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ESPN College Gameday (official thread)

OH10;1575730; said:
Never thought we'd hear such overreaction and hyperbole from Herbie directed towards Ohio State. I've defended him against Ohio State fans because he needs to be objective. But he went overboard today.

They're sophomores idiot. I lost a lot of respect for him this morning.

Yesterday on The Herd, he said our OL was "Fat, slow, and lazy." No matter if you think its true or not, I think its a bit harsh.
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leroyjenkins;1575737; said:
Yesterday on The Herd, he said our OL was "Fat, slow, and lazy." No matter if you think its true or not, I think its a bit harsh.

That's BS overreaction to one game in the middle of their sophomore years for most of these young men. I've been hearing it all week. I'm tired of it and it disappoints me (pisses me off really) for Herbstreit to react the same way.
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There's really no reason to get pissed off over what someone says.

the only people that can do anything about it is the Ohio State players themselves.

I'd just ignore it. There's absolutely nothing to gain by getting pissed off at someone when they are paid to talk. Really.
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leroyjenkins;1575737; said:
Yesterday on The Herd, he said our OL was "Fat, slow, and lazy." No matter if you think its true or not, I think its a bit harsh.

Sounds like a comment from Mark May, not someone who actually follows Ohio State. Calling our OL fat and lazy is out of line and simply wrong. But I don't respect what Herbstreit says on national tv or radio either.
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leroyjenkins;1575737; said:
Yesterday on The Herd, he said our OL was "Fat, slow, and lazy." No matter if you think its true or not, I think its a bit harsh.

You forgot one of the most underachieving lines for the last xx years....he also ripped Pryor pretty majorily on the show as well...I think something to the tune of bad mechanics, bad footwork, and bad attitude....and I am just paraphrasing here...
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OH10;1575730; said:
Never thought we'd hear such overreaction and hyperbole from Herbie directed towards Ohio State. I've defended him against Ohio State fans because he needs to be objective. But he went overboard today.

They're sophomores idiot. I lost a lot of respect for him this morning.

Have to tell you that I thought his comments were more towards Jim Bollman without calling him out by name.

I have no problem with what he said.
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OH10;1575730; said:
Never thought we'd hear such overreaction and hyperbole from Herbie directed towards Ohio State. I've defended him against Ohio State fans because he needs to be objective. But he went overboard today.

They're sophomores idiot. I lost a lot of respect for him this morning.

Did you not think it was overboard in 2004 when he said if "you are an offensive recruit, why would you even consider playing for Ohio State?"

This wasn't Herbreit's first time going overboard or being apart of something completly disresepctful towards tOSU. But as the defenders say...it's his job and he works hard at not looking like a tOSU homer so he goes overboard at times. Then again, maybe tOSU's loss to LSU did actually set the Big 10 back 40 years...
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billmac91;1576121; said:
Did you not think it was overboard in 2004 when he said if "you are an offensive recruit, why would you even consider playing for Ohio State?"

This wasn't Herbreit's first time going overboard or being apart of something completly disresepctful towards tOSU. But as the defenders say...it's his job and he works hard at not looking like a tOSU homer so he goes overboard at times. Then again, maybe tOSU's loss to LSU did actually set the Big 10 back 40 years...

Good call. I've just been giving Herbie the benefit of the doubt. How blind I've been...
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OH10;1575730; said:
Never thought we'd hear such overreaction and hyperbole from Herbie directed towards Ohio State. I've defended him against Ohio State fans because he needs to be objective. But he went overboard today.

They're sophomores idiot. I lost a lot of respect for him this morning.
I'm telling you, Herbie trys so damn hard to be unbiased about Ohio State that in turn he just makes absurd 100% negative comments about us... I haven't heard one thing he's said about us in the past few years that has been objective.. just simply comments in order for him to separate himself from us. To me it's a joke and rather Mark Mayish...
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He overcompensates in his need to look objective. If you feel that way, just keep your damn mouth shut. Never been a Herbie fan with his nonstop fellatio of whatever/whoever is CFB's latest flavor of the month, never will be.
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I didn't hear the comment. Herbie seems to have had a tortured relationship with the Ohio State coaching staff in recent years.

When the furor erupted over Clarett, I understood that Herbie probably did not speak out in support of Ohio State because he felt it would impact on views of his impartiality. His speaking out would have done nothing to deflect the disgusting onslaught. He would have gained the reputation of being an Ohio State shill and lost his job.

His comments in 2004 about Ohio State's offense are not the only previous inappropriate comments he has made.

If we are to be fair and not set out to bash a former Ohio State quarterback, I wonder if we don't sometimes take offense at his unflattering comments about Ohio State unfairly because we are unable to see past our own hopes for the team? In other words, do we take offense because Herbie is telling us the truth?

Personally, I think that the concerns that I have heard Herbie express about Ohio State's offense have some validity
Steve19;1576151; said:
Click the blue arrow to see my post this morning in the 2009 Offense thread.

Herbie's job is to provide analysis.His comments will sometimes address facts that we do not want to hear.

This offensive line has under-performed. The offense has not established an identity or imposed its will on any team with a real heartbeat. However, Ohio State never claimed to be a national championship contender. This is a rebuilding year and there are lots of young, new faces on both sides of the ball this year. OK, Ohio State got punked at Purdue. I don't think they will underestimate an opponent like that very easily again.

Herbie need to remember that good analysis is based on facts. There are ways to say that Ohio State was flattered by a top ten rating earlier this year due to it being a rebuilding year and there are lots of young faces--most of us appreciate that kind of analysis about any team--but calling young people out like he has done far too often is over the line, especially when these kids are playing for a University to which Herbie owes so much.
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