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Fan Behavior and KH's Apology (Merged all)

I mean if you heard someone yelling fuck you and it was an ohio state fan they may have been yelling at their buddy who just knocked the full flask of captain morgans all over the ground, because I did see that happen.

I know when my buddy knocks over my booze I always yell, "steers and queers, go back home to Texas you faggot". It really is the perfect way to convey disappointment at the loss of some good rum.

No I did not count 50,000 people being assholes, I'm sure i did not come into direct contact with near that many people all weekend. There is a concept called sampling that is used by pollsters to enable them to reach conclusions without having to contact every single registered voter. The larger the sample size, the more likely the conclusion is correct. Based on my fairly good sized sample, I came to the conclusion that OSU has a much larger contingent of jackass fans than any other school at which I have attended a game.

Disclaimer- in an earlier post, I said that "most fans" was a possibility- this was obviously wrong and not fair to you guys. I should have just stuck with "substantial minority", which I do think is very accurate.
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Great. Good for you, craig, you sure showed him.:roll2:

Seriously, there have been far too many reports of this type of thing for it to be just a small percentage. Were I to guess, I'd probably go with LBJ's 10% or so. I have a small problem believing that, because I was there from 7 am until 1:30 in the morning, and did not see one example of this type of behavior, outside of the "Steers and Queers" thing, which I'm sorry,(if you've ever seen Full Metal Jacket you may agree) but I find hilarious (although more so because of the actual movie, not when it is directed at Texas fans). I saw and heard a lot of "Texas Sucks", but again, I don't really have a problem with that. I would fully expect to hear that about my Buckeyes at ANY away game. Still, these stories are too widespread to ignore.

I will say this...if I had seen any of these instances, I WOULD have intervened. There is absolutely no excuse for this kind of behavior, ESPECIALLY in front of women and kids. If I see a couple of twenty-something Texas fans going chest to chest with a couple of twenty-something OSU fans, I'm not gonna say anything. But I don't care who you are, if you are provoking or cussing at a woman, child, or family, you suck, and I will be the first person to tell you that. Have some respect. I spoke with probably around 40-50 Texas fans at my tailgate, I drank a beer or ate a bratwurst with almost all of them, and threw the football with several of them. They were ALL knowledgable, respectful, and genuinely good people.
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i suppose it could be annoying to opposing fans having a bunch of us doing that. If it helps, I can promise you it is not meant as a sign of disrespect to the opponent, but only as a cheer for us.

I didn't take it as disrespectful. But in 'Our House' just seeing the team colors for the other side is mildly irritating. I want ALL S&G. But you are entitled to cheer your team in a respectful way - which is pretty much what I saw in my slice of the game experience.

That said, I never cared for the Gator bite, the Tomahawk chop, or any of the other gestures some fans are required to make in support of their team. I have always been grateful that being a Buckeye didn't mean I had to hop like a bunny or quack like a duck. But if it did I would.

On the other hand, I have a two year old grandson and if you holler O-H at him he will throw up and I and an O (and maybe I have done that myself in Happy Valley a time or two).
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Nah, just sticking their little hook'em horns hand sign in our face after a big play and stuff like that.

Not really a short fuse, just dont see how these fellas do this crap, when you know they will be the first ones to bitch when an OSU fan says the "steers and queers" saying at them.

All I'm saying is that its fine to root for your team, and Our fans shouldnt be assholes, but, keep in mind what city and what stadium you are in. I think Hook'em horns guy realized this after he was heard saying "Man, I wanna sit down by the band, not up here by all these pussies" and I told him to shut the fuck up or I would throw him down to where the band was.... He left on his own power shortly after that.

you seem to have this idea that it is alright to defend your city and your stadium in any manner from other fans cheering? that's the mentality that everyone is bitching about.
It's not war. We are not invading your city and your stadium with hopes of occupying it and keeping it for ourselves, its a fucking football game in the grand scheme of things. The only people that should be violent are on the field, all other acts of violence are uncalled for, chill out.

I understand getting a little upset about being referred to as a woman's arguably best orifice, but the first statement, about texas boys showing ohio boys....that's not really too offensive, people have been hyping that angle all week. it does seem like that guy with his talking puppet hand was being a real asshole, and probably deserved INSULTS coming back in his direction but not violence (although I believe that you weren't going to really throw him.) I am not assuming that you would have been violent either, I am hoping that these were just idle threats.

but take what he was giving to you, and multiply it times a thousand and see that you don't have anybody else on your side, and you see where all these other Texas fans' apprehensive feelings are coming from.
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you seem to have this idea that it is alright to defend your city and your stadium in any manner from other fans cheering? that's the mentality that everyone is bitching about.
It's not war. We are not invading your city and your stadium with hopes of occupying it and keeping it for ourselves, its a fucking football game in the grand scheme of things. The only people that should be violent are on the field, all other acts of violence are uncalled for, chill out.

I understand getting a little upset about being referred to as a woman's arguably best orifice, but the first statement, about texas boys showing ohio boys....that's not really too offensive, people have been hyping that angle all week. it does seem like that guy with his talking puppet hand was being a real asshole, and probably deserved INSULTS coming back in his direction but not violence (although I believe that you weren't going to really throw him.) I am not assuming that you would have been violent either, I am hoping that these were just idle threats.

but take what he was giving to you, and multiply it times a thousand and see that you don't have anybody else on your side, and you see where all these other Texas fans' apprehensive feelings are coming from.

OF COURSE they were Idle threats. Like I would(or even could) throw a guy down C-Deck.

The fact is, I felt this guy was being an asshole. nobody around him was being an asshole to him, so why should he be an asshole? in our house nonetheless?
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i'm gonna agree w/all the people blaming the late start time of the game more than anything else. i know i was always wasted by noon on gameday, and we all know a different kind of drunk kicks in when you've been drinking for ten+ hours. so it's a bad situation from the get-go....but i personally have never seen anything that crazy or threatening being done to visiting fans that couldn't be written off as drunken students. i guess the only thing close was michigan fans getting threatened on high street after beating us in columbus. this would've been in the mid to late 1990's (i lived in columbus from 1992 - 2000) when we were having all those riots on 12th ave. i actually saw a tree (a big one!) uprooted and pushed entirely thru a honda hatchback...

shit was crazy but i still love the memory...
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I did intervene with the only instance of bad behavior that I saw...Its a shame that this stuff happens. I have been to OSU road games where I was the victim of it (Purdue, Wisconsin), so I understand completely...and I have been on OSU road trips where the home fans were so nice and welcoming that I will forever have a positive image of that school. (Penn State)

I apologized to the guy who was cursed at and his family and tried to explain to him that we are not all like the drunk idiot who felt compelled to curse him...and we talked for a few minutes and I convinced him and his family to hang around the Ramp inside of the shoe to watch TBDBITL enter and sing 'I wanna go back'....He seemed to walk away with a more favorable impression of TOSU after that...but I can only imagine how the rest of the Texas fans felt.

C'mon Buckeye fans...we ARE better then this.
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OF COURSE they were Idle threats. Like I would(or even could) throw a guy down C-Deck.

The fact is, I felt this guy was being an asshole. nobody around him was being an asshole to him, so why should he be an asshole? in our house nonetheless?

It's fine to call an asshole out if he deserves it. But did you do the same to the OSU assholes? I'm not trying to call you out, but telling somebody you're gonna toss him off of C deck doesn't leave a favorable impression. Words are ALWAYS more effective than threats.

The greater problem is still what JCOSU said - that nobody was intervening. That just blows my mind...I was with about 12 guys at my tailgate, and if ANY of us would have seen the stuff that people are describing, we would have stopped it. There is no excuse.

Disclaimer - this shot was not aimed at you, craig, I'm talking about stories I have heard that have nothing to do with this thread.
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I was shocked at the behavior of some of the OSU fans. My dad is an alumni of OSU and my husband is an alumni of UT. I was neutral (Texas Tech grad) When walking down to the Nuthouse, OSU fans called my dad names because he was walking with UT fans. It was the worse behavior I have ever witnessed at a football game and I have been to alot of different schools games, including Norte Dame, Purdue, Texas Tech, etc. I was embarassed to have told Texas fans' that the OSU fans were like Nebraska's fans.

I told my dad that next year if Texas fans behave that way toward OSU, I would personally place them in time out. LOL. Once a mom, always a mom.

On a brighter side, once we left Lane Street, the OSU fans were wonderful. They were friendly and I welcome all of them to come to Austin. Hopefully, the idiot fans on both sides will either grow up or be to hung over to attend the game.
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We weren't as bothered by the small population of morons due to their lack of intelligence and originality. There were a few looking to pick a fight before and more than a few looking to brawl afterwards but we’ve seen worse. <st1:state w:st="on"><st1 =""></st1></st1:state> We arrived Friday night in the RV, missed the turn onto Fred Taylor and instead turned onto what appeared to be fraternity row. Got a few rowdy’s there but came out unscathed (my insurance company thanks them). Once we found the lot, we parked and headed to the Varsity Club for some drinks. Between Fred Taylor and VC, we heard “Steers & Queers” more than 30 times. Not quite sure how <st1:state w:st="on"><st1 =""></st1></st1:state> is associated with the queers but I guess it rhymes. The OH-IO chants were cool…very similar to our Texas-Fight, anyone can toss out a loud “<st1:state w:st="on"><st1 ="">Texas</st1></st1:state>” and get an immediate “Fight” from the crowd. The coolest and most memorable exchanges were all the “Good Luck” wishes that went back and forth. These were sincere and intelligent people who knew that this was going to be one of the best match-ups in history…they were right.<o =""></o><o =""></o>
The game – truly amazing but will save for another thread<o =""></o><o =""></o>
After the game – I was expecting much worse and was pleasantly surprised. We kept pretty quiet as a group (until we arrived at the Game Day set) but most of you congratulated us, wished us the best of luck and told us to beat the hell out of USC. That was very cool and will also be a lasting memory. Unfortunately, there were a few more bad apples after the game that are the causing the media stir-up this week. Witnessed a few people getting jumped from behind for no apparent reason (cowards quickly ran away) and unfortunately witnessed one VERY drunk UT student mix it up with OSU students (he was way outnumbered so we left that one to the cops). The funniest one had to be the 60+ 250lb+ OSU fan who was going the opposite direction through the tunnel between the stadium and Lane Ave. It was all UT fans coming from the Game Day set; he put his head down and ran strait through anything in his way (knocking several people down). I’m pretty sure he made it through without incident; I think everyone felt sorry for the guy. the net of all this? I think all of the rumors and stories have been blown out of proportion and are an injustice to your fine institution. We will quickly forget the few who really had nothing to say but we will always remember the majority of fans who welcomed us to <st1:city w:st="on"><st1 ="">Columbus</st1></st1:city> and hosted one of the best games ever. Your campus, city and state are outstanding and until this time next year….GO BUCKS!! If you can swing it, make the trip to <st1:city w:st="on"><st1 ="">Austin</st1></st1:city> and we will return the favor.<o =""></o>
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<o ="">:p>:oh: :io: </o>
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Oh yeah…here are some hecklers that we didn’t mind one little bit!<o =""></o>


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I was shocked at the behavior of some of the OSU fans. My dad is an alumni of OSU and my husband is an alumni of UT. I was neutral (Texas Tech grad) When walking down to the Nuthouse, OSU fans called my dad names because he was walking with UT fans. It was the worse behavior I have ever witnessed at a football game and I have been to alot of different schools games, including Norte Dame, Purdue, Texas Tech, etc. I was embarassed to have told Texas fans' that the OSU fans were like Nebraska's fans.

I told my dad that next year if Texas fans behave that way toward OSU, I would personally place them in time out. LOL. Once a mom, always a mom.

On a brighter side, once we left Lane Street, the OSU fans were wonderful. They were friendly and I welcome all of them to come to Austin. Hopefully, the idiot fans on both sides will either grow up or be to hung over to attend the game.

The one bright thing to look forward to texasmom, for the rematch in Austin is this:

Few if any of the louts you encountered will have the money or the brains to arrange a long road rip, nab their tickets, and make it into Burnt Orange country.

And, to back up what others said Penn State has one of the best, most respectful crowds and tailgates I've ever been lucky enough to enjoy.

(I think its the long walk up that hill which knocks the wind out of most of the "student" body - thus making for a more relaxed atmosphere - well, that's my theory and I'm sticking to it).

Anyway, look forward to a more studious and intellectually unchallenged road crowd wearing S&G in Austin. We certainly don't want to have The Ohio State University fall into the same class(less) group as Miami (who is effectively banned from appearing in South Bend because of various shenanigans).
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Here is a letter from Karen Holbrook to one of their fans who wrote her a letter complaining about our fans. If you go to the actual blog that this letter was posted at you can see that Texas fans weren't to impressed with Holbrooks answer either. Just a heads up to OSU is already complaining that it took 450 extra man hours to clean up the area after the game. Don't be surprised if more rules come down soon.

the link is www.statesman.com. The blog is under bevo beat.

I will personally apologize for the poor treatment you received. We have been working very hard to change a culture from one that is disrespectful to one that is welcoming. Obviously, there is still much work to do. You might be glad to know (although it was not your experience) that I received an email from a fan who commended our students and fans for the good treatment he received. I wish that had been universal, and I am sorry you experienced the opposite. Thanks for the compliments about the campus. We work very hard to make it a sound and positive and increasing better academic environment. As you now, this is hard at our great public institutions, but we, like UT Austin have that commitment. Our pre-game event with Texas stressed the accomplishments we have both made. The goal was to cite our mutual successes and to demonstrate that we are rivals on the field but partners in education. Clearly not everyone got the message. Again, I do apologize. We do not want our guests to leave with the impression you gained.​
I will be at Texas next year and plan to come back with a good impression – win or lose. You were gracious winners and the game was fantastic even thought we wished for a different outcome!​
Again, thanks for writing and I deeply regret your negative experience. We deeply regret leaving that impression.​
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