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It would be cool if all of the political facebook posts could be kept in the poli forum. Or even make a "my fb friends are stupid because they think differently" thread in the poli forum. This thread should be for DubCoff's fb friends that can't spell and drive franken-trucks...and Gooseman. Just a suggestion.
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BUCKYLE;2353359; said:
It would be cool if all of the political facebook posts could be kept in the poli forum. Or even make a "my fb friends are stupid because they think differently" thread in the poli forum. This thread should be for DubCoff's fb friends that can't spell and drive franken-trucks...and Gooseman. Just a suggestion.
True 'nuff, the rule is that poli posts only go in the poli forum. That should apply here.
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BUCKYLE;2353359; said:
It would be cool if all of the political facebook posts could be kept in the poli forum. Or even make a "my fb friends are stupid because they think differently" thread in the poli forum. This thread should be for DubCoff's fb friends that can't spell and drive franken-trucks...and Gooseman. Just a suggestion.

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BUCKYLE;2353359; said:
It would be cool if all of the political facebook posts could be kept in the poli forum. Or even make a "my fb friends are stupid because they think differently" thread in the poli forum. This thread should be for DubCoff's fb friends that can't spell and drive franken-trucks...and Gooseman. Just a suggestion.
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Muck;2355557; said:
Is that from the book of Mormon?
Not sure. Here are some of his recent posts

if you see what im saying and believe me then follow this advice. get a job, save up as much as yu can. not in a bank keep your money in a mini safe at home. start learning how to cultivate your own food and water. farming pretty much. look for cheap places to live south of Mexico or maybe in Africa, start reading the Bible you must have a lot of Faith to make it through the times to come. learn furst aid, nd how to travel through countries. there will be a red flag before things get bad, the day these banks close or some "natural" disaster start making your way to Brazil and pray every step of your journey. who knows how much time we have. just like the great depression, so called 9 eleven or katrina,.things can get out of hand in this country at anytime so it is best to start preparing early. nd we are already late! faith is what will get anyone through these last times

I am only a youth and my years are only twenty but i will speak with prudence and everything i say will be uttered with understanding.
Born in todays world all ive learned is how evil this world is, and the common population won't even stop to see how this world is falling down right around us.
based on false terrorist pretenses amerika has surrounded itself with a border. This border is.used to keep ppl out but if goverment sees fit it can and will be used to keep ppl in.
Look at the facts. The media has always been conjuring racial tensions between ppl.
They are taking away guns from the ppl. With the ndaa bill the goverment put jail or imprison anyone who they suspect as a terrorist and a terrorist is anyone who thinks what this system is doing is war. If you have more than six months supply of food or water you are considered a terrorist.
This is no conspiracy theory. These are all facts.
This world is ran by satan himself. He is not in hell. The Bible says satan was cast to the earth. With a third of the angels with him.
He is running this world from europe. If you trace the money you can see who it was thats been doing evil all throughout the earth. Starting from the romans afters whose government america was built; they first destroyed Jerusalem two thousands years ago and history including the bible says these ppl ran into the atlas mountains and into west africa. Hebrewism in west africa backs this up. Then those same romans put us on slave boats and also caused hell for the hebrews who were here in the new world.
The end of the world means the fall of the power that satan and Europe nd its allies have in this earth so that Christ and His Hebrews can take charge.
The final war will be Christ kingdom vs. the new world order.
These sayings are true and this is only a small summary of this testimony. Theres more to this truth than any one can man proclaim alone

fear and dread have been coming upon me for what this society is planning to do to the ppl! and no one even sees it comming!
all of you have been caught up in the trayvon martin case! thats stupid because all of you have missed something crazy! (plz share this if you believe me you might save a life) this trayvon thing is trying to start a race war. and chaos. they are trying to make what happened in the LA riots happen all over the country. they are also taking guns away. but THIS IS WHAT YOU ALL MISSED DURING TRAYVONS TRIAL. CONGRESS IS PASSING A BILL THAT WILL ALLOW THE COAST GUARD TO JOIN UP WITH THE POLICE TO STOP CRIME! they are trying to spin the minds of the ppl so you will think its ok to have armies on "u.s." soil. thats foolish! these armies are being let in for total destruction and take over. listen up if you want to save your life. the moment you go to your bank and they tell you the system is down and wont be able to give you your money KNOW FOR A DAMN TRUTH THAT MARTIAL LAW WILL BE DECLARED 36 HOURS FROM THE MOMENT THE BANKS ARE SHUT DOWN. WITHIN THAT 36 HOURS MAKE A RUN FOR THE BORDER.
knowing this info puts you in good position. amerika has a defecit over 15 trillion dollars! once the banks close with your money they will never open again.
remember when the great depression happened, the banks closed and no one could get their money but lost EVERYTHING?. we are headed into times worse than those. if you are smart you will start to pull your money out of the banks little by little and start making plans to live where un and us government doesnt have much influence. this thing is about to get bad.
you think im crazy and its fine that you do. the more you make me feel like Noah the more secure i feel. your life is in your own hands to do what you will. Christ warned us that once our ppl see themselves surrounded by armies that we need to start making our escape. military on civilization has never been a good thing. you better open your eyes and see these signs, there is no more time for games. the elect of us know where the Father says we have to be before this world falls apart. dont think it cannot happen america has enslaved and destroyed our ppl for 500 years and the ppl who took us down. their ancestors were enemies with our ancestors. if you are smart you will trust in the God of the Hebrews Ahayah Asher Ahayah. and His son Yashiya.

There are men out there who disgrace the name of Christ.. In my opinion, no man is worthy to preach in His name. But He has given us the hope of eternal life and glory by placing the beauty of the gospel within us. A lot of men abuse the power of the bible to.push what they feel is right about the Bible and not going strictly by what it says. these men are unworthy of honor and deserve to rot in the confusion of their teachings for the wage of a false prophet is his death. Men using the bible to their own end has.never ended well. Christianity, judaism and catholicism are all opinion based religions. I haven't found anyone in any of these religions who search His word to do His will but they leave the book closed during their sermons to teach theology and not truth.
Individual mean aside from religion try to use the Bible in much the same way but as it is written the Father has made the wisdom of this world foolish. So all men who doubt the Creator by setting His will to the side will be confronted with their own folly. If you haven't been properly taught the Bible you should not be teaching it. There are those who say not every camp has the answer but those certain wouldn't have anything to say if it wasn't for learning under someone and contradict themselves. There is no man who was not taught by a man save that man which had His doctrine and witness from the Creator.
Too many ppl lie on the Bible, the first step to repentance is guilt, add to that guilt the baptism, after that doing works by faith worthy of repentance and carry about the death of the.Messiah in the body that you might be raised up in His eternal life. The true saying is to love the Father and keep His commandments lest the Son be angry and smite in His hot displeasure. The ways of this world are coming to a close. Satan is soon to kill those on the middle road so you better get right or get left.

smh. everyone is caught up doing their own thing in this world. people are just doing what ever makes them happy. and in doing that, they dont consider how to make the One who made them feel happy. most men under His creation doesnt even praise His existance. many try to deny He is even there.
Well i will tell this whole world the Truth. and i wont stop, even though every great man was killed and commended for the true word.
Yashiya Christ being the first example men it comes to righteous men giving up their lives for the work of the Creator. He isd king over the earth, starting from Zion. and zion is the heart of every Israelite born to believe in Him. for He said. the Kingdom of God, who is Ahayah, is within you. the israelites are the people of the bible according to bloodline. it has nothing to do with race or color. it is about ancesrty. and the ancestors of the negros, the puerto ricans, the haitians, the jamacians. the natives, and seminoles, the people of the south pacific, and of brazil. the cubans, and the remnant of the hebrews in the western coast of africa who didnt come here on boats, and other races to number according to prophecy.
the ancestors of these races are Hebrews. we all come from Israel. hill of the holy city jerusalem. the Father, who we try to serve, for it is in our blood, we can only find our way in this world by following what is written in the bible. No other race grows in wisdom in the bible as our people do. it is nothing for anyone to be offended in. it is the only thing that we have. we dont have riches or influenve over this earth. so help from heaven is the only help the Hebrews have had from our conception. i preach the true creator Ahayah Asher Ahayah. and His son Yashiya. i dont stray away from the bible to follow what i feel is right. but as the scripture is written so is my walk.

the scripture of the bible are the only words I trust word for word. men will always make mistakes. I am in no wise better than any man, I am poor, I don't have a car. I don't even speak another language. but I do talk with angels daily and they guide me to the understanding of the good book. the point of my life is to make sure it is correctly understood. if you say something wrong about the bible I will use the bible to show you your error. it is nothing personal, but if I didn't have this gift I would worthless, to be honest. if I didn't have the bible salt without any flavor would be more useful than me.....so I praise Ahayah. the God who taught moses. and I thank the Son of Ahayah, Yashiya for sending the holy Spirit to speak through me.

ts no coincidence, Jay-z calls himself jahovah which means God of wickedness/lord of deceit.
But heres the thing. Jayz with all his money and influence is nothing to be mentioned in the illuminati. He is a jester lol hes like 500 feet under the pyramid order.

January 8, 2012 Charisse Van Horn reporting- On January 8, 2012, ABC News reported that Beyonce and husband Jay-Z welcomed a baby girl named Blue Ivy. Born Beyonce Giselle Knowles, the singing diva is no stranger to unusual names. Her husband?s birth name is Shawn Corey Carter but the world better knows this successful entrepreneur, rapper, and producer as ?Jay-Z.? Maybe it shouldn?t come as a surprise that the couple chose to name their baby Blue Ivy, which is far more conservative than some other baby names, such as the unusual selection by Gwyneth Paltrow of ?Apple? or the bizarre choice of ?Pilot Inspektor? by Jason Lee, or Jermaine Jackson?s son ?Jermajesty.? What might be more surprising than the name choice, is the way social media networking sites have responded to Beyonce?s baby?s name. Spreading like wildfire on Twitter is the topic ?Eulb Yvi is Latin for Lucifer?s daughter.? The suggestion is that ?Blue Ivy? backwards is "Eulb Yvi," and means ?Lucifer?s daughter? in Latin. Another proposal is that Blue stands for "Born Living Under Evil" and that Ivy stands for "Illuminati's Very Youngest."

Is there any truth to this Internet rumor? Do the words ?Yvi? and ?Elub? hold some secret, satanic meaning to the most diabolical of Satan worshipers? Does Lucifer have a daughter and if so, who is she? Are there written records of ?Lucifer?s daughter? that have survived the ages and serve as the basis for some underground occult movement? On the other hand, is this just an Internet rumor that has caused a firestorm of speculation and most likely offense to the new proud parents?

ts no coincidence, Jay-z calls himself jahovah which means God of wickedness/lord of deceit.
But heres the thing. Jayz with all his money and influence is nothing to be mentioned in the illuminati. He is a jester lol hes like 500 feet under the pyramid order.

January 8, 2012 Charisse Van Horn reporting- On January 8, 2012, ABC News reported that Beyonce and husband Jay-Z welcomed a baby girl named Blue Ivy. Born Beyonce Giselle Knowles, the singing diva is no stranger to unusual names. Her husband?s birth name is Shawn Corey Carter but the world better knows this successful entrepreneur, rapper, and producer as ?Jay-Z.? Maybe it shouldn?t come as a surprise that the couple chose to name their baby Blue Ivy, which is far more conservative than some other baby names, such as the unusual selection by Gwyneth Paltrow of ?Apple? or the bizarre choice of ?Pilot Inspektor? by Jason Lee, or Jermaine Jackson?s son ?Jermajesty.? What might be more surprising than the name choice, is the way social media networking sites have responded to Beyonce?s baby?s name. Spreading like wildfire on Twitter is the topic ?Eulb Yvi is Latin for Lucifer?s daughter.? The suggestion is that ?Blue Ivy? backwards is "Eulb Yvi," and means ?Lucifer?s daughter? in Latin. Another proposal is that Blue stands for "Born Living Under Evil" and that Ivy stands for "Illuminati's Very Youngest."

Is there any truth to this Internet rumor? Do the words ?Yvi? and ?Elub? hold some secret, satanic meaning to the most diabolical of Satan worshipers? Does Lucifer have a daughter and if so, who is she? Are there written records of ?Lucifer?s daughter? that have survived the ages and serve as the basis for some underground occult movement? On the other hand, is this just an Internet rumor that has caused a firestorm of speculation and most likely offense to the new proud parents?

Screw black history month.. no offense to my own ppl, but I'm making a point. If the us government wants to make amends for what they did to the negros. Also to the natives of all the americas. They do not need to dedicate a month to us. What a a month to 400+ years of oppression? Its not worth anything at all. If yu want to make things even then the us and eruope and the ppl of palestine need to come out with an apology for all the evils that they did. To make things even they need to give back everything they stole from my ppl and more than that. They need to give us all the finances my ppl generated working as slaves and all the resources they stole from the natives. . But no. These governments will not hear sound counsel because they are not built on equity righteousness or honest judgement.. so He who created all and has seen all. They evils that europe arabia palestine and america have done to my ppl and the evils my own ppl have ungodly commited.. if yu dnt believe ithis. It doesn't. Matter becuz christ is coming back in this generation to judge His ppl and then then the world. And then this world will study evil no more but the annointed Savior will cut off every thing that causes evil. There will be no more tears and no more death. But my ppl will reign on mount Zion with the Savior and every nation who will not bow down to his righteousness will be hit with plagues...... if yu focused more on fixing my ppl after destroying us. Instead of giving us some dang month named after somw pagan god. Why won't yu governments be righteous and give back what yu stole.....
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LovelandBuckeye;2355589; said:
I would like to know this answer, too.
Boyfriend of a good friend. I was out having pizza and beer where she works and she sat him down next to me so I could meet him. He saw me on my phone and asked if I had facebook. I said yes and he insisted that I add him. I was pretty buzzed at the time. Anyway I sat there and listened to him talk about pretty much what he posted for about an hour and a half. I finally bought him a pizza so he'd have something to occupy his mouth. I now fear going to this spot for fear that he may be lingering, broke of course so I have to buy him food. His girlfriend is a sweet girl but she always goes for this type unfortunately. The last guy was at least interesting, he had his own death metal band. This guy is just a fruit loop
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DubCoffman62;2355594; said:
Boyfriend of a good friend. I was out having pizza and beer where she works and she sat him down next to me so I could meet him. He saw me on my phone and asked if I had facebook. I said yes and he insisted that I add him. I was pretty buzzed at the time. Anyway I sat there and listened to him talk about pretty much what he posted for about an hour and a half. I finally bought him a pizza so he'd have something to occupy his mouth. I now fear going to this spot for fear that he may be lingering, broke of course so I have to buy him food. His girlfriend is a sweet girl but she always goes for this type unfortunately. The last guy was at least interesting, he had his own death metal band. This guy is just a fruit loop


One time, my buddy was bangin' this chick. She had a one year old kid. The father was my buddy's boss. Anyway, he called me up to go have some beers with this chick and her baby Daddy. They had split up right after the kid was born. So we meet at Damon's in Newark, have a few beers, and my buddy keeps tryin' to spark up a conversation between me and his boss. Turns out he was trying to get dude to hang out with me while my buddy goes and bangs his ex real quick. He texts me his plan, and I tell him go for it. About ten min after my buddy and this chick bounce to go screw, I'm about to drown myself in the toilet because he's such a fucking tool. I tell him I'm going to the bathroom. Instead, I walk right out the doors and head to the bar across the street. He shows up like a fucking hour later like "where did you go, bro?". I'm like "do I have to walk back to Damon's or can you just take the fucking hint that I don't like the cut of your jib?"

:lol: He sat on the other end of the bar.
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