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ESPN College Gameday (official thread)

Has anyone noticed that Corso has been relying more and more on just reading his statements? I haven't noticed this before. It appears age (and a stroke, which I didn't know he had) is starting to catch up with him....:cry:
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I think Herbstreit misinterpreted what the doctor from UPMC said, and because of that incorrectly assumed Tebow's already been cleared.

The Dr. said "we usually suggest that they aren't released to go back on the field until all those symptoms are gone .. before practice, er, during practice."

I think he meant that a player should be completely symptom-free at practice before being cleared for a game. But he misspoke and said before practice and then corrected himself, so it was unclear.
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I used to think it would be cool to be a sports commentator on one of ESPN's shows. These days, I wonder how they do it? 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it's the same bullshit discussions over and over and over.

I can barely watch Gameday anymore. Five minutes into the show, it's a debate about the BCS standings "Boise State blah, blah, blah"..."Florida blah, blah, blah"..."but if this team beats that team then loses to this team the voters blah, computers yadda, yadda, yadda"

I turn the channel, surf a bit, read a magazine, come back 30 minutes later and it's the same conversation they were having 30 minutes ago, only now they have a "guest" taking part in it.

Somebody shoot me. :sick1:
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