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ESPN College Gameday (official thread)

I support this descision...

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I haven't watched it in years so I could give a shit.

If this in any way shape or form causes Herbstriet personal dismay (which I doubt since he still gets to suck off his holy trinity on a weekly basis from his prime time slot) I am in favor.
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jimotis4heisman;1454812; said:
actually it started with tim brando as host with beano cook and corso in the other seats...
i think bob carpented also hosted it. craig james also spent a few seasons on the show...

Here is everyone that has been on the show....


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After the hatchet job ESPiN did on Ohio State, I'm sure a lot of people like me hope that everything they touch turns to sand. If these changes are really going to be made, then they will have done themselves in by their own hands.
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Today, watched the ESPiN Game Day of the College Season. Lo and behold, there was Robert Smith (OSU), Kirk Herbstreit (OSU) and Lou Holtz (OSU asst coach 1968). Have to admit, Smith was a bit of a homer, but Herbie took the high road (remember, he's Brent Mushmouth's heir apparent), and took Penn St. Lou was Domer all the way (with a bit of Minnie thrown in). Kinda gratifying to see OSU alums all over the place. Smith looked very good in his role, as did Herbie. Herbie had more 'polish' in front of the camera than Smith did, but Smith is a comer. Lou was a bit of the doddering old fool (couldn't have both Corso and Holtz on the same show, too much doddering).

Anyone else impressed?

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I'm not sure that I would call Kirk's pick of Penn St. as taking "the high road", or Robert's pick of Ohio State as being a "homer".

Herbie typically bends over backwards to appear objective. He is extremely sensitive about his objectivity, and has said as much in his appearances on local radio.

Robert gave good reasons for picking Ohio State. He expressed the concerns we all have about Penn State's rebuilt trenches, and expressed confidence in Ohio State's recruiting, which has been significantly better than anyone else in the conference over the last couple of years.

To answer the question, I thought both OSU alums did a great job.
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Robert Smith has been called a lot of things. A "homer" certainly hasn't ever been one of the things as far as I'm aware.

When Tom Friend and Seth Wickersham and company at ESPN started combing Columbus and Youngstown for dirt on Clarett, Tressel, and Ohio State, Robert Smith was one of the guys that corroborated the story about big time college athletics when he admitted that he knew there were boosters out there that he could hook up with if he had been so inclined. He never offered an affirmation that coaches actually steered players towards boosters or easy jobs or engineered payments, rather it was just a matter-of-fact kinda thing that it was out there and everybody knew about it. It came off a lot worse in the ESPN the Magazine article given the context than I think Robert meant, but he was just stating the fact.

That evening on 1460, Spielman sounded like he was ready to drive over to Robert Smith's house with a goon squad and take out both his kneecaps.
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ESPN's College Gameday (merged all)

Am I the only one that's getting sick of Gameday cramming in crappy musical acts into their programming?

I think everyone has had enough Kenny Chesney to last a lifetime but the lame Dave Mathews garbage takes the cake.

It's not even music that gets you fired up.
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