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BUCKYLE;2335122; said:
Some dude I used to play basketball with got dumped by his gf recently. I finally blocked him today. It was really pathetic. Just non-stop whining and horrible spelling. The clincher was his paragraph long love letter ending with him trying to say she is amazing. Instead he called her Amazon. :lol:

A guy I went to HS with is the one who is always posting about how 'real' men should treat women interspersed with posts about how lonely he is. You're 40 freakin' years old, you should have figured out a LONG time ago that women don't like whiny dudes with no self esteem.

GomerBucks;2335138; said:
Also, while I am thinking about it, I should share this story.....

I can't even imagine what the drama is like these days. In my day the only phone in the barracks was the one in the duty hut. It made screening calls ridiculously easy. Even though I lived in town I would still just give out the barracks number to most girls.
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Muck;2335204; said:
A guy I went to HS with is the one who is always posting about how 'real' men should treat women interspersed with posts about how lonely he is. You're 40 freakin' years old, you should have figured out a LONG time ago that women don't like whiny dudes with no self esteem.

Reminds me of an old joke. Why do men treat women like garbage? Because they can.

I can't even imagine what the drama is like these days. In my day the only phone in the barracks was the one in the duty hut. It made screening calls ridiculously easy. Even though I lived in town I would still just give out the barracks number to most girls.

The best part of pulling CQ duty was getting angry phone calls from girls trying to locate their "boyfriends."

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The KSB;2335208; said:
Reminds me of an old joke. Why do men treat women like garbage? Because they can.

I wasn't really that much of an asshole. I just had a rule that I wouldn't give a woman direct access to my home number or address until I knew for sure they weren't crazy.

Part of that stemmed from sitting at home one weekend shortly after we got back from Saudi and having my wife hand me the phone saying "It's some girl named X".

"Umm hi"?

"Hi! So & so and I were trying to find you and John. Do you know where he is?"

"No. I have no idea where he is." (At that very moment he was in a dorm room up at Whittier banging a coed or three). "Wait...where are you?"

"We're at the front gate of Camp Pendleton."

"You drove all the way from NY? Does John know you're coming?"

"No, she wanted to surprise him. So what have you been up to?"

"Well I got married. That was my wife who answered the phone."


X (Andrea?) was one of the many female penpals I wrote to pass the time while I was in the desert. Her best friend was a girl JP knew from HS who he had fooled around with at one point. When they called the SCIF trying to find him the genius on watch gave them my home number.

To make matters worse when the wife found out she sent me to the gate to collect them, make sure they were ok and help find them a place to stay.

The best part of pulling CQ duty was getting angry phone calls from girls trying to locate their "boyfriends."
"Do you know what unit he's in?"

"No, but he works in the 'shop'."


You haven't lived until you've been on guard duty & had to chase around a car full of 16-17 y/o's who snuck on base looking for some dipshit PFC.
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Bucklion;2348932; said:
Don't know about all of you, but my feed is exploding with "victory for mankind" posts today...

No shit. People are celebrating like slavery has just been abolished. A sampling of posts and their comments (all by females, by the way):

"For you DOMA!" (followed by a YouTube link to Sha-na-na's "Hey hey hey, goodbye")

"Woohoo! Best day ever!!! DOMA ruled unconstitutional!!!" (Really? Best day ever?)

"Woke up to fantastic news. Yipeee!", which was immediately follow by these comments:


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WolverineMike;2353236; said:
even after clicking on the picture, I can't read what any of the comments are. what's the gist of it?

The original poster wants to know why Africa has so many 'sites' compared to the US. Someone explains that Africa is a continent made up of many countries while the United States a single nation. The original poster then goes on to say that something isn't right about it because of the way Brazil is on the map. The last two posts are mostly of the 'are you an idiot?' variety.
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WolverineMike;2353236; said:
even after clicking on the picture, I can't read what any of the comments are. what's the gist of it?

Every time the guys visits a country he gets the map filled in to show the trip. Someone gets on an asks why Africa has so many "sites" and the USA doesn't saying that it's not a very well thought out map. She then gets blasted for not recognizing that each of the sites in Africa represent a different country.

The real irony is that although he has the USA shaded in, he leaves Alaska as unshaded. That goes without notice.
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holybuckeye33;2353238; said:
Every time the guys visits a country he gets the map filled in to show the trip. Someone gets on an asks why Africa has so many "sites" and the USA doesn't saying that it's not a very well thought out map. She then gets blasted for not recognizing that each of the sites in Africa represent a different country.

The real irony is that although he has the USA shaded in, he leaves Alaska as unshaded. That goes without notice.

What about the Iraq?

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