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BigWoof31;2321567; said:
The three haven't been too well received:




:slappy: at the last one....

I received some hate for the 2nd one when I went to it....such tolerance :shake:
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Muck;2322478; said:
Hmm, maybe I should switch to it.

I changed back for the game.....I'm thinking about putting the Muppets one up though....

MililaniBuckeye;2322483; said:
HAYN posted that one on his wall and one of his female friends said she was offended...he left it up. :lol:


One of my brothers classmates sent me some hilarious PMs that I didn't read until last night during the game (and consequently during the 10-0 run to start the 2nd half). People at work were wondering what I was laughing about....
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The funny thing is that my far left wing, vegan, hybrid driving, Oregon living step brother put up the bacon one (minus the recoloring) at almost the exact same moment I did...for the exact same reason (ie he's a smartass).
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Connecticut Baker Under Fire For Designing Pro-2nd Amendment Birthday Cake


Jennifer Montalto, owner of Jenny-Lu's bakery in Middlebury, CT is receiving some backlash for baking a pro 2nd Amendment cake for a local Friends of NRA birthday dinner.

Elizabeth Mais wanted to order her husband Bill an AR-15 crafted cake for his 51st birthday, but she was turned down by a number of local bakers who didn't approve of her idea. Determined to find someone to create the highly detailed dessert, Mais came across Montalto who said she had no problem creating the sporting rifle cake with a "Don't Tread on Me" flag draped on top. "I don't think about politics when I'm doing my cakes," she said Tuesday. "A friend contacted me about it because they couldn't find anyone to make it - It was a challenge."

After creating the cake Montalto received some hate online via Facebook and Yelp reviews (which have since been removed). She was labeled "insensitive" and guilty of "ridiculing the tragedy in Newtown."

Shaken by the backlash Montalto stated, "I cried for three days straight when everything happened. But in my mind, it wasn't the gun that killed people, it was a very sick individual."

I emailed Jenny-Lu's to see if they do shipments. If they do I'll be throwing some business their way (have a unit reunion coming up this summer, I'm sure they can handle something USMC themed)
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Muck;2324008; said:
I emailed Jenny-Lu's to see if they do shipments. If they do I'll be throwing some business their way (have a unit reunion coming up this summer, I'm sure they can handle something USMC themed)

Just don't do anything along the lines of what this boot in my platoon did when he got was at SOI. Granted, he's one of those know it all annoying times that everybody can't stand, but he literally has a tattoo on his left chest that reads "Stackin' Bodies" with an "0311 U.S.M.C." right below it. I couldn't even make that up if I tried. Living up to the reservist namesake now aren't we ?
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Smudger;2324011; said:
Just don't do anything along the lines of what this boot in my platoon did when he got was at SOI. Granted, he's one of those know it all annoying times that everybody can't stand, but he literally has a tattoo on his left chest that reads "Stackin' Bodies" with an "0311 U.S.M.C." right below it. I couldn't even make that up if I tried. Living up to the reservist namesake now aren't we ?

I graduated from PI in 1989 & the reunion is with guys that I served with in two different combat zones. Why in the flying fuck would you possibly believe I'd behave like an 18 y/o dink? I've lost count of the number of EAS/PCS/Retirement plaques I bought over the years.

I was the guy who lived as far away from base as possible, got my hair cut weekly to keep it within reg (a bit under 3") & only wore my uniform on duty.

[redacted for my own sanity]

Is that the face of a hard charger who is likely to get ridiculous moto ink? (although we did all get meat tags before we went to Saudi).
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Muck;2324014; said:
I graduated from PI in 1989 & the reunion is with guys that I served with in two different combat zones. Why in the flying [censored] would you possibly believe I'd behave like an 18 y/o dink? I've lost count of the number of EAS/PCS/Retirement plaques I bought over the years.

I was the guy who lived as far away from base as possible, got my hair cut weekly to keep it within reg (a bit under 3") & only wore my uniform on duty. Ridiculous moto ink was never my thing (although we did all get meat tags before we went to Saudi).

Didn't try to insinuate you would do anything of the such, just pointing out how ridiculous some people can be. Moto tats were never my thing either (Don't have a single tattoo) & it's just mind blowing how many reservists have them, which is completely ludicrous. I could understand if some of them deployed & got them for reasons like that, but it makes no sense to get numerous and over the top ones if you're pivotal moment in the Marine Corps was boot camp, SOI & a two week AT. Two things I noticed were that A) The guys who have them ALWAYS are the ones who complain & gripe the most about everything and B) Virtually all of them were done on boot leave & during SOI or directly after they got home after. Kind of ironic how that goes.

Muck;2324014; said:

Is that the face of a hard charger who is likely to get ridiculous moto ink?

That is awesome. Now if you were wearing a skivvy shirt in the picture, that might have been a different story...
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Smudger;2324016; said:
That is awesome. Now if you were wearing a skivvy shirt in the picture, that might have been a different story...

I can honestly say that a skivvy shirt never touched my body unless I was in utilities or PT gear. No boots with jeans. No BCs. No dog tags with civilian clothes. No red satin jacket with duty station patches on the sleeve. No wandering around town with a boot camp duffel slung over my shoulder (we didn't receive those at PI, but you'd see them all over the place in Oceanside on the San Diego guys)...actually I didn't go into Oceanside at all unless I absolutely had to. No living at the E-club. And absolutely no hitting the freakin' mall in dress blues.
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Muck;2324017; said:
I can honestly say that a skivvy shirt never touched my body unless I was in utilities or PT gear. No boots with jeans. No BCs. No dog tags under civilian clothes. No red satin jacket with duty station patches on the sleeve. No wandering around town with a boot camp duffel slung over my shoulder (we didn't receive those at PI, but you'd see them all over the place in Oceanside on the San Diego guys)...actually I didn't go into Oceanside at all unless I absolutely had to. No living at the E-club. And absolutely no hitting the freakin' mall in dress blues.

I hear you on all that & I'm the exact same way. I try as hard as possible not to stick out like a Marine in public, but the haircut and clean shave is a dead giveaway if you have an eye for those things. Being a reservist & nowhere near any major military installation, it's real easy to blend in & get away from things when that's exactly what you want to accomplish. I never went to Oceanside even once, but I was warned numerous times to avoid it if I could. I was lucky that I made friends with a few guys that were from California, so I'd either go to San Diego or to Huntington Beach & Pasadena where they lived.
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I spent most of my time in San Diego (I ended up living in Del Mar) but would head up to LA occasionally on weekends. One of my buddies was dating a girl at Whittier so we would party there or hit the strip.
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Couldn't resist sharing this nugget...

Will today is one of thim days win you think that you are going to have a good after noon and you find out some things and it bothers you and i do not like it at all. you win i was in past relaton ships some women that dated that thay were going to keep tabs on me and not trust me and tryed to till me who i was going to be frands with and will look at thim now and no one will till me who i am going to be frands with no mater what and the way i see it i am frands with every one no mater what
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