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To quote a friend of mine yesterday:

For the record - I'm completely against changing your profile picture to some color or logo to show you are in support of or against some issue....but I am 100% for every person having access to all the rights & privileges that most of us take for granted. I am hoping that soon we don't need this kind of display because its a given that everyone is free to live their lives.

My thoughts exactly...and I like to think my gay friends know exactly where I stand on this issue by my words and actions.

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Mike80;2321291; said:
Who is getting political? :huh:

edit: Granted, I'm at work and dubcoff's latest post is blocked, so I don't know what is in it, exactly.

Facebook post from a person whose profile pic is that pink equal sign on red background, and the post reads "If your profile isn't of a red equals sign, you're a racist!"
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I don't get the angst. Is it dumb? Yeah. Does it do anything or have any effect whatsoever on any outcome? Not likely. Is this kind of stuff one of the reasons I don't have facebook? Absolutely.

But I just don't get being upset by something stupid and harmless.

If someone accuses you of something because you didn't change yours? Or after reading some of the stupid shit people on both sides spew in regards to the topic? I can get being angered by those.....but not some stupid fad. I've got more important things to be angry about.

Like Russian photographers climbing pyramids. :pissed:
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I changed my profile picture to the human rights campaign picture. I did it because I am an ally. I did it because I am personally affected by the issue, as my brother is gay. I don't think it will change anything, and I don't think it's necessary to change your picture to support the cause, but it certainly doesn't hurt.

I haven't posted anything derogatory toward anyone who disagrees with me, and I certainly haven't butchered the English language trying to get my point across.

I changed mine, I don't give a rat's ass if you didn't, so why do you care if I did?
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Buckeye Maniac;2321336; said:
I changed my profile picture to the human rights campaign picture. I did it because I am an ally. I did it because I am personally affected by the issue, as my brother is gay. I don't think it will change anything, and I don't think it's necessary to change your picture to support the cause, but it certainly doesn't hurt.

I haven't posted anything derogatory toward anyone who disagrees with me, and I certainly haven't butchered the English language trying to get my point across.

I changed mine, I don't give a rat's ass if you didn't, so why do you care if I did?

I don't think you'll see anyone on here really care one way or the other.

However, I am seeing quite a few posts from people saying either change your picture or leave my friend's list. Tolerance is an awesome thing, isn't it?

Besides, I believe in the equality of standard magazines and bacon. :biggrin:
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Mike80;2321337; said:
I don't think you'll see anyone on here really care one way or the other.

However, I am seeing quite a few posts from people saying either change your picture or leave my friend's list. Tolerance is an awesome thing, isn't it?

Besides, I believe in the equality of standard magazines and bacon. :biggrin:

I haven't seen any of that.
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