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I think someone is trying to troll or stalk me. Last night I got this friend request from someone I don't know. Brand new profile (19 hours on facebook) no friends, follows my public posts. I sent a message asking how we know each other, no response. I do however have a pretty good idea who it is :lol: crazy bitch :biggrin:

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DubCoffman62;2333464; said:
I think someone is trying to troll or stalk me. Last night I got this friend request from someone I don't know. Brand new profile (19 hours on facebook) no friends, follows my public posts. I sent a message asking how we know each other, no response. I do however have a pretty good idea who it is :lol: crazy bitch :biggrin:


ask for noodz
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I get those periodically...just recently in fact. I didn't respond, I just left it in the friend request box so I could still see it...she disappeared in, oh, a couple of days. Lots of accounts like that, I figure they are trolling porn or something. They usually get deleted.
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Some dude I used to play basketball with got dumped by his gf recently. I finally blocked him today. It was really pathetic. Just non-stop whining and horrible spelling. The clincher was his paragraph long love letter ending with him trying to say she is amazing. Instead he called her Amazon. :lol:
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BUCKYLE;2335122; said:
Some dude I used to play basketball with got dumped by his gf recently. I finally blocked him today. It was really pathetic. Just non-stop whining and horrible spelling. The clincher was his paragraph long love letter ending with him trying to say she is amazing. Instead he called her Amazon. :lol:

You should hook up with his ex
edit: you should hook up with his ex, take a bunch of pictures of you two together and tag him.
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Also, while I am thinking about it, I should share this story.....

A couple months ago, while working at Camp Pendleton, a Marine I was working with set his phone down right in front of me and walked off. While I did not know this PFC, the temptation to [censored] with the young Marine was too great and I decided to have a little fun.
I got on his phone and went to his Facebook ap. Status update: "Oh my God my crotch is on fire, off to BAS I go"
So, I figured he would be back a minute later, find it, and the damage would be minimal......He was gone an hour and a half.
During that time, I was treated to a stream of notifications from friends, family, and two of the most important figures in a young Marines life.... His girlfriend and his Momma..... Several "Honey, what is going on's?" "Call me's" "where are you's?" and "I really hope this is a cruel joke's"

It all culminated with a screen capture from his girlfriend. His mom decided to write a FB message to his girlfriend... While I don't remember the exact verbage, The tone was kind of like, "Who is [censored]ing around on who?!" "I am really really angry" "You tramp" etc.... At this point, I am getting worried that I may have ACTUALLY screwed this young Marine over. The fun went to worry that he was going to walk into a hornets nest, and go off himself in the [Mark May]ter once he realized his girl and his mom both wanted to kill him....

The Marine comes back, picks his phone up and I watch him talking on the phone for about 30 minutes by himself..... Now I feel bad. I go ask him whats up and start to apologize.... "He started laughing and said, "I have been looking for a good way to break up with that chick for weeks! Thank you!" He goes and walks off like he just got promoted....

Good times....
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DubCoffman62;2335196; said:

The girl that shared this image doesn't work, her ex gives her alimony and child support, she pretty much lives the life of a young single woman dumping her kids with grandma and going out clubbing 5 times a week :lol:

outstanding... if i remember my history correctly... Native American tribes were OH SO Kind, gentle and helping towards other tribes.... love people who pick and choose statements without looking at the whole picture.
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