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ESPN College Gameday (official thread)

College Gameday changes?

Ear to the Wall- ESPN Shakeup?
by SEC Live News on April 20, 2009

ESPN Ch ch ch changes?.

We are hearing there could be some big changes taking place at ESPN- specifically on your favorite Saturday morning program, College Game Day.

If the proposed changes do happen, Lee Corso is out as the mascot head-wearing former coach on the Game Day tour. Also being replaced is host Chris Fowler. According to our sources, the main sponsor of Game Day, Home Depot, is pushing for these changes and they would be announced later in the summer.

But don?t start packing your bags to go audition in Connecticut yet. The replacements have already been tapped.

Dr. Lou Holtz is apparently exchanging his on-air advice segment for the middle seat on the Game Day bus. He will be replacing Corso as the aging voice of reason and the man who consistently chooses the losing team.

As for Fowler?s replacement, it will be the ESPN Baseball Tonight and Sports Center anchor Karl Ravich. No word on why Fowler is out or what his next move is.

Additionally, Kirk Herbstreit will be moving to prime time announcing with Brent Musburger for the night games.

There will also be a new face joining the TV analyst crew for the day games. Word is former coach Tommy Tuberville is in talks to be the next Bob Davie as ousted coach turned commentator. The deal is close to being signed, sealed and delivered.

ESPN GameDay to change hosts: Lee Corso and Chris Fowler are out.
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I'll eat crow if this turns out to be true, but that whole article just sounds dumb and wrong.

Why would Home Depot give a crap who the on-air personalities are? Why would ESPN let a sponsor dictate such moves. It's not as if Home Depot's competitors or some other company wouldn't jump at the chance to take their place on what is probably the most popular Saturday morning program for adult males.

Desmond Howard gets to stay? I guess they can't find anybody else who will put up with the humiliation of being left on the bus while the big boys go do TV stuff?
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