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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

BayBuck;2158165; said:
Well, driving isn't a sport, so there's that. :tongue2: Plus that story is more about Terry Blount than Dan Wheldon. So it's cool here.

Still sure after watching this? [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq0kEVjRqow&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nq0kEVjRqow&feature=related[/ame]

He averaged around 120-140 mph :wink:
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This is one I think they got right.

For the ESPN averse, they ranked 10 most hated CFB coaches. tOSU checked in with 30% of the total (Hayes, Tressel, Meyer)

Some may see it as more tOSU bashing, but I tend to see it as jealousy/respect. No one made this list based on their mediocrity alone (Kiffin and RichRod were included - but RichRod was at one point successful in the minors and how can one not hate Kiffin?)
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Ryan36_1;2159469; said:

This is one I think they got right.

For the ESPN averse, they ranked 10 most hated CFB coaches. tOSU checked in with 30% of the total (Hayes, Tressel, Meyer)

Some may see it as more tOSU bashing, but I tend to see it as jealousy/respect. No one made this list based on their mediocrity alone (Kiffin and RichRod were included - but RichRod was at one point successful in the minors and how can one not hate Kiffin?)
Invalid list. Nick Saban.
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