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ESPN College Gameday (official thread)

Thump;1532168; said:
It's not even music that gets you fired up.

The problem is Disney. In '07 they had some band called "the family band" or something like that. They choose pussy non-threatening music to appeal more to little kids. I'm just suprised they didn't pick a Jonas Bros or Hannah Montana song.
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If they want to get you ready for a game they should put some crunk rap on. Not a real fan on the genre but the beats and explicit words got me jacked up before a game.

I listen to Country Music and 90's rock mostly. Metallica would get me geeked too.
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The best music they had on ABC/ESPN was the playing of the beginning of AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" in the background when introdcuing the key players for each team at the beginning of the game and now that's gone.

Anyone who gets rid of AC/DC and inserts Dave Mathews band tunes meat whistles.
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What was the awesome intro song that they used to have? I did a google search and found a couple from 2003, but I don't think those are the ones I'm remembering. At least they used to tailor it depending on the matchups of the week instead of the same lame bullshit every week. Gameday in general is lame anymore, with or without crappy music; half hour longer, hour less football content.
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The Kenny Chesney music ESPN/ABC played is garbage and needs to be changed.. but the intro to the Saturday Night game needs to stay the same. Always sends chills down my spine when tOSU is playing.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwl8oJWRYDo]YouTube - ESPN on ABC College football theme intro[/ame]
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holybuckeye33;1532186; said:
What was the awesome intro song that they used to have? I did a google search and found a couple from 2003, but I don't think those are the ones I'm remembering. At least they used to tailor it depending on the matchups of the week instead of the same lame bullshit every week. Gameday in general is lame anymore, with or without crappy music; half hour longer, hour less football content.

I'm pretty sure it was Informer by Snow.

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The best music they had on ABC/ESPN was the playing of the beginning of AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" in the background when introdcuing the key players for each team at the beginning of the game and now that's gone.
And they keep the DM/KC nonsense going in the background, as though it's playing in the stadium.
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holybuckeye33;1532186; said:
What was the awesome intro song that they used to have? I did a google search and found a couple from 2003, but I don't think those are the ones I'm remembering. At least they used to tailor it depending on the matchups of the week instead of the same lame bull[censored] every week. Gameday in general is lame anymore, with or without crappy music; half hour longer, hour less football content.

Nevermind, it was Bubba Sparx.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egJAChNn9RY"]YouTube - College football[/ame]
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jwinslow;1532175; said:
Who didn't sit there and watch CFB and think, boy, I wish every commercial break was just like NFL kickoff concerts?

I seriously contemplated recording the game, shutting the tv off, then watching it after it was over so that I could just fast forward through the crappy music.

All big-time night games should have an entrance with "In the Air Tonight" by Phil Collins accompanied by clips of the opposing teams.

Day games should have some sort of up-tempo rock or light rap such as
"Stronger by Kanye West" [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jzSh_MLNcY"]YouTube - Kanye West - Stronger[/ame]
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