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Fan Behavior and KH's Apology (Merged all)

I dont like holbrook speaking for us.

FWIW, with my own 2 eyes, I didnt see any texas fan being abused. and I was down there from 7AM til well after the game.

I have to wonder how much of this is just overreaction and plain "holier than thou" exhibitionism.
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If you look at history, these types of behaviors only change when it becomes socially unacceptable to the population as a whole. We as OSU fans have to make it unacceptable to behave in an extreme or violent way. All it would take is one or two people dressed in S&G to tell the person to chill, and all of their bravado would shrivel up like a dick in cold water.

Bantor back and forth is fine, but throwing F bombs a little old lady that graduated last century should not be tolerated.

Edit for smelling
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I worked some logistics issues during the first gulf war. We used factors gathered from field exercises, Vietnam and other mobilizations to decide such things as how many fuel filters a cav squadron would go through in a week of combat operations... how many fanbelts would break in a truck company during a week... you get the idea. Using the same sort of formula, we decided how many jag (lawyers) units we would need to field to deal with drunk and disorderlies, fights, AWOLs, insubordination, rape, plunder, mayhem and pillage... we ended up needing only 1/3 of the jags we sent and when we tried to figure out why for the after action report the one thing we kept noticing was the absence of alcohol from the theatre.

Shooting a back azimuth, what would you think would happen when 18 to 30 year-olds had an entire day to get shit faced before a HUGE football game? They don't call it "Liquid Loudmouth" for nothing.
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Great point Cinci. This behavior could well bring an endo to night games in the Shoe.

On a brighter side, once we left Lane Street, the OSU fans were wonderful.

Location is a very big part of it. East of High was a jungle and is where I saw most of the worst incidents. I generally stay off Lane 'Street'. Problem is that visiting fans don't know where the 'hot zones' are.

Ultimately what will or will not trigger a reaction from tOSU is not what happened, but the noise level that reaches Hollbrook.
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I went to Ohio expecting to see a big time program with passionate fans that would have a mutual respect for another big time program...What I left with was something much different...I have all kinds of experiences from my weekend both good and bad...(We arrived in town on Thursday night)

Good: Varsity club and Hiney Gate....Tons of good fans from both schools getting along (mostly),having some passionate but civil football talk...Everyone we met during the tailgating were very friendly and fun to hang out with...The Shoe (Nuff said)...

Bad: the Four Kegs...WOW...Complete jackassery from moment one...F-Texas, Go Home, F-you queers...etc,etc....One girl (cute) asked us "why are you here? Are you trying to start trouble?" I responded "No, We thought we would come out and have a beer, and meet some interesting people from Ohio but I guess your not one of them!" We decided it would be best to finish the beers and head back to Varsity...
On our way back it continues...Not one group passed us without several curse words directed at us...(This is where your night game excuse gets thin...It happened everyday of the trip...)
Walking from the tailgate to the Shoe...More of the same...

I did not personally see the spitting or beer but wouldn`t doubt it for a second...I remember being shocked as we have no history (our schools)...Had tOSU come to TEXAS first the treatment would have been amazing...Lots of respect and appreciation for a big time program...Good football smack but thats it...

I wish SOME of you good luck with the rest of the season...Your team is first rate and played their asses off...Maybe we will see each other in the Rose Bowl (but I hope not)....
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Every school has the shit fans. I don't mean it as an excuse, but this sounds like a bullshit story to me.

Go to Madison some time.. be sure to wear armour and don't expect to sleep in your RV.

Again, I'm sorry that anyone had a bad time. It's not cool, and I don't condone bullshit. there is a line between a playful ribbing and drunken machisimo. Out of 106,000 fans, all but a handful were cool. Again, not an excuse, but this story is more bullshit than bothersome. Must be a slow news day.
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I was on campus from about 1PM gameday until about 2AM after the game. I saw one incident near Conrad's where 3 or 4 drunk OSU student-aged males were yelling at a group of about 8-10 UT fans. The only thing they yelled that was intelligable at the UT fans was "you're going to get VD, that's why you are standing alone". It really made no sense, but like I said the guys were really ripped. They said this as they made their way back to Hineygate. I heard some of the OSU people in the immediate area laugh at these guys because they were making an ass of themselves. That was the only incident I saw anywhere. I talked with some UT fans tailgating, they were great. My son and I had seats in section 36, south stands. There was a large contingent of UT fans in 37 and they were fine. There were actually 2 UTfans, 2 guys, in the row just in front of me and 4 seats over and they talked with the OSU fans in the area all game, again no problems with anyone. I am sure there were people who were out of line, with a couple of hundred thousand people in the immediate area of the stadium odds are there will be some jerks. But I was down there for 13 hours and saw one minor incident, so I have to believe OVERALL things went pretty well.
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I am sure that there were 300,000+ around the stadium. I am guessing that the worst of the worst were the ones with out tickets. They were the dumb asses that set cars on fire after the '02 Meatchicken game.


Pick any event... ANY EVENT... where you gather that many people in a small place and some representative number of people will say it was the worst most fucked up place to be ever.

Add in to that the friggin insanity that is fandom.....

Add in to that alcohol...

I'm not the least bit surprised some people had a crappy time. I fully expect the same shit when OSU travels to Austin. Not cause I think UT fans are shitty, or they are looking for revenge, but because that's exactly what happens.

A lot of this stuff I"m hearing is "Well, dude called me a X" and "So and so said he'd perform bad act Y" Get a fucking spine, for christs sake. AGain, there is a line between ribbing and machisimo..... When I go to things like this, I keep a low profile, I don't need the problem and I can handle my booze. Some people aren't as cautious. It happens in Ohio, Texas, Florida, California, Nebraska, Iowa...... Any place that takes football seriously. ANY PLACE.

If I go to Austin and I hear "WHat's a Buckeye? Just a nut?" You wont see me on Horn Fans asking for an apology. If I hear, "FUck you you Ohio State faggot." I wont care. I could give a fuck.

I don't mean to minimize anyone who had a truely dreadful expierence. Truely, there is no excuse, and I don't want to come off as an apologist. But, this wasn't a damn riot. No one set the stadium on fire. This was, by in large, a bunch of people expressing pure emotion. SOme of it taken as offensive, some of it intended as offensive... nothing more, nothing less. It's a bullshit story.
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I was not asking for an apology. I just think that OSU fans should be aware of what others think of their fans. I would not be happy if I heard that Texas fans were behaving that way. It was more than a few fans. I do not think that anyone's weekend is completely ruined by their behavior.

Even in the bars on Lane and High, several bouncers commented to us that the OSU students were out of control. I agree fans should have a thick skin about all of the yelling but it is ridiculous to have to put up with that crap.

I was just glad that I left my kids at home. The OSU fans did not care if little ones were around. So what is next, saying kids should not come to the game if they can not have a "thick skin".
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stop complaining, there were 300,000 fans around the horseshoe last saturday, if you dont think that there will be a fair number of morons then get a reality check. im upset that our fans would act like that, but it will happen ANYWHERE that takes college football seriously at all. its a fact of life, you shouldve expected that maybe 10% of the fans will be assholes.
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I was not asking for an apology. I just think that OSU fans should be aware of what others think of their fans. I would not be happy if I heard that Texas fans were behaving that way. It was more than a few fans. I do not think that anyone's weekend is completely ruined by their behavior.

Even in the bars on Lane and High, several bouncers commented to us that the OSU students were out of control. I agree fans should have a thick skin about all of the yelling but it is ridiculous to have to put up with that crap.

I was just glad that I left my kids at home. The OSU fans did not care if little ones were around. So what is next, saying kids should not come to the game if they can not have a "thick skin".

I get your point, T-Ma. Like I said, I don't want to minimize your expierence, as I admitted, there is no cognizable "excuse" for this type of behavior, and in a utopian world it wouldn't occur (Of course, in such a world OSU would have beaten UT). I'm just saying this is a non-story, really. (I listened to this crap on local sports talk radio all afternoon, and that's not fair to you, I understand, but I'm just sick of hearing it. It's just not a big deal. If people got shot, if there was a riot... if the national news cared... then, well.. then, I wouldn't be saying any of this...)
As kids go, I'd like to hope people can keep their head's out of their asses long enough to use some sense in that circumstances. I know I would, and I hope everyone else would to. Some people lose their cool, and I've inadvertantly swore in front of kids myself. It's part of life. My kids ask me, "What does Fuck mean" And you know what I do? I explain it. Better to hear it from me than some 3rd grader.
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