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Consider yourself lucky, then.

I work in an industry where the majority are of an alternate lifestyle (and therefore most of my current friends), but most recently lived in a small "religious" town; so I've been seeing stupidity from both sides. Talk about headache, eye roll, and facepalm inducing.
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Not quite. :lol:

Though some human-sized rats aren't always the gender you think they are. :wink:

I'm still trying to figure out why this industry attracts such a large amount of alternative lifestyle folks, and not just the employees, the fans as well.
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scarletmike;2321341; said:
Consider yourself lucky, then.

I work in an industry where the majority are of an alternate lifestyle (and therefore most of my current friends), but most recently lived in a small "religious" town; so I've been seeing stupidity from both sides. Talk about headache, eye roll, and facepalm inducing.

Funny thing for me, most of my gay friends haven't changed their profile pictures. It's the ally's that have been changing them.
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scarletmike;2321364; said:
Though some human-sized rats aren't always the gender you think they are. :wink:


Do you work for DrugCo?

Is your name Lewis?


I'm still trying to figure out why this industry attracts such a large amount of alternative lifestyle folks, and not just the employees, the fans as well.
X2's degree is in mortuary science. Apparently the number of gay men who go into that field is disturbingly high.
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I figured my many posts about living in the middle of tourist city (Orlando), dealing with brain-dead tourists, and all the pictures I post in the My Favorite Pictures thread was a dead giveaway. :wink:

But seriously, any of the major parks (and even some smaller ones like Kennywood) you'll find a ridiculously high amount of gay men (mostly, although the women and trannies are catching up) than what you would likely expect. When I started at Cedar Point in 07, I was caught slightly off guard.

Buckeye Maniac;2321464; said:
Funny thing for me, most of my gay friends haven't changed their profile pictures. It's the ally's that have been changing them.

I've been surprised at the number of ally friends that have changed their profile pictures, but its still mostly just my gay friends that have changed theirs. I'm honestly surprised I haven't been de-friended by a few people on either side yet for not changing my profile pic and for being reasonable when another asked in a status why some of his Christian friends had changed theirs.

I still think the best one was my friend who did the red division symbol yesterday, though the bacon comes close (and a few of my friends are using it). :lol:
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