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ESPN College Gameday (official thread)

A case of "change" not always being an improvement. Corso being Corso is one of the reasons I'll turn on that show Saturday morning. Unless he decided to give it up this seems like a half baked idea from ESPN.
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ESPN should stipulate to Home Depot that in exchange for replacing Corso with Holtsh, Home Depot has to supply the rest of the cast and the on-set camera equipment with splash shields...
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CleveBucks;1453798; said:
Gameday is horrible. How many stories can you do on Tebow and USC? The only time I see Gameday is at 11:59 if there's a decent game at noon.


Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1453800; said:
me too... though I do confess to also catching the occasional snippet at half times or between games....

You've got 3600 channels to choose from airing 424.8 different football games. The minute halftime starts, I'm headed for another channel where a game is being played.

The show sucks now and it will continue to suck with or without these changes.
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It's garbage. It does make me smile knowing Chris Fowler won't get to talk like he's an analyst any longer tho. Shut up and host. You're not the one that knows shit. You're the guy that asks the guys that know shit questions. Fucking hack. Fuck him.

I never realized just how much I hated Chris Fowler.

Btw...I quit watching College Gameday on September 10th, 2005. Fuck them and motherfuck ESPN. Cock sucking fucking motherfucking bitchfaced douchebag bitchlipped whores.
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I watch Gameday a little, but not all that much considering how much it's on. I do usually try to catch their picks, just to see who they are going to say. And I tend to watch it more if it is in Columbus or an away Ohio State game. The show isn't totally worthlesss, but if you took away all of the BS, you'd be left with about a half an hour of useful infomration and analysis. The rest is just bathering drivel.
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BUCKYLE;1453813; said:
It's garbage. It does make me smile knowing Chris Fowler won't get to talk like he's an analyst any longer tho. Shut up and host. You're not the one that knows shit. You're the guy that asks the guys that know shit questions. Fucking hack. Fuck him.

I never realized just how much I hated Chris Fowler.

Like Karl Ravich won't act like he knows the Memphis secondary's weaknesses so well? He's a baseball show host. He can't even do Baseball Tonight without throwing in his thoughts after John Kruk finishes his sentences before asking the other questions. Ugh. Just stick to baseball Karl. Thanks.

Lou Holtz, please pass peacefully in your sleep and be buried at the ND 50 yard-line. Please no more national television.

And Tommy Tubberville? No bias there. :roll1:

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Nobody cares. The viewership of the program continues to decline and more and more people are watching the local versions of shows. I don't live anywhere near Columbus - but I'd assume there is a "Buckeyes Live" or some type of show were explayers do the same stuff on Gameday.

From 2002-2005, the show was can't miss. But it got sloppy, was consistently failing to attend the biggest games, and the hosts had little accountability in their projections.

Get rid of the show and dump more money and better production into the halftime shows and "end of the evening roundups"

Reese Davis can stay - he does a great job.
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