then you watch and decide what their favorite play is out of that formation. From that point, you start breaking it down, and you start looking for frequencies that play is called, and so on."
It's rudimentary stuff, really.
"It's a long process, but it's really about getting prepared for every situation," Coleman said.
Once the lessons have been learned, coaches try to help players unclutter their minds.
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3074326;1357054; said:
Is Oklahoma a signature program? They've sucked in BCS games lately, yet nobody seems to care. ESPN is calling Stoops "Big Game" Stoops.

Somehow this does not haunt the Big 12, yet OSU's comparable lack of success in BCS games does haunt the conference.

There is a media bias, and it's not subtle.

and it goes back to LBJ's thread about frustration. no championship caliber team has dropped the ball more than Ohio State. combine that with an enormous national fan base, which in turn creates more national haters and you have a recipe for extreme bias.
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EngineerHorn;1357880; said:
I'm not liking the general consensus (a Texas win) either. And I don't know where all the blowout predictions are coming from. Maybe it's a result of feeling slighted.
The blowout predictions are due to the fact that Ohio State is a sucky team with midwestern-born sloths at every position, which has padded its schedule by feasting on inferior Big Ten conference patsies.

I thought everybody knew that?
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Dryden;1358487; said:
The blowout predictions are due to the fact that Ohio State is a sucky team with midwestern-born sloths at every position, which has padded its schedule by feasting on inferior Big Ten conference patsies.

I thought everybody knew that?
i thought they were called cupcakes
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BuckeyeNation27;1358488; said:
now, as I was saying...Texas' starting QB Bo Jackson will not be able to shoot more than 10% from the 3 point line, which is why we'll win by a goal and a half.
I am not concerned with Bo Jackson given we're playing the Fiesta Bowl.

If we had to play in the Tecmo Bowl, though, we'd really be fucked.
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lvbuckeye;1358484; said:
and it goes back to LBJ's thread about frustration. no championship caliber team has dropped the ball more than Ohio State. combine that with an enormous national fan base, which in turn creates more national haters and you have a recipe for extreme bias.

I disagree, compare OSU and Oklahoma's BCS performance since 2002.
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ESPN - Pat Forde: Dashing through the bowls

2) We havent put up a fight in a BCS bowl in "years"...

Most BCS Bowl Wins by team:

5 - USC
4 - Ohio State
4 - LSU
3 - Florida
3 - Miami

Somehow, "lousy BCS bowl performing" tOSU has as many BCS Bowl wins as Oklahoma, Michigan, Tennessee, Alabama, Notre Dame, and Virginia Tech COMBINED.
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