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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

Dryden;2157521; said:
On one page we've got Craig James, Bernie Fine's wife, Pam Ward, a blow up sex doll, and prostitution.

Well done, BP. Well done.

Well, since Pam Ward likes having sex with blow-up sex dolls and Craig James killed five hookers at SMU, it was easy...
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Dryden;2157521; said:
On one page we've got Craig James, Bernie Fine's wife, Pam Ward, a blow up sex doll, and prostitution.

Well done, BP. Well done.


This page is now complete...
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first of all, this is NOT about something stupid espn did, instead, i'm posting this year because this is one of the best articles I've ever read on ESPN and I didn't want to create an Indy 500 thread til BB creates one for a vbet (IF he does)


I so wish I was sitting at a table with Dan Wheldon right now, letting him regale me on how he "had it all the way, boys" in his miraculous victory one year ago in the Indianapolis 500.

I can see him leaning back, in his goofy white sunglasses, his feet up on the table and his hands behind his head, pretending to boast about how easy it was to win it for the second time.

Dan would have enjoyed making fun of his good fortune last year, when leader JR Hildebrand crashed exiting the final turn, enabling Wheldon to zoom past him in one of the most surprising turn of events in the century-long history of the race.

I would have gotten a good laugh out of it, thanks to Dan's joyful nature. But it won't happen. It can't.

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Bucknut24;2158151; said:
first of all, this is NOT about something stupid espn did, instead, i'm posting this year because this is one of the best articles I've ever read on ESPN and I didn't want to create an Indy 500 thread til BB creates one for a vbet (IF he does)


Well, driving isn't a sport, so there's that. :tongue2: Plus that story is more about Terry Blount than Dan Wheldon. So it's cool here.
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