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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

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have you heard MARK MAY BLEW 5 DUDES AT PITT

rumors of a 6th semen shooter are unconfirmed at this point. He is now a he/she living in hiding from Craig James since he is a hooker from what the conspiracy theory guy told me, but i was pretty drunk so you should ask him.

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BuckeyeMike80;2162077; said:
At the moment I do not have control over what is on the TV, but seeing Hannah the Milf and Sage Steele on Sportscenter at the same time is easy on the eyes at least....

I swear they're getting rid of female analysts that don't have porn names.

The ones left (that I know of) are Hannah Storm and Sage Steele
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jlb1705;2163997; said:
Apparently ESPN forgot about that time where they sold him an hour of their airtime so he could publicly [Mark May] on Cleveland as he left town...

Wouldn't that be similar to ESPN forgetting the past few years of tabloid coverage of Ohio State...then creating a fee-based Ohio State site on ESPN.com (BuckeyeNation)?

Haven't even mentioned ESPN's ongoing lawsuit against Ohio State and years of trying to create reaction from the vast fanbase across all its mediums.

But now they want you to pay for "their" Ohio State coverage (BuckeyeNation).
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