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ESPN College Gameday (official thread)

woke up just in time to see Herbie SHRED the OL. said they were the biggest underachieving OL in the last 10 years in college football. proceeded to say that instead of a 4.3 40, Pryor looks like he runs a 5.3 as he lumbers along towards the sideline. it ain't just the chicken littles, folks.
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lvbuckeye;1574461; said:
woke up just in time to see Herbie SHRED the OL. said they were the biggest underachieving OL in the last 10 years in college football. proceeded to say that instead of a 4.3 40, Pryor looks like he runs a 5.3 as he lumbers along towards the sideline. it ain't just the chicken littles, folks.

Who cares? Did you hear the part where he said (direct quote), "I like M*ch*g*n"?

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osugrad21;1574466; said:
Somehow, the point of the complaints on this site still elude you...

Its gameday, leave it alone for a while huh?

did you see it? it was about as impassioned as i have ever heard from him. this wasn't some ESPN schlock.
the guy is definitely frustrated.

edited: edited my edit.
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This pretty much the same conversation that Herbie had with Cowherd yesterday. Until OSU proves them wrong and the offense shows up on a consitent basis, why would anyone expect anything different to be said.

On the same token, Howard said that he thought OSU would get things fixed and TP would be fine...so from a Michigan man take that for what it is worth....
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lvbuckeye;1574476; said:
did you see it? it was about as impassioned as i have ever heard from him. this wasn't some ESPN schlock.
the guy is definitely frustrated.

edited: edited my edit.

That's fine. He has every right to be. No prob.

But its gameday...kickoff in less than 5 minutes.

Leave it for another time.
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Other than their slam job on the Buckeyes, this was one of the better Gamedays I've seen in a while. I like that they too the show to TCU-BYU, not only is it one of the more interesting games on the schedule today, but it was a good chance to highlight the rich football history of both schools - something I think a lot of fans these days don't realize.
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lvbuckeye;1574476; said:
did you see it? it was about as impassioned as i have ever heard from him. this wasn'

If you've watched Herbie's national broadcasts at all over the past 5-6 years you'll know he IS one of the chicken littles when it comes to the Buckeyes.
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Never thought we'd hear such overreaction and hyperbole from Herbie directed towards Ohio State. I've defended him against Ohio State fans because he needs to be objective. But he went overboard today.

They're sophomores idiot. I lost a lot of respect for him this morning.
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